
The linguistic features of Spanish advertising radio texts


Vitaly Sibatrov



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Natalia Mikheeva

The thesis presents the study of the linguistic features of Spanish radio advertising at the level of phonetics, grammar (morphology, syntax), lexicology and stylistics. Thus, an attempt of complex consideration of radio advertising is undertaken. The materials and conclusions of the research may be used in lectures on theoretical grammar, lexicology, stylistics, at the Spanish language lessons as well as in translation activities. The material collected may be applied in academic courses on the culture of speech, intercultural communications, linguistics of the text and psycholinguistics, at compiling manuals. The results of the research may find application in advertising, and also in translating and adapting foreign commercials, carrying out linguistic examination.

The linguistic competence forming on an intermediate level in Public Bilingual schools (based on the Spanish language)


Olga Shuntova



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Natalia Mikheeva

The thesis is dedicated to the system of linguistic competence forming in Public Bilingual schools on an intermediate level of studying. The objective of the research is the possibilities of foreign language teaching based on cultural and individual approaches of modem language teaching techniques. The author made an attempt of educational strategies modeling which is intended for linguistic competence forming as a compound process. The practical value of the thesis is determined by the fact that its results and the collected materials can be used for the researches in compiling of language teaching materials and curriculums for Public Bilingual Russian — Spanish schools and at the first course of Higher Educational establishments. It also may be helpful for the teaching methodology lecturing.

The teaching of English language for the part-time students of oriented universities on the basis of the teaching computer programs


Natalya Mekeko



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Natalia Mikheeva

The thesis is devoted to the methods in the teaching of foreign language for Specific Purposes for the part-time students of oriented universities. The thesis presents an analysis the existence system in the teaching of foreign language for the part-time students of oriented universities and the necessity of the new model in the teaching of foreign language for the part-time students using new technologies is grounded. The methods in the teaching English for the part-time students on the practice of introductory courses using teaching computer programs and teaching book are examined. The research proposes methods to the organization of the independence activity and the knowledge test. The thesis is founded upon a material being collected as a result of practical activity. The results of investigation may be used in teaching of foreign language for the part-time students of the faculty of law and economic.

The project methodology in teaching English language to students of engineering specialties on the basis of the electronic educational manual


Irma Kobylskaya



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Natalia Mikheeva

The thesis is dedicated to the problem of the use of the project methodology in teaching English language to students of engineering specialties on the basis of the electronic educational manual to form the communicative competence of future specialists It was demonstrated that professional-oriented discourse of future engineers is the mechanism of transmitting learning information of professional character The basic principals, structure and results of the use of the electronic educational manual, which basis is elaboration projects, were analysed The practical value of the research is determined by the possibility of the use of the results of the research as well as the materials collected can be considered as an information source for manuals, practical courses in teaching English in non-lingual colleges, in the system of improving qualification of teaching foreign languages

Teaching international lawyers producing professionally oriented authentic texts


Natalia Alontseva



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Natalia Mikheeva

The thesis deals with teaching international lawyers producing professionally oriented authentic texts. The lexical and grammatical peculiarities of the official texts in Russian and English were fixed. The speech actions and operations, integral to the process of producing professionally oriented authentic texts were determined. The students' level of knowledge, skills, competence necessary for producing professionally oriented authentic texts was determined. The system of reproductive, productive-constructive and text-productive tasks forming the professionally communicative competence of international lawyers was worked out. The efficiency of the developed methods providing for the communicativeactivity approach, providing for the formation of the skills of producing professionally oriented authentic texts was corroborated.

The application of new technologies in teaching English language to IT-students


Tatyana Ruzhentseva



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Natalia Mikheeva

The thesis is dedicated to the problem of leaching English to IT-students on the basis of new information technologies to form the communicative competence of future specialists. The theory of discourse as the basic mechanism of transmitting learning information of professional character was worked out on the basis of suggested conception. It was suggested that the project methodology for creating and developing the complex of electronic educational material should be used. The basic principles, structure and elaboration results of components of the electronic textbooks complex were described and analysed in the investigation. The thesis is based upon the material collected as a result of scientific research. The results may be considered as an information source for textbooks, theoretical and practical courses in teaching English in non-lingual colleges.

Spanish in the USA (Cuban Community of Miami, FL)


Elena Antoniuk



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Natalia Mikheeva

The thesis is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the Spanish language in the Cuban-American community of Miami, Florida. The status of this variaty of Spanish language is defined by us as Cuban territorial dialect of Spanish outside the country. The research represents an analysis of it’s features at phonetic, lexical and grammar levels. The practical value of the research is determined by the possibility of the use of results of the scientific work in special courses on dialectology and lexicology of the Spanish language; on theory of translation and interpreting practice.

Andalusian and leon dialects in the Pirenean national variant of the Spanish language


Natalia Amekhina



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Natalia Mikheeva

The thesis deals with the study of the Spanish language varieties in Andalusia and provinces of Leon, Zamora and Salamanca, with their status being defined in the thesis as Andalusian and Leon dialects in the Pirenean Spanish analysis of their features at phonetic, lexical and grammar levels; the dialect atlas has been compiled. The results of research as well as the materials collected can be applied while composing lecture courses on dialectology and lexicology of the Spanish; on theory of translation; in both interpreting and translating, and lexicography.

The Spanish language in the Mexican State of Tabasco


Irina Smirnova



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Natalia Mikheeva

The thesis deals with the study of the Spanish language in the Mexican State of Tabasco which status is defined as the dialect of the Mexican Spanish language. The research is the analysis of it’s features at phonetic, lexical and grammar levels; the dialect atlas has been made up. The results of the research as well as the collected material could be applied in the process of lecture courses in dialectology and lexicology of the the Spanish language; in translation theory; in translation and lexicographical practice.

Development dynamics of the analytical construction habia+Partichtio pasado and verbal -ra form, expressing Past in Spanish (based on a material of the old Spanish texts XI - XV of centuries)


Elena Karpina



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Natalia Mikheeva

The thesis is devoted to an urgent problem of moderm linguistics, namely: to research in diachronic and comparative aspects of funictioning of the analytical construction habia + Participio pagado and verbal -ra form expressing Past Perfect in old Spanish language of XI-XV centuries with application of advanced achievement of grammatical and functional stylistics also is directed on revealing of rate of the use of the mentioned forms (method of statistical calculation); grammatical synonymy in a historical context of formed system, structure and norms of the Spanish language. Besides in the work the aspect of interrelation of language both culture and question of influence of stylistic features of language in prose and poetry is mentioned. The research brags a certain contribution to the further development of researches on theoretical grammar of the Spanish language, and also to the study of problems of the internal and extemal factors that influence on system formation and norm of the language. The practical value of the research is determined by the possibility of the use of results of the scientific work that can he used in special courses on history and historical grammar, theoretical courses on history of language, theoretical and practical grammar of Spanish language.