Acute alcoholic hepatitis of severe course: clinic, the effects of prednisolone and pentoxifylline, the diagnostic value of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin
The clinical picture, the diagnostic value of UDT and the potential for pathogenetic therapy (prednisolone, pentoxifylline) in patients with severe AAH.
Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver and genetic polymorphism of alcoholic acid enzymes (ADH2, ALDG2) and angiotensinogen.
The relationship between the genetic polymorphism of angiotensinogen, alcohol-oxidizing enzymes (ADH2, Ald2) and alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver was studied.
Survival and features of alcoholic liver cirrhosis in allelic variants of alcohol-oxidizing enzymes
The effect of AlDG2 and ADG2 on the course and prognosis of alcoholic and mixed (alcohol + HCV and / or HBV) liver cirrhosis was studied.
Features of liver damage in heroin addicts
The liver was studied in the Moscow population of heroin addicts. Features of pathogenesis, clinic and morphology of liver damage in drug addicts infected with hepatotropic viruses are revealed.
Features of acute respiratory distress syndrome in case of psychoactive substances poisoning
The analysis of the hospitalization of patients with psychoactive substances poisoning in the intensive care unit of the multi-profile hospital was carried out. Sex-age features in poisoning with various psychoactive substances have been studied. The frequency of ARDS development is shown depending on the type of substance and the route of its entry into the body.
Screening of chronic alcohol intoxication in general medical practice
The development and practical testing of methods for the detection and classification of ChAI in patients with various manifestations of chronic pathology was carried out.
Study of the efficacy and safety of Consupren after allogenic renal transplantation
The study is to evaluate the safety and efficiency of a new Cyclosporine A containing drug called "Consupren" during six months of use in patients after allogenic kidney transplantation.
Development of elements in combined system "quantitative correlation structure-property" for the study of medicines
The research is dedicated to the development of new modern methods of prediction to the biological activity of drugs and quality control on the basis of topological calculations.
Calcium folate antidote properties biopharmaceutical analysis in high-dose chemotherapy with methotrexate osteosarcoma in children
Constantin Koshetchkin
Year of defence
Scientific guidance
The study is devoted to the development of a method for quantitative identification of Ca-folate in injectable drugs (PS) of various manufacturers on HPLC, and bio-kinetics evaluation of the antidote activity of Ca-folate in HDCT methotrexate OS in children.