Director of Academy of Engineering Department of "Architecture and Urban Development", RUDN, Postdoctorate of Engineering Sciences, Ph.D., Professor
Structural unit: Academy of Engineering.
Hydrological and Technical Safety Laboratory of Hydraulic Work of the Department of Architecture and Urban Development is intended for scientific purposes - experimental (model) and computational (numerical) study of relevant problems of modern river and urban hydrotechnology.
Another critical task is an active involvement of students and postgraduates of the Department in the scientific rationale of engineering and safe operation of hydraulic works.
The laboratory is an experimental and calculated basis for "Hydraulic Works Safety" and "Hydrotechnical Constructions" teaching-training system. It is also intended for research activities in related fields (engineering hydraulics, hydrology and water management, river hydraulics, modeling of hydraulic works, river and underground hydraulic works, seismic resistance of hydraulic works). It is designed to improve quality of diplomas' and Master's research papers, to encourage student's scientific work and to enhance professional qualification of graduates and teachers.
- Numerical and model researches of hydrological and technical (static and seismic) safety of dams and discharge sluices.
- Numerical study of ground dams' and slopes' stability under static and seismic impact.
- Numerical studies of static and seismic stability and strength of pressed concrete dams with a view to optimizing profiles of these dams on rock and soil foundation.
- Calculating theory and model studies of discharge sluices and matching condition of released flow with lower reach.
- Model and numerical studies of water flow interaction with deformed river bed (river bed processes, erosion of the bottom, banks, estuaries of rivers).
Scientific rationaleof environment oriented technologies, processing and disposal of man-made wastes in hydrotechnical construction.
New designs of dams made from particularly skinny pressed concrete and stone reinforced with cement for semi-rock and soil foundation.
Participation in scientific rationale of the major dams and hydropower projects: Boguchanskaya (Russia), Nurekskaya and Rogunskaya (Tajikistan), Teri (India).

Moscow, Russia
Scientific research, exchange with laboratory equipment
Postgraduate training and advice
Postgraduate training and advice

Moscow, Russia
Collaborative research activities
Contractual topics. From 2005 to 2016. yearly and postgraduate training
Starting date of cooperation - 2004

Moscow, Russia
Production base for pre-diploma internship
Real Bachelor' and Master' graduation research papers
Starting date of cooperation - 1999

Moscow, Russia
Production base for pre-diploma internship
Real Bachelor' and Master' graduation research papers
Starting date of cooperation - 1976