Director of the Department of Mechanical and Instrument Engineering of the RUDN Engineering Academy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Structural unit: Academy of Engineering.
The laboratory was established within the framework of the innovative educational program of the RUDN University based on the development of innovative activities, the development and adoption of new educational and scientific programs and technologies, as well as the introduction of innovative forms of the educational process organization.
Area of application of laboratory equipment:
- Nanotribology and surface morphology;
- Vibration-based diagnostics of process equipment;
- Advanced cutting methods;
- Dynamics of processes and equipment for mechanical processing.
- nanotribology and surface morphology, the study of properties of surfaces of machine parts and mechanisms;
- new structural and functional materials and their processing;
- design of modern technological processes in mechanical engineering;
- the study of characteristics of equipment, tools and work processes;
- mathematical and physical modeling of processes in mechanical engineering.
development of a technique and device of balancing high-speed rotors of process equipment in the nanometer range;
development of a technique of active damping of oscillations and a system of maintaining the accuracy of mutual movement of technological equipment nodes in the nanometer range;
development of a technique of design of highly filled composite materials with specified properties;

Moscow, Russia
Training and counseling of post-graduate and doctoral students
Cooperation commencement date - 1965

Moscow, Russia
APM WinMachine, APM StructFEM, APM Mechanic and other software products have been developed with the participation of laboratory staff
Cooperation commencement date - 2000

Moscow, Russia
Actual graduate theses of bachelor’s and master’s students
Cooperation commencement date - 2004

Moscow, Russia
Actual graduate theses of bachelor’s and master’s students
Cooperation commencement date - 1997