RUDN and Uralchem Group: New Prospects for Cooperation

RUDN and Uralchem Group: New Prospects for Cooperation

On June 16, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum-2022 (SPIEF-2022), RUDN and JSC “United Chemical Company URALCHEM (JSC URALCHEM) signed a cooperation agreement. The key goal is the development of higher and additional professional education in the field of foreign trade activities of enterprises of the agro—industrial complex.

RUDN and Uralchem Group will jointly develop and implement educational programs of higher and additional professional education. The nearest plans include organizing educational and scientific and technical events: webinars, round tables, conferences, forums, seminars, master classes, to disseminate the best practices in the sphere of agricultural and agrarian sciences. Soon, the parties will focus on the Agroindustrial project “How to manage soil fertility”. It includes a series of lectures and webinars by speakers from RUDN and Uralchem in English, as well as a competition for students from African countries.

“For university science, interaction with companies-leaders of the real economy is the key to development and improvement. The signed agreement will make it possible to transfer not only technologies, but also knowledge. We plan to apply the latest educational practices, integrate them into the research process, and then apply the results in production”, said the first Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for Research at RUDN University.

The agreement was signed by Andrei Kostin, first Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for Research at RUDN University and Alexandra Glazkova, Deputy General Director and Director for Organizational Development and Communications of Uralchem Group.

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