Educational and Scientific Institute of Neurosurgery
Educational and Scientific Institute of Neurosurgery
The Educational and Scientific Institute of Neurosurgery conducts training of qualified personnel in the field of neurosurgery for the Russian Federation and foreign countries, as well as fundamental, applied and clinical research in the field of neurosurgery. Research is aimed at improving the quality of diagnosis and treatment of patients with neurosurgical pathology, as well as achieving world leadership in Russian neurosurgery. The Institute of Neurosurgery has at its disposal a unique neurosurgical base and a dissection laboratory for the development of practical skills required for neurosurgeons.

The principle of learning in the dissection laboratory is that educational technologies today should not only keep up with medical technologies, but also be ahead of them in some aspects. The practical training of a neurosurgeon is aimed at mastering complex and specific manual skills in the conditions of an extremely complex anatomically, physiologically and vulnerable object of surgery and using a huge amount of high-tech high-precision digital diagnostic and surgical equipment. Therefore, without the availability of such a laboratory as is available at the clinical base of the institute, the training of a highly qualified neurosurgeon, especially one who is competitive at the world level, is practically impossible.
Another extremely important component in the training neurosurgeons is the volume and level of complexity of the surgical cases that he encounters during the training. The neurosurgical base of the Scientific and Practical Institute of Neurosurgery in this regard corresponds to the best neurosurgical clinics in the world with up to 30-40 highly complex neurosurgical operations daily. There are few clinics in the world that have a comparable volume and level.
Additionally, the most important aspect of education is integration into the global neurosurgical community. Thanks to the interaction with the Asian Congress of Neurosurgeons (ASNS) and the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNC), this integration has been implemented for more than a year, and vast experience has been accumulated. More than 160 foreign neurosurgeon professors are involved in the training with over two thousand doctors from 40 countries already been trained.
Albert Sufianov
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23 Oct 2024
RUDN University Space Week 2024: Outcomes

On October 7–10, 2024 RUDN University Space Week traditionally took place. This event was dedicated to the World Space Week, which is celebrated annually in accordance with the UN General Assembly Resolution 54/68 (December 6, 1999) from October 4 to 10 to commemorate the launch of the first artificial satellite Sputnik-1 on October 4, 1957, and the signing of the Outer Space Treaty on October 10, 1967 – the fundamental international treaty in the field of international space law.

18 Jan 2024
RUDN University agronomist found wheat genetically resistant to fungus

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10 Jan 2024
RUDN Engineers Have Calculated the Parameters of the Heat Rejection System for a Lunar Power Plant

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