Science groups

Student research club “Marxism”

Marxism is an out-of-the-ordinary and unique concept of organization of human society, which remains relevant worldwide. Parties that took Karl Marx ideas as their basis exist in many countries, and the ‘left-wing’ ideas often give a response to political and social challenges of our day. The student research club holds meetings and round table discussions on the social concept of Marxism, and they explicitly examine ideological and political aspects of the Marxist philosophy. At the end of the full course, students are awarded certificates of completion of this unique program. Events take place once a month.

Group director

Andrey Vladimirovich Shabaga

Dr. Phil., Professor of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of FHSS


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student professional association “Art”

“Art” brings together not only teachers and students, but also leading museum experts, artists, directors, writers and all those who help young culture experts identify themselves in the world of art. Active members of the association organize exhibitions, present their paintings, advertising clips and art projects on the leading platforms, meet with cultural figures and receive training in art restoration, cultural heritage preservation, symbolism and imagery in artwork. The association also operates the “Oko” film studio, where you can discuss new movies and discover new meanings of the cinema. Students’ participation in cultural events is often honored with certificates and diplomas by leading Russian and international museums and cultural centers. Events take place every three weeks.

Group director

Yulia Alekseevna Kirsanova

Position: Tutor for Education


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student professional association “Political Science”

A student professional association that aims at mastering practical, theoretical and professional skills in political analysis and governance. This is a club for those willing to learn from the prominent experts in the sector. “Political Science” club is organized by active policy makers and political strategists who know all the ins and outs of the election process, political image building, and political persuasion. Our meetings cover a variety of topics in Political Science. We produce research papers and analyses for public agencies, and publish field-specific digests. Active participants of the club have been repeatedly awarded notes of acknowledgment and certificates of participation in political research for public authorities and businesses. Events take place every three weeks.

Group director

Natalia Vyacheslavovna Mikhailova

Ph.D. in Political Science, Professor of the Department of Political Analysis and Management of FHSS


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student professional association “Sociological Bureau’

Sociological Bureau is a professional club that brings together RUDN’s young sociologists. The Bureau members are actively engaged in projects alongside their mentors, research public opinion, conduct polls, surveys, and independently manage many activities of the RUDN’s sociology service. Over the years, the heads of the bureau and active students have repeatedly won Russian national and international sociology competitions. The association has a focus group research lab that allows studying the recent trends in societal development in the contemporary world. Joint groups of sociologist teachers and students always offer interesting work formats such as conferences, group trainings and expert debates featuring world’s and Russia’s prominent sociologists. Participation in the bureau’s laboratory research and events is a great opportunity to enrich your portfolio with certificates from the Federal State Statistics Service, the Russian National Public Opinion Research Center and many other well-respected organizations. Events take place every two weeks.

Group director

Larina Tatiana Igorevna

Position: Cand. Sc. Sociology, Senior Lecturer, Sociology Department of FHSS


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student research club “Philosophers”

This philosophy club mainly works as a debates club that discusses the most interesting and uncommon issues of modern philosophy, and reviews the philosophical heritage of the past, classic philosophic thoughts and writings as a must-read for those who want to develop the society in a context where the era and progress put us in the face of new challenges. Philosophers are opinion leaders, it is they who offer a way out of complex ethical, ideological and practical issues of people’s life. The best young philosophers regularly appear in scientific journals and get certificates for innovative philosophical projects. Events take place once a month.

Group director

Aleksandra Andreevna Kosorukova

Position: Senior Lecturer, the Department of Ethics of FHSS


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student professional association “Adviser”

Advanced systems for combining hands-on experience in real-world government agencies with everyday learning are the answer to today's challenges. For many years, members of “Adviser” have been working side by side with policy makers, MPs, and municipal deputies, render assistance in the development of Moscow and Russian regions, participate in youth-led organizations, and discuss topical problems of the twenty-first century governance mechanisms. Active engagement in the club’s activities can bring you not only in-house certificates issued by the Faculty, but also honours lists, certificates and notes of acknowledgement for the governmental projects. Events take place once every three weeks.

Group director

Evgeniya Alekseevna Smirnova

Position: Head of Office of the Department of State and Municipal Administration of FHSS


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student professional association “Orientalist”

“Orientalist” is one of the newest associations organized at the Faculty, but in just a few years it has gathered top orientalist students who include many talented Arabists and Sinologists. Having a consolidated knowledge of the Oriental culture, local customs and way of thinking is important for an expert. You can learn all this at the association meetings, receive first-hand information from renowned China and Middle East experts, as well as share knowledge with colleagues. Using the experience of communicating in the RUDN’s multinational environment, orientalists acquire invaluable skills as experts in interacting with the mysterious and multifaceted Orient. Active participants receive certificates for speaking at conferences and meetings, and a possibility to appear in scholarly journals. Events take place once every two weeks.

Group director

Maksim Andreevich Nikulin

Position: Teaching Assistant at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of FHSS


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student professional association “International Relations Expert”

The prime goal of the student association is interaction of senior students who have experience in international structures and the Russian Foreign Ministry and junior students who are just discovering the exciting world of international relations. To train aspiring diplomats, we hold diplomatic role-playing, arrange meetings with Russian and foreign diplomats and analytical experts, and participate in research initiatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Conferences and round tables are always a chance to prove yourself. Those who contributed to the International Relations Expert club when they were students, now come back to us as expert practitioners and teach new generations the basics of diplomacy and negotiation. Our team also manages the annual RUDN UN Model, well known in Russia and globally. Students participating in major conferences, UN Model, role-playing and research projects, receive certificates of participation from the RUDN University, state authorities and research analytical centers, as well as a possibility to appear in scholarly journals. Events take place once every two weeks.

Group director

Maksim Andreevich Nikulin

Position: Teaching Assistant at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of FHSS


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student research club “Chemistry of the Platinum Group Metals”

The research team works on the synthesis of coordination compounds of the platinum group metals (Os, Ru and Ir) with sulfur containing ligands (DMSO, thiocarbamide, cysteine) and study their various properties. Young scientists get a chance to participate in a number of student competitions, present the outcome of their work at Russian national and international scientific conferences. Active participants implement grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The club’s sessions take place in research labs of the Inorganic Chemistry Division (rooms 304 and 306, 3 Ordzhonikidze St., Moscow).

Group director

Ekaterina Konstantinovna Kultyshkina

Assistant Professor, Cand. Sc. Chemistry


Faculty of Science

Student research club “Hybrid Inorganic Nanocomposite Materials”

Members of this research club produce novel hybrid chitosan and transition metal-based materials (Zn (II), Cu (II), Co (II), Ni (II) cations) so that to use them as antibacterial treatments and modern catalysts in the future. Every year, club members participate in the International Conference on Chemistry for Young Scientists with poster presentations, as well as in other youth conferences. The club’s sessions take place in research labs of the Inorganic Chemistry Division (rooms 624 and 802, 3 Ordzhonikidze St., Moscow).

Group director

Andrey Sergeevich Kritchenkov

Assistant, Cand. Sc. Chemistry


Faculty of Science