Leading mathematicians of the world to meet at RUDN

Leading mathematicians of the world to meet at RUDN

The event passed
13 - 20 Aug 2017
About the event

13-20 August, 2017, RUDN Department of applied mathematics brings together more than 300 mathematicians at the VIII DFDE-2017 (The International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential Equations-2017).

74 scientists, among them Niels Abel Prize laureates and Fields Medal holders have already applied The Fields Medal and the Abel Prize have often been described as the mathematician's «Nobel Prize». 

In the frame of the conference young researchers will present their results in mathematic and interdisciplinary studies at the international master-class «Space-time dynamic systems». The participants’ plenary reports will be broadcast live on the Internet on RUDN official web-site and the conference web-site. Sections of the conference:

  • Ordinary differential equations;
  • Dynamic systems;
  • Partial differential equations;
  • Semigroup of operators;
  • Nonlocal space-time systems;
  • Functional differential equations;
  • Applications.

The conference is co-organized by Steklov Mathematic Institute and Lomonosov MSU.

The first DFDE conference took place in 1994, more than 100 mathematicians from 11 countries took part. Starting from 1999, the conference has been held every 3 years. In 2014, for the second time in history the conference, which gathered mathematicians from 25 countries, was recognized as the satellite of ICM (Seoul, Korea, 13-21 August, 2014). Reporting at ICM is considered one of the highest recognitions in the mathematic community. At DFDE-2014 14 plenary speakers of the Congress of different years took part, more than 200 reports were presented. Over 180 people participated on-line.

e-mail: dfde2017@mi.ras.ru  

web-site: http://dfde2017.mi.ras.ru/

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