International online summer school “Modeling, monitoring and management of urban green infrastructure and soils (3MUGIS)”

International online summer school “Modeling, monitoring and management of urban green infrastructure and soils (3MUGIS)”

The event passed
3 - 13 Jul 2020
About the event

Department of Landscape design and sustainable ecosystems invites students, PhD students and other young scientists to participate in the international online summer school “Modeling, monitoring and management of urban green infrastructure and soils (3MUGIS)”. Summer school provides participants with knowledge of modern environmental consequences and possibilities of urbanization with an emphasis on special soil function.

The main goal is the development of international cooperation, the development of skills in the monitoring, modeling and mapping of urban soils and green infrastructure in various climatic conditions and in an anthropogenic-transformed environment.

At the end of the program, students will better understand ecology and biogeochemistry of urban soils and plants, advances in monitoring and modeling of urban soils and green infrastructures, role of nature-based solutions and urban green infrastructure for human health and well-being.

Key-note speakers

  • Peter Groffman (CUNY Advanced Science Research Center at the Graduate Center and Brooklyn College Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, USA)
  • Carlo Calfapietra (Institute of Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems National Research Council, Italy)
  • Diana Dushkova (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany)
  • Maria Ignatieva (The University of Western Australia, Australia)
  • Geoffroy Séré (Lorraine University, France)

3MUGIS-2020 in brief:

  1. Lectures and seminars by the top-level scientists and practitioners organized in thematic blocks as following:
    • Ecology and biogeochemistry of urban soils and plants.
    • Advances in monitoring and modeling of urban soils and green infrastructures.
    • From ecosystem services to nature-based solutions: urban green infrastructure for human health and well-being.
  2. Lifehacks on Scientific writing skills by Prof. Yakov Kuzyakov (one of the most cited soil scientists) and Prof. Michael Leuchner (for many years an Editor of Springer Nature).
  3. Looking forward to the field tour: life broadcasts from the 3MUGIS-2021 sites.
  4. Best Project Contest. The winners will be awarded with diplomas and special prizes.
  5. Closing ceremony online: all the participants will receive the official 1 ECTS certificate, recognized internationally.

3MUGIS Summer School is organized under the aegis of the International Union of Soil Scientists (IUSS), RUDN University and the Institute of Urban Soils of New York in collaboration with universities, research institutions and research groups from around the world.

Partners: Brooklyn College (USA), Berlin Technical University (Germany), Federal Research Center, Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia), Southern Federal University (Russia), etc.


3MUGIS will be held in an online format. It will use ZOOM platform for running the summer school. The school rooms will be open during lectures and workshops according to the 3MUGIS program. The links to the rooms and the materials will be sent by e-mail to the registered participants.

The participation fees:

  • 2000 RUR – Special price for the EUSP members (Eurasian Soil Partnership, involving Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan)
  • 100$ - Foreign citizens

All the participants will receive the official 1ECTS certificate, recognized internationally.

The participation fee for the summer school include participation at the Smart and Sustainable Cities conference. Detailed information and registration is available at the SSC conference website.

The registration is already open at official site and will close on July 1 2020.

pdf 2.2 MB
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