Scientific-methodological workshop "Intercultural connections and teaching foreign languages for different purposes. How ancient and modern languages can help us in our daily need of social communication"

Scientific-methodological workshop "Intercultural connections and teaching foreign languages for different purposes. How ancient and modern languages can help us in our daily need of social communication"

The event passed
1 Dec 2021
About the event

December 1 at 10:00 MSK

The Commission on Foreign Languages of the RUDN University is holding an interdepartmental scientific and methodological seminar with an external speaker at the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. The speaker is: Ph.D., Alexandre André Louis Solcà (Switzerland, Lausanne Institute, an independent researcher) with the report  in the French language "Intercultural connections and teaching foreign languages for different purposes. How ancient and modern languages can help us in our daily need of social communication".

The purpose of the event: The scientific seminar is dedicated to improving the quality of teaching foreign languages and cultures in accordance with the new challenges posed to humanitarian education; expanding active contacts with scientists and teachers of foreign languages from leading universities, raising the status of foreign languages, developing the academic reputation of the RUDN University and the incoming mobility of leading scientists in the RUDN University.

The tasks of the seminar:

  1. To discuss the aspects related to methodology of teaching foreign languages in multilingual environment, issues of education quality of students learning several foreign languages.
  2. To provide insight into the peculiarities of using lexical units of French in diplomacy, lexical units of English in everyday negotiations and scientific research, lexical units of German in business, lexical units of Chinese in leading world companies and transcontinental trade.


10.00-11.00   - the report of Ph.D., Alexandre André Louis Solcà (Switzerland, Lausanne Institute, an independent researcher) "Intercultural connections and teaching foreign languages for different purposes. How ancient and modern languages can help us in our daily need of social communication" (in the French language).

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