XXII International Conference on Distributed Computer and Communication Networks: Control, Computation, Communications (DCCN-2019)

XXII International Conference on Distributed Computer and Communication Networks: Control, Computation, Communications (DCCN-2019)

The event passed
23 - 27 Sep 2019
Moscow, Profsouznaya str., 65
About the event

The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of RAS (ICS RAS, Russia, Moscow), the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University, Russia, Moscow),the National Research Tomsk State University (NR TSU, Russia, Tomsk), and the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria, Sofia) jointly organize

The purpose of the conference is to unite the efforts of Russian and foreign researchers from various academic and research organizations to develop, exchange and summarize the accumulated experience in the field of theory and practice of building computer and telecommunication networks, discuss development prospects and cooperation in this field.

The DCCN 2019 conference will continue a series of conferences on this subject, which have been held in Russia, Bulgaria and Israel in the last 22 years.

Conference Topics:

  • 1.Computer and communications networking architecture optimization
  • Control in computer and telecommunication systems
  • Performance analysis and QoS/QoE evaluation in wireless networks
  • Analytical modeling and simulation of next-generation communications systems
  • Wireless 4G/5G networks, centimeter- and millimeter-wave radio technologies
  • RFID-technologies and their application in intelligent transportation networks
  • Internet of Things, wearables, and applications of distributed information systems
  • Distributed and cloud computing systems, big data analytics
  • Probabilistic and statistical models in information systems
  • Queuing theory and reliability theory applications
  • High-altitude unmanned telecommunications platforms
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