07 Feb 2023
RUDN University soil scientist created the Root-o-mat program for processing data on enzymes in the soil

RUDN University soil scientist together with colleagues from Germany developed a program that visualizes the activity of enzymes in the soil. It standardizes and simplifies the processing of results and analysis of images that are obtained by zymography.

Life in RUDN
02 Feb 2023
63 is the age of accomplishments. RUDN University is always a university of opportunities!

February 3, students, staff, alumni and friends of RUDN University celebrate the University’s birthday — this year it turns 63!

Life in RUDN
31 Jan 2023
“Volunteering is an opportunity to really get to know the world better,” — Karina Beatriz Caceres Ortega, RUDN University student from Paraguay

What is it like to move from Paraguay to Russia? What is it like to work on the RT international TV channel? Read an interview of Karina Beatriz Cáceres Ortega, a 1st — year master student at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, majoring in International Relations.

About RUDN
31 Jan 2023
RUDN University becomes a federal innovation platform in the priority area “Informatics. Digitalization”

The new list of federal innovation sites (FIS) of the Russian Federation includes 30 new organizations. Among them is the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. This became possible thanks to the development of the Digital Preparatory Faculty of RUDN University.

31 Jan 2023
RUDN University Master’s research on the Arctic and the Far East wins the young political scientists’ articles contest

Master student in political science Alexander Belkov became the best young researcher in the international competition “The best article of a young political scientist — 2022” announced by the journal “Russian Political Science”. Read a brief interview with Alexander about the importance of humanitarian research in the Arctic, career interests and politics without borders.

30 Jan 2023
RUDN University Chemists Create Substances for Supramolecules Self-assembly

RUDN University chemists derived molecules that can assemble into complex structures using chlorine and bromine halogen atoms. They bind to each other as “velcro” — chlorine “sticks” to bromine, and vice versa. As a result supramolecules are assembled from individual molecules. The obtained substances will help to create supramolecules with catalytic, luminescent, conducting properties.

20 Jan 2023
RUDN University chemist creates nanocatalysts for vanillin synthesis

RUDN University chemist proposed a new method to create catalysts on a porous silicon matrix with metal nanoparticles. Efficient catalysts for organic reactions are obtained, for example, for the synthesis of vanillin, which is in demand in the food and perfume industry.

16 Jan 2023
RUDN University Linguist: Intimidation and Military Rhetoric in the Media during the Pandemic Make People Pessimistic

When talking about COVID-19, television, newspapers, magazines, and social media turn to battle metaphors that make the fight against the pandemic feel like a war. Also, the coronavirus is often discussed in an excessively alarming and threatening tone. This problem is so acute that there is even the term for that — infodemia. It describes the panic in the media and social networks. A linguist of RUDN University studied how such a language affects the notions of people regarding COVID-19.

Life in RUDN
30 Dec 2022
2023 New Year congratulations of RUDN Rector Oleg Yastrebov

29 Dec 2022
RUDN University Ecologists Find a Flaw in Arable Soil Organic Matter Detection Using Optical Remote Sensing Data

Ecologists of the RUDN University showed that one of the methods used to detect the soil organic matter turns out to be ineffective after precipitation. Studies have shown that the impact of rain on the surface of arable soils leads to a decrease in the accuracy of modelling of organic matter content by 70%. The ecologists also suggested the way to compensate for this negative phenomenon and increase the accuracy of calculations to 84%.

26 Dec 2022
RUDN University Mathematicians Createa Model for an Inter-banking Processing Center

RUDN University mathematicians have proposed a model for a service system in which one server processes multiple request streams. Unlike analogues, new model forbids to interrupt the operating of the request, even if the time allocated for the stream, in which it arrives, has expired. The results can be used, for example, in banking.

21 Dec 2022
Stem cell therapy for diabetic ulcers has not been fully effective on a long-term scale

A RUDN physician and Russian scientists investigated for the first time the long-term effects of treating diabetic ulcers with stem cells. Doctors concluded that despite the positive effect in the early stages of healing, this technique needs to be improved.