Main Publications
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30 Jun 2017
Scientists of The RUDN University publish results of their scientific researches in highly-recognized in whole world and indexed in international databases journals (Web of Science, Scopus ect.). That, of course, corresponds to the high status of the University and its international recognition. Here you can see annotations of articles, which were published in journals having Q1-Q3.
Student's Scientific Initiatives
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30 Jun 2017
As we know RUDN University successfully started in 2016, having taken the 115th place in the rating of GreenMetric. It is especially important that students have taken part in maintenance of "the green status" of university. Modern universities – not only the centers of education and researches. Environmental friendliness, resource-saving demand innovative approaches which first of all have to be formed in the educational centers.
30 Jun 2017
On April 19, 2017 masters of the Institute of Biochemical Technology and Nanotechnology (IBTN) Natalya Bagayeva, Abo Kura Luay, Armyaninova Darya , Irina Erofeyeva , Novikova Anna participated in a business game organized by the pharmaceutical company Bayer "From a Molecule to Medicine" within the Pharma program in Giperkube (Innovative center "Skolkovo"). Following the results of a game research group consisted of Natalya Bagayeva, Abo Kura Luaya and Darya Armyaninova has received the maximum financing for their project and has won the I place! Congratulations!
International scientific cooperation
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30 Jun 2017
April 19, 2017 Fabio Boero, director of the Italian center of culture of Fabrizio De André (Centro italiano di cultura Fabrizio de Andrè), the member of European Association for Language Testing and Assessment, visited RUDN University Institute of foreign languages.
30 Jun 2017
On April 25, 2017 was held video conference within the Cooperation agreement concluded in 2016 between RUDN University and Academy of the audiovisual translation (Visualmedia Translation Academy, JVTA).
30 Jun 2017
UI GreenMetric World University Rankings organized The 3rd International Workshop on UI GreenMetric (IWGM) in collaboration with Bülent Ecevit University and Istanbul University in Istanbul, Turkey on 9-11 April 2017.
30 Jun 2017
From June 5 to June 10 2017 in theframework of the academic mobility project "Erasmus +" to philological faculty of RUDN there came the associate professor of classical philology (office of Slavic philology) of faculty of arts of University of the Basque Country (Spain) doctor Roberto Monforte Dyupre.
30 Jun 2017
Associate professor of RUDN University department of foreign languages ( Philological faculty) E.B. Ponomarenko participated in work of the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association "Interventions: Communication Research and Practice"which took place on May 25-29, 2017 in San Diego, the USA.
30 Jun 2017
On May 22, 2017 doctor Asaad Alevayvi - the graduate of Historico-philological faculty of UDN in 1986, the vice-president of the Palestinian-Russian Friendship Association, professor of Open university of Israel and the Hebron University (Palestine) visited the department of foreign languages of RUDN University Philological faculty.
30 Jun 2017
In April, 2017 professor of Massachusetts University (USA) Rachael Rubin visited the Philological faculty of RUDN University.
30 Jun 2017
Yu.N. Ebzeeva, the head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Philological Faculty visited University of Navarra and participated in the annual international conference "Understanding the student perspective: keys to a reputation strategy".
Scientific Conferences
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30 Jun 2017
RUDN University became the organizer of the first 5G Summit R&D Russia on June 19 and 20, 2017. Co-organizers were State-Financed Organization “Information City” (IT Department of Moscow Government), partners were Interstate Corporation for Development, OJSC Omsk Production Association “Radio Manufacturing Plant Named after A.S. Popov”, YL-Verkot Oy (Finland), Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic), Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. From the RUDN University side, Summit organization is provided by the Applied Mathematics & Communications Technology Institute (director Konstantin Samouylov).
30 Jun 2017
3d IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, DyCoSS’2017 which took place in RUDN University 30/05-01/06 joined scientists from the USA, Italy, Brazil, Malaysia and other countries.
30 Jun 2017
The international congress SUITMA: “Urbanization: A challenge and an opportunity for soil functions and ecosystem services” 9 was held from 22–27 May 2017 in RUDN University.
30 Jun 2017
On April 20-21 in RUDN University took place the International conference "The higher school: experience, problems and prospects". The conference was initiated and organized by department of social and differential psychology of the Philological faculty (RUDN University).
30 Jun 2017
24-28.04.2017 in RUDN University took place The Fourth International Scientific Conference “Advances in Synthesis and Complexing”. The organizer of this event is The Faculty of Sciences and its co-organizer Free University Berlin 123 QS World university Rankings. Total number of participants is more than 300 persons.
30 Jun 2017
On April 11 - 12, 2017 in RUDN University was held the XI International scientific conference "ADVERTISING VECTOR 2017: new coordinates". The organizer of this scientific event is the Department of Advertising and Public Relations of the Institute of world economy and business (RUDN University).
30 Jun 2017
The Department of International Law, RUDN University, held on April 22, 2017 its 15th International Blischenko Congress.
30 Jun 2017
6 - On April 7, 2017 the department of psychology and pedagogics of RUDN University Philological faculty held the III-rd International scientific conference "Contemporary Problems of Psychology and Pedagogics in the Modern World".