Research and Innovative Activity
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30 Dec 2019
RUDN University mathematicians have solved the problem of trajectory optimization for spacecraft with EPS. They determined the maximum possible useful spacecraft mass and optimum characteristics of the propulsion system, the most suitable for each of the considered missions.
30 Dec 2019
RUDN University mathematician proposed a method for calculating the optimal trajectory of spacecraft with electric propulsion, whose thrust is thousands times less than chemical one has, but it is able to work for years. These motors are best suited for interplanetary missions. Mathematicians calculated the flight parameters of the space probe with such motor to Mars and Mercury. The paper is published in the journal Cosmic Research.
30 Dec 2019
RUDN University chemists have discovered a unique method for making plastic film based on natural polysaccharides. It simultaneously has antioxidant, antimicrobial and barrier properties, and protects the content against ultraviolet exposure. Using the film to package and coat food products will considerably extend their shelf life.
30 Dec 2019
Mathematicians from RUDN University and the Nuclear Safety Institute of the RAS (NSI RAS) have proposed a numerical method for solving equations describing the propagation of light in a medium.
30 Dec 2019
RUDN University mathematicians created a model of maximum efficiency of data centers. It is based on a nontrivial Markov chain.
30 Dec 2019
A RUDN University chemist has developed an ecologically safe method of obtaining cinnamaldehyde — a compound with antibacterial and anticancer activity.
30 Dec 2019
A RUDN University chemist synthesized fluorescent compounds with "merry-go-round" molecules that can be used to create economical displays with organic LEDs (OLED). The nucleus of these molecules is a triangle of silver or copper atoms, and organic elements are bound to it through phosphorus atoms and are able to rotate around them. This molecular geometry doubled the quantum yield of luminescence to 41 percent. In modern OLED screens, this figure is 20 percent. The article is published in Inorganic Chemistry.
30 Dec 2019
RUDN University mathematician for the first time proved the theorem of existence and uniqueness of solutions of the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation in a strip. Such theorems are very rare for partial differential equations. The new results can be applied, for instance, in astrophysics, in describing the propagation of plane waves in plasma. The article is published in the journal Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications.
30 Dec 2019
On November 15, the Russian Academy of Sciences announced the names of new academicians and corresponding members. Among the newly elected are two representatives of the Faculty of Continuing Medical Education of the RUDN University’s Medical Institute.
30 Dec 2019
The program manager is Professor Anatoly Skalny, Head of the Department of Medical Elementology, RUDN Medical Institute, Vice-President of the Institute of Microelements of UNESCO.
Visiting Professors
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30 Dec 2019
On November 13, at the Faculty of Philology of RUDN University, with the support of the Institute of Modern Languages, Intercultural Communication and Migration, Gunter Senft, senior researcher at the Institute of Psycholinguistics Max Planck (Netherlands), an honorary professor of linguistics at the University of Cologne, gave a public lecture.
30 Dec 2019
October 7 - 9, Mathematical Institute n.a. S.M. Nikolsky of RUDN University hosted prof. Philip Miney, a leading world expert in the field of mathematical biology and the head of the Center for Mathematical Biology (Oxford University, QS-5).
Student's Scientific Initiatives
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30 Dec 2019
The team of the Faculty of Economics won the final of the All-Russian contest of student research projects on the modernization of the fuel and energy complex #EnergyReload within the framework of the youth day of Russian Energy Week - 2019.
International scientific cooperation
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30 Dec 2019
On November 15, at the Faculty of Philology of the RUDN University, with the support of the Institute of Modern Languages, Intercultural Communication and Migration, a public lecture was delivered by Douglas Ponton, Professor, Department of Analysis of Political, Social and Institutional Processes, University of Catania (Italy), Member of the Editorial Board of the Russian Journal of Linguistics .
30 Dec 2019
On November 22, the seminar “Assessment of Writing Test” was held by the trainer of the Cambridge Certification Center Claire Barnes. The problems of the scientific seminar included questions related both to difficulties in teaching students writing in English, and to the peculiarities of preparing, passing and evaluating the written tests of the Cambridge exams (B2-C1).
30 Dec 2019
Experts from France told RUDN students that the effect of electromagnetic radiation on human organism from such "safe" devices as mobile phones or solar panels can be amplified many times depending on geological conditions and environmental conditions.
Scientific Conferences
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30 Dec 2019
September 30-October 4 at the RUDN University hosted the International Conference "Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine", which brought together experts from Russia, Belgium, the UK, Germany, France. On the agenda are modeling of cardiovascular diseases, mathematical oncology, immunology and infectious diseases.
30 Dec 2019
October 11, the 4th annual Urban Soils: Biodiversity Development Symposium was held at Floyd Bennet Field (Brooklyn, New York, USA). It was the first event at the New York Urban Soils Weekend.