Science, Technology, and Engineering: The conference "Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Mathematical Modeling of High-Tech Systems" was held at the RUDN

Science, Technology, and Engineering: The conference "Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Mathematical Modeling of High-Tech Systems" was held at the RUDN

The annual conference “Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Mathematical Modeling of High-Tech Systems” was held at RUDN. The conference brought together representatives of Russian and Foreign universities, academic and industry research institutes, research centers, enterprises, and commercial companies. The conference was organized by the Research Center of Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (headed by Yu. A. Blinkov) of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications of the RUDN.

On one of the days of the conference, a workshop was organized. Young scientists from the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics, and Natural Sciences (RUDN) discussed and talked about their research in information technology and scientific computing.

Igor Levichev (Russia) and Perez Acosta Daniel (Colombia), III-year graduate students in Computational Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences

Report: “Modeling of optimal pricing for 5G/6G networks”.

RUDN Students talked about mathematical models in the economics of telecommunications, which relate to issues of pricing for telecommunications services based on cost analysis, as well as the problems of peak load and congestion control in communication networks associated with the active connection of new subscribers.

“Due to the development of 5G/6G technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data technology, the number of clients and devices is steadily increasing, which leads to a rapid growth of data transmission in telecommunications networks,” — said Igor Levichev.

Students also described optimal 5G/6G network capacity management problems depending on possible pricing strategies that telecom companies can employ and demonstrated the impact of different investment approaches when introducing new 5G/6G technologies on future tariffs, 5G/6G network capacity, revenues and profits.

Galina Tsareva, postgraduate student, “Theoretical foundations of computer science”, direction “Informatics and computer science”.

Report: “Numerical analysis of large-scale networks using Dobrushin’s mean-field approach”.

Postgraduate student talked about methods of mathematical modeling of complex large-scale transport systems.

“Today there are a huge number of possible options for transporting goods within possible logistics chains, which can change dramatically, or transferring data via telecommunication channels. Experience shows that the use of mathematical models and application of computational methods in transportation planning or data transmission analysis gives a great economic effect,” — said Galina Tsareva.

In her report, she described a model of a large-scale transport system using the Dobrushin mean-field approach. The analysis of the model showed that the mean field method is effective for solving a wide range of technical and technological problems during the construction and operation of transportation systems.

Bouatta Mohamed Adel (Algeria), postgraduate student of the first year of study, “Informatics and computer science”, profile “Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes”.

Report: “Numerical analysis of the solutions for the multidimensional Fokker-Planck equation”.

RUDN postgraduate student talked about the development of numerical methods for the analysis of diffusion processes using the multi-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation. The equation was derived by Fokker and Planck to explain the process of diffusion. In contrast to the classical approach, this study deals with the problems of stock market index dynamics and their prediction.

Shakhmurad Kanzitdinov (Russia), IV-year postgraduate student, “Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes”), direction “Informatics and computer science”,

Report: “Asymptotic analysis of singularly perturbed infinite-dimensional control problems

The development of modern technologies 5G/6G, IoT (Internet of Things) raises the question of managing networks of this kind — networks with a very large number of devices. In this regard, the paper investigates problems when we consider that the number of devices tends to infinity.

He described methods for constructing solutions of singularly perturbed control problems in infinite-dimensional spaces. A solution of a control problem for an infinite-dimensional system of Tikhonov-type differential equations with fast and slow variables and control constraints was presented. The analysis of solutions to such problems is of great interest in the control theory of large-scale mass service systems. This approach constructs solutions that solve the problem of resource allocation in large-scale telecommunication networks with a very large number of devices (5G/6G, IoT).

Ksenia Maksimova (Russia) and Anastasia Soldatenkova (Russia), 4-year students, “Business Informatics”

Presentation: “State analysis of multiphase mass service system with locks”.

RUDN students have described an approach to the analysis of systems with multiple nodes — such as in the tasks of logistics, which allows not only to increase flexibility, reduce costs and focus on key service factors, but also to completely transform the operation of such systems by redesigning internal work processes or interaction with customers, which is especially important when there is an unpredictable break in the logistics chain in the system.

Ksenia Maksimova’s work examines the effectiveness of video surveillance systems that are used to control the safety of vehicular traffic. The task of video fixation is considered: the camera determines the license plate number, and then transmits it to the processing center, where it is determined whether traffic rules violation has been committed or not. Then the chain of administrative case, etc. is implemented, up to the payment of penalty. In this work, a simulation model is built, which allows you to calculate the load and performance of such a system.

Anastasia Soldatenkova has developed a model for analyzing logistics in which suppliers and buyers interact with each other through certain supply chains. In times of sanctions, supply chains collapse and the challenge is to create new ones. Any logistics model is a multiphase model: a complex interaction chain with many nodes. The paper builds a model to analyze the efficiency of supply chains, considering risks.

“Since users are largely concerned about quality of service (QoS), optimizing the performance of multiphase mass service systems has become critically important. In this paper, we presented a model of a multi-phase blockchain mass service system consisting of many service devices with a Poisson input stream of fixed-intensity requests. These models can be effectively applied to the analysis of supply chains under uncertainty, which will reduce the risks in complex projects” — Ksenia Maximova.

Dmitry Fedotov (Russia), IV-year student, “Mathematics and Computer Science

Report: “Numerical analysis of the solutions to the Kadyshev equation with periodic boundary conditions”.

Kadyshevsky equation is used by physicists in different countries for practical calculations of hadron-hadron and hadron-nuclear interactions, as well as to describe the quark structure of hadrons. In Dmitry Fedotov’s work, the equation is used to analyze quark-gluon plasmas. Kadyshevsky’s equation is a fundamental model that allows us to describe the behavior of matter under the conditions realized at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which took place in the first moments after the big bang — at the time of the universe’s origin. Such research allows us to get closer to understanding how matter (protons, neutrons, etc.) was formed.

Amirkhanova Gulshat Amanzholovna, Senior Lecturer, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Report: “Application of maximum likelihood method for estimating parameters of trajectories of elementary particles in the task of reconstruction of events in the internal detector of the experiment SPD NICA”.

SPD (Spin Physics Detector) is a planned experiment in spin physics at the second interaction point of the NICA collider, which is being built at JINR. The main purpose of the experiment is to test the basics of quantum chromodynamics. Assuming homogeneity of the detector’s magnetic field, the trajectories of the particles should be close to a helical line that is “wound” on the cylinder.

Tracking or track search is the process of reconstructing particle trajectories in a high-energy physics detector by connecting the dots — hits — that each particle leaves behind as it passes through the detector’s sensitive elements. During the neural network reconstruction of tracks the appearance of false candidate tracks, formed from fragments of close neighboring tracks, noise samples, etc., is inevitable. In this paper, the problem of getting rid of false candidate tracks using the maximum likelihood method is solved. A threshold criterion was developed to solve the problem, which reacts to the violation of the smoothness of the particle trajectory, the presence of kinks, outliers of individual measurements, etc. by exceeding a specially chosen threshold.

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