Business Management

Business Management

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation

Training period
5 Years
Language of study
Cost of education
It is shown that the cost of tuition for one year
For Russia and CIS citizens


Modern business needs specialists who are able to create profitable companies and successful products, see unique opportunities and develop strategies for development in the face of constant unpredictable changes in the business environment. Technologies, products, consumer preferences, fashion and the world as a whole are changing, but the need for companies to carry out management activities, achieve goals and ensure competitiveness, provided rational use of resources, social responsibility and concern for the environment remains unchanged. A manager is just such a specialist, so the demand for qualified managers in various sectors of the economy has remained consistently high for decades.

Educational Process

Students of the specialty “Business Management” receive relevant knowledge, skills and abilities in various areas of management during their studies. Along with general economic and management courses, students study the most promising management technologies in the framework of such courses as “Strategic Management”, “Project Management”, “Innovation Management”, “Change Management”, “Management Theory”, “Organization Theory”, “Lean Manufacturing”, “Logistics”, “Leadership”, “Time Management”, “Human Resource Management”, “Management in Distributed Organizations”, “Business Models in the Digital Economy”, “Blockchain”, “Small Business Management”, “Cross-cultural Management” and others.
The curriculum of the specialty “Business Management” includes compulsory and university disciplines modules, which allows you to balance the process of forming mandatory professional competencies of students and their interests in the field of future specialization, forming individual curriculums.
Classes are conducted by management theorists and practitioners with extensive knowledge and rich experience in managing and implementing management projects. More than 75% of them have a scientific degree.
Classes are held in the main building of the RUDN in classrooms equipped with modern computer and audiovisual equipment and Internet access, which allows you to conduct traditional classes, as well as organize online studying with the help of specialized Internet platforms and maintain communication with students using the most modern communication channels.
Electronic educational environment of the RUDN contains educational materials on all courses studied. The electronic scientific library provides access to a rich collection of the most modern books and journals on management, which is constantly updated.
Studying in mixed study groups allows you to get a unique experience of communicating with representatives of different cultures, improve your language and communication competence in intercultural teams.
Comfortable learning conditions have been created for students with disabilities.
During their studies, students have the opportunity to complete educational internships at universities in Europe (in the UK, France, Italy, Poland, etc.), South Korea and China.


A practice-oriented approach to studying is one of the most important values of the specialty “Business Management”. Managerial competencies cannot be formed by studying only theory, therefore, internships in commercial organizations are an integral part of the educational process.
The main places of internship are large international and national companies of various spheres and sectors of the economy that are interested in attracting graduates to work. Also during the internship, there are numerous work placements and master classes from market leaders and future employers, including Unilever, P&G, Nike, Coca-Cola, Nestle, UNIQLO, Danone Unimilk, Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, Gazpromneft, Sibur, RusAl, Sberbank, Severstal, Baltika, 3M Russia, X5 Retail Group, Volkswagen Group Rus, M.Video, Eldorado, McDonald's, Dixie, Magnet, L'Etoile, Medtech, E&Y, PWC, IBM, SAP AG, Oracle, MBS.


Graduates of the specialty “Business Management” are ready to work in managerial positions in various functional divisions of production and service organizations, consulting companies, banks, non-profit and charitable organizations. Therefore, national and global companies are fighting for the opportunity to attract the best graduates to their ranks who have the potential for career growth and professional development.
Career growth is accompanied by an increase in wages, which is difficult for managers to limit. It all depends on the career ambitions, dedication and hard work of the specialist, as well as the size and characteristics of the company's business.
Our graduates work in organizations around the world: Unilever, P&G, Nike, Coca-Cola, Nestle, UNIQLO, Nokia, Danone Unimilk, Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, Gazpromneft, Sibur, RusAl, Sberbank, Severstal, Baltika, 3M Russia, X5 Retail Group, Volkswagen Group Rus, M.Video, El Dorado, McDonald's, Dixie, Magnet, L'Etoile, Medtech, E&Y, PWC, IBM, SAP AG, Oracle, MBS, CROC Incorporated, in the Parliament of the Republic of Ingushetia, the Embassy of the State of Kuwait in the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Chechen Republic and many others.
To date, more than 1,500 graduates have finished Higher Education Field of “Management”, who work in 70 countries of the world.