Innovation Management in Industries

Innovation Management in Industries

Mode of study
Level of study
Direction of preparation

Training period
4 Year
Language of study


The production manager plays one of the central roles in the corporate management system. He is responsible for the organization and coordination of the production process, control, and survey of the production functions efficiency, issues of volume- and calendar-based production planning. His decisions directly affect the level of production costs, the profitability of the production and the efficiency of the use of enterprise resources.

Educational Process

In the course of training in specialty 38.03.02. Management majoring in Production Management profile bachelor students study the basic and elective subjects as per the Educational Standard: Theory of Management, Basics of Management, Marketing, Accounting and Analysis, Financial Management, Finance, Crisis Management, Strategic Management, Innovation Management, Economics of Enterprise, Business Planning at the Enterprise, Operations Management, Project Management, Production Management, Business Planning for the Enterprise, the Study of Control Systems, Enterprise Risk Management, Modern industrial policy, Organizational principles of business, Crisis management, Industrial organization, Entrepreneurial Climate in Russia, The Basics of Business Valuation and several others.
Students have the opportunity to defend their bachelor’s graduation thesis in foreign languages learnt at the University.


The bases of internships are large international companies, consulting firms, credit organizations, research organizations, departments of the faculty and structural divisions of the University, enterprises of various industries and forms of ownership, public organizations and state institutions.


A graduate of the Faculty Department majoring in the Production Management can:
— Manage production systems (divisions);
— Manage the main and auxiliary production;
— Manage the supply and inventory management ;
— Manage the production;
— Manage operations;
— Develop functional strategies;
— Manage innovations in the enterprise.