Description of the Institute
The RUDN University Institute of Law was founded as the Faculty of Economics and Law in 1960. In 1995 the faculty was divided into two new faculties – Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Law. In 2014 the Faculty of Law was reorganized into RUDN University Institute of Law.
Ranked the second in the Subject Rankings of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Law has an ambitious goal to pursue – to bring together the most talented young people in class and make them real stars of legal science – lawyers, legal advisors, prosecutors, judges, notaries, investigators…
The focus on smart students and their comprehensive support pays off. Law students give reason for being proud of them. For example, they regularly take part and prizes in international professional contests and competitions:
- European Human Rights Moot Court Competition. It is held annually by the European Law Students Association and supported by the Council of Europe.
- Annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, Vienna, Austria. It is held annually under the guise of the UN Commission on International Trade Law and a number of international arbitration institutions.
- Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, Washington, USA.
- Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition, modelled on hearing a case in the UN International Court of Justice.
- Annual Michael Thorsnes International Arbitration Pre-Moot Competition, San Diego, USA.
Academic Staff
38 Doctors of Science and 95 PhDs including Honoured Lawyers of the Russian Federation, state award recipients, successful experts-practitioners including:
- Aslan Abashidze – member of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. He has been elected Vice-Chairperson of the Committee twice;
- Vladimir Kartashkin – member of the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council. He was an employee of the UN Human Rights Division, special advisor of the UN Under-Secretary on legal issues;
- Andrey Klishas – Chairperson of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Construction;
- Oleg Yastrebov – President of the Association of Legal Education of the Russian Federation;
- Pyotr Kucherenko – Chief of Staff of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Construction.
The academic staff of the Institute deliver lectures abroad: at the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (Italy), International Institute for Human Rights. Foundation René Cassin (France), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), Université Grenoble Alpes (France), CEU Cardenal Herrera University (Spain).
Educational Programmes
The Institute offers 47 educational programmes for bachelor, master’s and postgraduate students including 6 taught in English:
- International Protection of Human Rights;
- International Private Law;
- Legal Translation and Interpreting;
- Translator and Interpreter for Public Services and Institutions;
- Theory and History of Law and State; Comparative Legal Studies;
- Legal Sciences. Contemporary International Law (postgraduate programme).
Master’s students can choose a joint educational programme. It results in obtaining two degrees (RUDN University degree and the one of a partner university) providing a student passes final state examinations. At present 8 joint programmes have been launched:
- Legal Regulation of Blockchain Technology jointly with Kutafin Moscow State Law University;
- International Law jointly with CIS Network University;
- Natural Resources, Land and Environmental Law jointly with L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan);
- Penal Law, Criminal Procedure, Forensic Science jointly with L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan);
- Theory and History of Law and State. Comparative Legal Research jointly with L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan);
- Translator and Interpreter for Public Services jointly with University of Alcalà (taught in Spanish) (Spain);
- International Law jointly with Auezov South Kazakhstan State University (Kazakhstan);
- International Protection of Human Rights jointly with Université Grenoble Alpes (France).
Foreign Languages
Simultaneously with mastering the main specialty students learn one or a few foreign languages under the programme entitled Translator in Professional Communication and obtain a diploma in translation. They can choose any of the following languages - German, Spanish, English, French, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean.
International Cooperation
The Institute builds partner relationships with organizations and higher education institutions of France, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, China, South Korea, Vietnam, India, CIS countries, etc. Some of the forms of cooperation include internships and academic exchanges, exchange education and joint master’s programmes, conferences and lecture courses, etc.
Students have an opportunity to join and participate in:
- international internships in the European Parliament (Brussels, Belgium)
- double diploma programme jointly with Université Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble, France)
- summer school at the University of Salzburg (Salzburg, Austria)
- exchange education at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)
- exchange education at Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (Nice, France)
- exchange education at Xi’an Jiaotong University (China)
- exchange education at the University of Padua (Italy)
- exchange education at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (South Korea)
- exchange education at Hanoi Law University (Vietnam)
- exchange education at the People’s Police Academy (Vietnam)
- exchange education at the University of Delhi (India)
- exchange education at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)
Every term law students go to Europe under the Erasmus+ academic exchange programme and complete internships in the following universities:
- University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)
- UIC Barcelona (Spain)
- University of Messina (Italy)
- University of Groningen (Netherlands)
- University of Porto (Portugal)
- Université Grenoble Alpes (France)
- Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (Poland)
- University of Helsinki (Finland)
- Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)
- Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
- University of Padua (Italy)
- Open University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
- Baltic International Academy (Latvia)
The Institute supports participation of its students and academic staff in international conferences. It is a good opportunity to publish materials in journals indexed by SCOPUS and Web of Science. The preference is given to conferences organized by the internationally recognized organizations:
- European Society of International Law, Athens, Greece;
- IUCN Academy of Environmental Law, University of Glasgow, Scotland;
- New Silk Road Law Schools Alliance, Xian, China;
- ELFA-European Law Faculties Association, Leuven, Belgium.
The Institute lays special focus on science. The priority research areas include:
- Comparative research of legal cultures. RUDN University lawyers focus on such issues as perception of law, legal regulation of artificial intelligence, cross-cultural interaction of human rights and freedoms and other matters of public concern. Lecturers-experts in this area have published the monograph entitled ‘Comparative Studies of Legal Cultures’. The master’s programme in Theory and History of Law and State; Comparative Legal Studies is implemented in Russian and English.
- Human rights and freedoms. The following scientific centres are launched to do research - Resource Centre for International Law, Centre for African Studies, Centre for Space Law. Human Rights School is conducted annually for members of the small indigenous minorities. The master’s programme in International Human Rights Protection is implemented in English.
- Forensic examination and environmental problems: environmental expertise, including economic aspects; remote sensing data application; forensic forest fire investigation, etc. The Institute cooperates with experts from Great Britain: TRACE Wildlife Forensics Network and Society for Wildlife Forensic Science (SWFS). The Amur Tiger Centre, Russian Geographical Society, Association of Lawyers of Russia, Chamber for Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation have also become partners of the Institute in research.
- Legal regulation of Blockchain technology (technology which the cryptocurrencies are built on). It is a new direction that is why it offers researchers larger scope for action. The research subjects include implementation and legal regulation of blockchain technologies in public administration, international and national experience of engineering standards development, providing legal framework for technologies, cryptocurrency as a basis of building a new economy, legal evaluation of cryptocurrency turnover in the Russian Federation, legal regulation and counselling of ICO (initial coin offering). In 2018 the new master’s programme in Legal Regulation of Blockchain Technology was launched jointly with Kutafin Moscow State Law University.
- Administrative legal science. The professors of the Institute participate in forming professional competences for processual lawyers. It should be explained that an expert in process, i.e. order of proceedings in court or administrative bodies, is called a processual lawyer. In particular, Aleksandr Zelentsov, Professor of the RUDN University Department of Administrative and Financial Law does research at the intersection of administrative process, legal conflict resolution science and sociology of law.
Postgraduate Programme
The RUDN University Institute of Law has postgraduate programmes in 15 specialties. There are 5 Dissertation Boards at the Institute. It should be noted that this indicator is the highest among the law higher education institutions of Russia. Theses are defended both in Russian and foreign languages. Since 2017 RUDN University has been entitled to confer degrees of Dr.Sc. (of field of study) of RUDN University and Ph.D. (of RUDN University).
Postgraduate students complete internships and study under exchange education programmes at partner universities: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), Xi’an Jiaotong University (China), Roma Tre University (Italy).
The Institute has high ranking positions in ratings:
- 2nd in the 2018 Subject Ranking (Legal Studies) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
- TOP-5 in the Law Higher Education Institutions -2017;
- 4th according to the level of graduates’ salaries in TOP-10 best law higher education institutions.
Academic Staff
The academic staff of the Institute consists of 175 members, including:
- 3 laureates of A.F. Koni’s prize
- 12 Honoured Lawyers of the Russian Federation
- 38 full Professors and Doctors of Science
- 95 PhDs
- 13 members of international academic staff
Leading scientists, experts and practicing lawyers regularly deliver lectures, conduct master classes, workshops, summer schools, conferences in English, Russian and other languages at the RUDN University Institute of Law.