Linguistics and intercultural communication

Subject/research area
  • Research of communication behaviors of native speakers of different languages.
  • Study of the dynamics of modern languages and languages in a minority situation.
Goals and tasks

Removing barriers to effective communication between representatives of different cultures, including for the social and cultural adaptation and integration of migrants, and developing a network of international contacts in the field of diplomatic relations and business.

Scope of application of results
  • Introduction of innovative models for teaching foreign languages.
  • Improving methods of teaching Russian to foreigners.
  • Training of professional translators who understand the peculiarities of communicative practices of native speakers of the translation language.
  • Development of programs for social and cultural adaptation of migrants, teaching them the language of the host country.
  • Conducting conflict-free and equal negotiations with native speakers of other languages, including diplomatic representatives and business partners.
  • Creating linguistic typologies, glossaries, and dictionaries.