Graduated Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, RUDN University specialized in Political Sciences.


Defended the PhD thesis on «European Integration: political, institutional and socio-cultural aspects» in specialty «Political Problems of IR and Global Development».

2010 - present

Academic secretary of the RUDN dissertation council on Political Science.

2008 - present

Deputy head of the Department of Comparative Politics.

2016 - present

Member of Russian Society of Political Scientists.

2017 - present

Member of Executive board of Russian Association of Political Science.

2018 - present

Member of European Political Science Association.

2018 - present

Member of the Federal educational and methodological association for academic areas Political science and regional studies (Political Science, International Relations, Oriental and African Studies, Foreign Regional Studies, Regional Studies of Russia).

2018 - present

Expert of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

2019 - present

Member of International Political Science Association.

2019 - present

Expert of Federal Education and Science Supervision Agency for academic areas Political science and regional studies (Political Science, International Relations, Oriental and African Studies, Foreign Regional Studies, Regional Studies of Russia).

2020 - present

Executive secretary of The RUDN Journal of Political Science

2020 - present

Academic secretary of the RUDN International Council for the Humanities. 


Teaches the following courses for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students of RUDN:

  • Russian Civilization: value unity
  • Russia facing the challenges of global and regional development
  • Spiritual and value basis of Russia and national security issues
  • The EU and Russia
  • Human Capital Management
  • Research Work in Russia
  • Soft power as European Integration policy tool: forms and mechanisms
  • European and Russian migration politics comparative analysis

 Thought lectures on global politics in the University of Complutense (Madrid).

Author of handbooks:

  1. Kazarinova D. B. Migration challenges in modern World politics: a textbook. Moscow: RUDN, 2019. 104 p. ISBN 978-5-209-09218-6
    The textbook is designed to expand the knowledge of senior students in the field of modern problems of migration, management of migration processes at the global and regional level, as well as ideas about the global political context in which these processes occur. For political scientists, graduate students and university teachers, specialists in the field of political analysis, world politics and international relations, migration studies, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in current problems of political governance.
  2. Antyukhova E. A., Baykov A. A., Borishpolets K. P., Zinovieva E. S., Inozemtsev M. I., Kazarinova D. B., Kasatkin P. I., Kuznetsov D. A., Lebedeva M. M., Loshkarev I. D., Nadtochey Yu. I., Nikitina Yu. A., Rustamova L. R., Kharkevich M. V., Khokhlova N. I., Chernyavsky S. I. Megatrends of world Politics and their development in the XXI century. (Ed.) M. M. Lebedeva. Textbook for university students. Moscow: Aspect-Press, 2019. 400 p. ISBN: 978-5-7567-1023-6
    The manual focuses on the three key megatrends that determine the remaining trends in world politics-globalization, integration and democratization, as well as the three corresponding countertrends - isolationism, disintegration and de-democratization. A separate section is devoted to the analysis of megatrends in the key subsystems of the world-the Euro-Atlantic, the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America and the post-Soviet space. For postgraduates and undergraduates in the fields of "International Relations", "Political Science", " Foreign Regional Studies»
  3. Kazarinova D. B. The European Union and Russia: political and socio-cultural dimension: A textbook. - M.: RUDN, 2008. - 187 p.
    The manual examines the history of the idea and practice of the formation of European integration. Much attention is paid to the socio-cultural aspects of the European union-the evolution of the European idea, the formation of a new supranational identity, a comprehensive analysis of the latest events in European political life, in particular the fate of the EU Constitution. The complex of relations between the EU and Russia is comprehensively analyzed, and cooperation within the framework of building a common humanitarian space of education, science and culture occupies a special place in the book. For university teachers and students, for specialists in the field of world politics and international relations, for all those interested in the problems of European integration.


  1. Offered original ideas about the impact of socio-cultural factors on the institutional design of European integration construction
  2. Developed the concept of a value-political project
  3. Compared the soft power policy options of the leading countries of the world
  4. Participated in international scientific conferences and seminars in London, Belfast (UK), Madrid (Spain), Rhodes (Greece).
  5. Executive manager of 10 scientific grants:
    • "Religious institutions in the era of social upheaval: strategies, transformation of legitimation, expectations of society" (2020)
    • "Religion in modern Russia: from the social to the political role of the senses" (2019)
    • "Value-political contexts of educational migration" (2019-2020)
    • "Modern migration processes in the context of aggravation of religious, ethnic and interregional contradictions" (2018-2019)
    • "Religion and Education: the modern socio-political context" (2017-2018)
    • «Transformation of the social and political values: the EU practice» Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions (2017-2018)«Transformation of the social and political values: the EU practice» Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions (2017-2018)

Scientific Interests

  • theory of European integration
  • Sociocultural aspects of politics
  • political problems of the globalizing world
  • Comparative political studies
  • migration processes
  • religious factors in politics
Mchedlova M.M., Kazarinova D.B. The identity politics: competition of new theoretical meanings and political strategies// Political science (RU), 2020, N 4. P.13-35
Major international scientific events have their own specifics for their ideological content, methodological tools, methods of organization, and established academic traditions. At the annual conferences of the European Association of Political Science, this specific was in the overwhelming dominance of quantitative research and a strong emphasis on the methodology of research: the method of processing of natural language, and the “difference-in-difference”. The analysis of the conference program was a thought-provoking look into the development of domestic and foreign political science, joined by trends of mass education and, consequently, the development of social science under the influence of the principle of “publish or perish”. The EPSA conference manifested such common postmodern scientific trends as the fragmentation of scientific knowledge and the lack of “great meanings”, democracy and leveling differences and status, humor, and irony. The non-academic (i.e. social) program, which this year was dedicated to diversity, is growing in importance. There was also a focus on Russian themes in political studies by scientists from the USA and Europe, which is reduced to a very narrow range of problems – mainly to the criticism of the Russian political regime and the study of the role of new media in the protest mobilization of the masses.
In this paper, the authors base on comprehensive approach matching quantitative and qualitative study of political discourse in the field of migration. They report an experiment that they conducted, in which a model for the monitoring of the impact of immigration on the Italian political discourse was developed and tested. The model comprises of a program that performs semantic analysis on a collection of retrieved political speeches related to the phenomenon of immigration, given by two key decision-makers for the immigration policies of Italian public administrations: M. Salvini, the current Minister of Internal Affairs in 2018–2019, and S. Martello, the mayor of the island of Lampedusa. The technique used, the so-called bag-of-words, falls under the established techniques in the sector of natural language processing for the automatic extraction of features from texts. The results obtained by the model were then compared with those accessible through surveys and statistics published by other research on the same phenomenon. Our results are consistent with the findings that derive from the application of other methodologies to the study of immigration. The authors thus believe it might be possible to develop in the future a larger model that allows the monitoring of variations in the attitude towards immigration as a function of the variation in the content of political speeches, and in the results of surveys conducted on the sentiment of the general population on the subject. In its current status, the model allows a data-driven identification of the most prominent factors м factors.
Interaction and long-term strategies are essential in today’s globalized world, yet both Russia’s foreign policy and its relations with its Western partners are deteriorating. The Russian government frequently sends out controversial messages: from sovereignty, its own agenda, and “a turn to the East,” to coherent integration with the global, or Western, agenda. This is especially true when it comes to education. Russians are highly educated; thus, education is automatically perceived as a soft power tool. However, in reality, major obstacles can emerge. The paper analyzes perceptions and attitudes of foreign students towards Russia: its image, political system, and role in the contemporary world. A survey conducted in 2017 (online and offline, half-closed anonymous questionnaire N100) involved foreign students, some of whom studied at Russian higher education institutions and some who did not. The students were asked about how they perceived Russia’s role in the modern world, its soft power resources, political regime, and values. The research revealed a clear difference in the perception of those factors. It also showed that educational migration sometimes provides unexpected results that can contradict the aims of Russian education policy.
At the end of the second decade of the 21st century, problems of global security have become the main issues on the agenda of all regions of the world. Russia’s relations with the West have already entered the stage of the so-called new Cold War “with the elements of arms race, remilitarization and the split of the European continent, under the severance of political and economic contacts between the leaders of rival countries and the degradation of diplomacy”.
The interview with Richars Sakwa has been held in dramatic days when the New Cold war became an evident reality and the British-Russian crisis provoked the fall of diplomacy between Russia and vast majority of the western countries. The discussion was based on ideas of Richard Sakwa’s recent book «Russia against the Rest. The Post-Cold War Crisis of World Order»: Cold war and Cold peace phenomena and the evolution of post bipolar world. The radicalization of the West puts Russia and the whole world in a very challenging situation when the International society is about to break up and the world orders are almost clashed.
The crisis of trust in two pillows of modern society - in state (Keynesian approach) and in market (neoliberal approach) is recognized by many leading scientists as from Russia, so from Europe and America. The world becomes more uncertain and unsustainable from personal to global level. Globalization from one hand and uncertainty and the “end of the world as we know it” from the other hand make societies become “liquid”, without sustainable identity and normative core. The fear gets an economic and political term and comes from realizing fundamentally fragile personal and common security in economic, political and social fields. Post crisis world still had not been determined since the end of old world order is evident but there is no idea about the new. The situation of global uncertainess - Interregnum - dominates. The same comes to the values which used to be recognized as universal but now they face hostility of non-western world. The populism revenge in USA and Europe is a strong indication of this process.

Scientific Guidance (Supervision)

Information about the defended postgraduate students

Alena Zubkova

Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2015
Research topic: The Soft Power Strategy in the Context of Transformation of the Political System of the Turkish Republic in the Period of 2002-2014.

Annotation to the dissertation: 

The dissertation deals with the process of fundamental transformation in Turkish politics, caused by the change of the main ideological concept of Turkey. The author considers the process of gradual transition from the ideology of Kemalism to neo-Ottomanism. The research shows the leading role of the strategy of soft power as a way of gaining political subjectivity. The nature and instruments of Turkish soft power, its limits and prospects are examined. The methodology of assessing the effectiveness of soft power of states, based on quantitative research, is also examined. The author conducted a comprehensive analysis of socio-political transformation in Turkey, based on the revaluation of values and meanings.

David Jivanian

Country: Armenia
Year of protection: 2016
Research topic: Russia’ and the United States’ Public diplomacy in the Republic of Armenia: comparative analysis of principles and mechanisms of implementation

Annotation to the dissertation: 

The dissertation considers a comparative analysis of the instruments, principles, mechanisms, forms of the public diplomacy of Russian Federation and the USA in the Republic of Armenia. The study stresses the importance of public diplomacy as a means of developing relations between Armenia and Russia on the one hand and Armenia and the USA, on the other. The author identified the main differences of the principles, forms and mechanisms of Russian and American public diplomacy in the Republic of Armenia, as well as the efficiency levels of Russian and American public diplomacy in Armenia. Study made it possible to bring forward recommendations on how to improve the efficiency of the Russian public diplomacy in the Republic of Armenia in order to contribute to the development and strengthening of Armenian-Russian Relations.

Barry Hassimiou

Country: Senegal
Year of protection: 2017
Research topic: International terrorism and the problem of regional security in West Africa at the beginning of the XXI century (case of Mali and Nigeria)

Annotation to the dissertation: 

Thesis is devoted to the international terrorism and a security issue in the West Africa. The goal of the study is the comprehensive analysis of the background leading to the manifestations of international terrorism in the West African countries in particular; the author indicates and describes the variety of manifestations of international terrorism and their characteristics. The author analyzes in detail the role of international organizations in the settlement of crises security in West Africa.

Vasilya Taisheva

Country: Uzbekistan
Year of protection: 2020
Research topic: Value-political contexts of educational migration

Annotation to the dissertation: 

International migration contributes to the aggravation of axiological and cultural contradictions in the host society, increasing its disintegration and heterogeneity. At the same time migration processes induce the formation of transnational socio-cultural spaces and the internationalization of cultural phenomena. In this context, the educational migration is the one of the most important tools of intercultural dialogue. It spreads knowledge in the world, promotes the socio-political and cultural values of the host country of foreign students, serves as a source of accumulation and a filter of human capital. The PhD thesis examines the impact of educational migration on the transformation and translation of values, ideas and meanings, the construction of images about the country of admission in the minds of foreign students in the process of studying abroad, the formation of human capital and the processes of integration and adaptation of foreign students. The study was carried out within the framework of the RFBR grant N 19-011- 00825 «Value-political contexts of educational migration».

Mazin Al-Makbali

Country: Oman
Year of protection: 2020
Research topic: Russian Foreign Policy Strategy in the Middle East (Persian Gulf region)

Annotation to the dissertation: 

The thesis is devoted to the study of the strategy of Russian foreign policy in the middle East on the example of the Persian Gulf region. The paper analyzes the theoretical and conceptual foundations of Russia's foreign policy strategy in the Persian Gulf, the process of interaction with the US and the EU in the context of the Syrian settlement and the formation of a security system in the Persian Gulf. Much attention is paid to the evolution of Russia's strategy in the energy and economic spheres. Within the framework of the dissertation, the author comes to the conclusion that Russia in its foreign policy strategy once again declares its status as a world power, while the main approaches of Russia in the middle East remained relatively nonideological, pragmatic and characterized by a high degree of cultural relativism. This flexible, short-term approach, according to the author, corresponds to the limited resources of Russia and the unpredictable dynamics of the region's development.