Larisa Fedotova
D.Sc. (Sociology)

Information about the defended postgraduate students

Maria Terebilina
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2014
Research topic: The problem of gender in French feminine magazines
Annotation to the dissertation: The dissertation research is devoted to the history and the state-of-the-art of French press for female reader. The author investigates the transformation of woman’s image in the course of development of women’s magazines and the role of gender stereotypes in the building of this image. The special attention is paid to the issues in focus and remit of modern French women’s magazines: the author presents the content analysis results of the most read title in this branch of press, Femme actuelle, upon which the author articulates the main features of woman’s image transmitted by the title and recognizes that it consolidates gender stereotypes.

Tran Duy
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2016
Research topic: The information policy, e-newspapers, the online newspaper, the state regulation of networked media space, Vietnam
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis research is devoted to an actual problem of study of the system of Vietnamese online newspapers, the factors influencing its formation and development, the information policy of Vietnamese leading e-newspapers expressed in their content. The thesis research includes a content- analysis of journalistic texts issued in the popular socio-political publications of the country. The author examines the problem of state regulation of networked media space in Vietnam.

Rukhshona Vakhidova
Country: Tajikistan
Year of protection: 2013
Research topic: The French political journalists in days of the Fourth republic (1946-1958)
Annotation to the dissertation: Dissertation research is devoted to creativity and a role of the French political journalists in days of the Fourth republic (1946-1958) on the example of journalistic activity of such known and outstanding writers and intellectuals of France of last century, as Albert Camus, Raymond Aran and Hubert Byov-Mary. The special attention was thus paid to thematic and genre characteristics of journalistic creativity of Camus, Aran and Byov-Mary. Situation and political positions of newspapers of that period on which pages above-mentioned journalists acted are also studied.