Graduated from the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology of the L.N. Tolstoy Chechen-Ingush State University. Specialty: "Teacher, philologist, translator".


Defended her Postgraduate diploma. Theme: "Psychological problems of teaching pedagogical communication in the practice of foreign higher education". Specialty: "Pedagogical Psychology".


Defended her Doctoral thesis. Theme: "The philosophical foundations of the psychological concept of giftedness". Specialty: "The philosophy of science and technology".


Head of the Department of Philosophy and Psychology, Moscow State Machine-Building University (Moscow Polytech University).


Member of the Russian Philosophical Society.


Expert by defending dissertations, including: Institute of Philosophy, Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow State University (MSU), Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU) and the Higher School of Economics (HSE).


Awarded the title of Professor.  


Expert of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation.


Member of the Expert Council on Philosophy, Sociology and Cultural Studies at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.


Expert of the Russian Science Foundation.


Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Expert of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

Since 2017

Head of the Department of Social Philosophy, RUDN University.


  1. Conducts the following lecture course for postgraduate students ("Economics" and "Jurisprudence" specialties):
    • "History and philosophy of science."
  2. Conducts the following lecture course for postgraduate students ("Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies" specialty):
    • "Communication as a philosophical problem."


  1. Developed a new conceptual model for the development of a gifted child, in which she substantiated the need to include the communicative component as the lead in the developing child's environment. Defined the structure and functions of the communicative environment, mechanisms and ways of its impact on gifted children. Showed that the introduction of this approach into the practice of training and education will help to overcome the tendency to averaging views on the personality of a gifted child, create conditions for adequate deployment of brain development programs laid down in a gifted child and the formation of an environment suitable for the realization of his individual abilities. The model was introduced into the practice of a number of experimental sites of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education.
  2. Developed methodological tools for development programs for gifted children as a guideline for counseling and developmental work of school psychologists: a profile map of a gifted child, a questionnaire of teacher's readiness to communicate and interact with gifted children, a questionnaire of parents' readiness for effective interaction and communication with gifted children.
  3. Indicated the need to take into account all the features of the holistic biosocial nature of man and the mutual influence of these levels. Programs for gifted people should be based on the achievements of the natural sciences on the relationship between the biological and social in human nature, the results of integrative biological and humanitarian studies, knowledge of the laws of age-related psychophysiology and the nature of individuality, as well as take into account the sexual characteristics of the flow of higher mental functions.
  4. For the first time, presented the system of philosophical foundations of the psychological concept of giftedness as an object of scientific and philosophical research. Built a theoretical model of the philosophical foundations of the psychological concept of giftedness, which made it possible to outline ways for the further development of the concept and its practical applications.
  5. For the first time, received specific scientific results on the subject of giftedness:
    • the logical structure of the concept of "giftedness" is defined, its meaningful connection with related psychological concepts is revealed - "abilities", "makings", "creativity", "activities", etc.;
    • the essential characteristics of giftedness as a socio-culturally determined psychological phenomenon and the semantic components of the psychological concept of “giftedness” (PCG) corresponding to these characteristics are revealed;
    • the main components of the system of philosophical foundations of the PCG are defined: ontological, epistemological, axiological, and socio-anthropological;
    • formulated the requirements for meaningful content of the main components of the system of philosophical foundations of PCG are formulated;
    • The stages of the historical process of formation and development of the system of philosophical foundations of the psychological concept of giftedness (PCG) are highlighted: “anthropocentric”, “theocentric”, “functional-empirical”, “protoscientific”, “scientific”;
    • the specific historical content of each component of the system of philosophical foundations of the PCG for each stage of its formation is determined;
    • the dependence of the theoretical and methodological differences of modern scientific and psychological approaches to the study of giftedness and the development of methods of working with gifted children differences in their philosophical grounds is revealed;
    • the main trends and ways for the further development of the concept of giftedness in modern psychology are revealed.
  6. Author of more than 180 scientific articles in regional, central Russian and foreign publications, 60 educational and methodical works, as well as the author and co-author of 8 monographs, including:
    • Ivleva M.L. "The scientific stage of development of the psychological concept of giftedness: trends, directions and approaches." - M.: MSTU "MAMI", 2012. - 198 p.
    • Ivleva M.L. "The psychological concept of giftedness: the history of formation and development." - M.: MSTU "MAMI", 2014. - 160 p.
    • Ivleva M.L. "The current state and prospects for the development of the psychological concept of giftedness: a theoretical-historical study." - M.: LLC Semrik, 2015. -152 p.

Scientific interests

  • Philosophical problems of interdisciplinary research;
  • Giftedness, types of giftednesses;
  • Philosophy and methodology of science;
  • Philosophy and psychology of education;
  • Personality psychology.
We pose and solve the problem of formulating the basic methodological principles of research of accumulated scientific knowledge about the psychology of giftedness, which is characterized by internal contradictions. The elimination of these contradictions is impossible without comparing and bringing to unity the philosophical foundations of different psychological approaches, which results in the need to address general methodological nature of the problem—to outline the basic principles of the philosophical foundations of the psychological conception of giftedness.
The article aims to clarify a number of the most significant provisions, studies of giftedness in its connection with the problems of the environment. This is an analysis of the role of the environment in terms of its impact on gifted children, and the study of various approaches to the development of strategies and specific techniques for the development of giftedness. The author substantiates the proposition that one of the most promising areas for the development of a methodical apparatus for working with gifted children is the direction associated with the creation of a developing environment, more specifically, the development of communicative environment (DCE).
This article presents one of the possible reasons for the absence of a unified theory of giftedness. The state of the Psychology-accumulated knowledge of giftedness is assessed through the spectacle of the general methodology of the science. The thesis being defended lies in the fact that as its paradigm Psychology uses the already-present, external paradigm, which is of a non-specific, social and cultural origin. And the confirmation of this thesis is the existence of the concept of giftedness.