Sergei Kudinov
Doctor of Psychological Sciences
Professor, Head of the Department,

The best way to criticize someone else's idea is to make it better.


Graduated from the Gorno-Altaisk State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography, specialty “Biology”.


Graduated from the Institute of Youth (MosGU), Retraining Faculty, specialty “Practical psychology”.


Candidate thesis on “Comparative analysis of curiosity in boys and girls of early adolescence” was defended. Specialty “Psychology of personality”. The degree of Candidate of Psychological Sciences was awarded.

1994 - 1996

Senior lecturer, associate professor of the Department of General Psychology of Biysk State Pedagogical University (BSPU).

1996 - 2004

Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology BSPU.


Doctoral thesis on “Age and gender, national and ethnic aspects of curiosity” was defended. Specialty “General psychology, psychology of personality, history of psychology”. The degree of Doctor of Psychological Sciences was awarded.


The academic title of Professor at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology was awarded.


Full member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education.

1996 - 2004

Chairman of the Altai branch of the Russian Psychological Society.

2002 - 2004

Member of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Differential Psychology of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

2004 - 2010

Professor, head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology of Togliatti State University.

2010 - present

Head of the Department of Social and Differential Psychology RUDN University.

2013 - present

Member of The International Honor Society in Psychology - Psi Chi.


The lapel badge “Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation” for merits in the field of education was awarded. 

2016 - present

Member of the Association Professors of Slavonic Countries.

2017 - present

Member of the Federal educational and methodical Association of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. 

2017 - present

Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

2010 - 2019

Chief editor of the journal “Vestnik RUDN. Series “Psychology and Pedagogy”.


The diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for many years of fruitful work on the development and improvement of the educational process, significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists was awarded. 


Medal of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation “For labour valor” for help and assistance to military and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the performance of their official debt and employment, for excellent performance of work duties, long and irreproachable work, for labour valor.


Reads lectures to RUDN students of bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate program in the field of “Psychology”:

  • “Methodological problems of psychology”,
  • “Organization of scientific research”,
  • “Practical psychology in the penitentiary system”,
  • “Social psychology”,
  • “Psychological training”,
  • “Psychology of self-realization of personality”,
  • “Forensic and psychological examination”.

The author of the following study guides:

  1. “Psychodiagnostics of personality” (Kudinov, S. I. Kudinov, S. S., Moscow: RUDN, 2018, - 232p.)
    The study guide highlights the formation of psychodiagnostics as an independent branch of psychological science and practice. The modern classification of psychodiagnostics methods and procedures is presented. Questions of validation, reliability and standardization of psychological tests are studied. Methods of research of the person and individuality including author's ones are presented, practical aspects of their application are shown.
  2. “Active teaching methods” (Kudinov, S. I. Kudinov, S. S., Moscow: RUDN, 2017, - 172 p. ISBN 978-5-209-07443-4)
    The study guide contains the main traditional and innovative socio-psychological teaching methods aimed at schoolchildren and students. The authors cover in detail the game, discussion and training methods of teaching. The analysis of each of the proposed methods and a detailed algorithm for their implementation is given.


  • The scientific approach to the study of self-realization was developed. The approach is based on the comprehensive consideration of psychophysiological, psychological, social, pedagogical, psycho-environmental factors that affect the success of self-realization of the subject of activity.
  • Forms of self-realization of personality: social, professional-active, personal were identified.
  • The structural organization of self-realization of the subject of activity was identified and justified. The functional role in the structure of self-realization of the installation, conative, emotional, regulatory, cognitive, motivational and reflective-evaluative components was defined.
  • The first methodology in Russia for the study of personal self-realization “Multidimensional questionnaire of personal self-realization” was developed and standardized.
  • The first Russian psycho-diagnostic technique for study of patriotism of the individual was developed and standardized. The technique was developed on the basis of the dispositional concept of personality properties and individuality of A. I. Krupnov. It allows to study this phenomenon as a personality property in the age range from 17 to 60 years.
  • “Personality curiosity judgment test” was developed and standardized together with A. I. Krupnov. The method is intended for the age range from 14 to 60 years.

Scientific interests

  • Self-realization of the subject of activity;
  • Properties of personality and individuality;
  • Formation and development of personality in ontogenesis;
  • Gender, national-ethnic and individual-typological aspects of personality;
  • Professional deformation and emotional burnout of personality;
  • Social intellect;
  • Deviations, addictions, delinquencies;
  • Adaptation and acculturation of personality.
Our empirical research and analysis revealed characteristics of the axiological orientation of students’ personalities. Objective.We identified the principal types of orientation, dominant values, and attitudes of the personality in the motivational-needs sphere through a variety of validated and reliable techniques and methods. Design We understand the axiological orientation of the personality as a relatively stable set of values, motivations, needs, and moral structures produced through the lens of actions, in and through various spheres of social life, which describes complex system of a person’s perception of him-/herself, his or her perceptions of others, and his or her attitude towards work and other activities. Results. The results of the empirical research demonstrate that a set of axiological, motivational, and need characteristics form pragmatic-professional, social-communicative, or individual-egoistic types of axiological orientation of the personality, which in turn describe the subject’s attitude to the surrounding external reality and to him/herself. The pragmatic-professional type of person is dominated by values such as work, results, money, and process. The least attractive value to this type appears to be power. Respondents with a social-communicative type of axiological orientation have altruism, result and money as their main personal values. Values such as egocentrism, power, money, and freedom are a distinguishing mark of those with the individual-egoistic axiological orientation. Conclusion. This study also addresses how and through what patterns and mechanisms the axiological orientation of students’ personalities is expressed, which could enable professionals to develop educational programs aimed at harmonizing and aligning societal values and the individual’s attitudes.
The paper analyzes the results of an empirical research obtained with the help of a sample of students. The research of persistence was carried out within the framework of the dispositional concept of personality traits and individuality by A. I. Krupnov. The techniques developed by A. I. Krupnov as well as the author’s test of persistence were used in the study. After allocating the levels of persistence, the features of self-realization were analyzed in each group of the respondents. The specificity of self-realization was revealed in the context of the author’s polysystemic concept, the author’s multidimensional questionnaire on personality’s self-realization (MQPSR) was used as a diagnostic tool. The empirical study revealed statistically significant differences in the specifics of self-realization of the students with different levels of persistence manifestation. The respondents with a high level of persistence realize themselves more successfully in different spheres of life due to the obvious active behaviour, optimistic attitude, high motivation, creative methods and techniques of self-expression, internal self-regulation and constructive behavior. The students with low persistence lack successful self-realization because of passivity, pessimism, external locus of self-control, a high level of barriers and standard simple schemes of self-expression.

Information about the defended postgraduate students

Nikolay Avdeev
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2015
Research topic: Influence of persistence on success of self-realization of the identity of students
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is devoted to persistence research in a context of self-realization of the personality. Work is performed in line with system approach. Persistence was investigated within the dispositional concept of properties of the personality and identity. Self-realization was analyzed from positions of the polysystem concept. In research the content of concept self-realization is specified. Author's questionnaires and the experimental test of persistence are developed and introduced. Different levels of manifestation of persistence are empirically revealed and analysed. Their psychological structure is defined. The program of optimization of persistence of the personality is developed and introduced. Efficiency of the used program in development emotional and strong-willed, motivational and semantic and the konativnykh of components of persistence is proved. The role of low and high levels of persistence in features of self-realization of the personality is revealed. It is proved that high level of persistence provides success of selfrealization of subjects as activity increases, self-checking amplifies, the range of means and methods of self-expression extends and emotional optimism increases

Zhang Peng Hao
Country: China
Year of protection: 2015
Research topic: National and psychological features of self-realization identity of the Russian and Chinese students
Annotation to the dissertation: Russian and Chinese students in the period of a vocational education in higher education institution of Russia. Research is executed within the polysystem concept of self-realization of the personality. The main spheres of self-realization, external and internal determinants are revealed, features of self-realization of the Russian and Chinese respondents are characterized. The psychological structure of self-realization in studied selections is established. Backbone components in the structural organization of a phenomenon, as at Russian and Chinese examinees are opened. Distinctive features and the general identical signs in self-realization mechanisms are described. The program of optimization of the self-realization, proved the efficiency is developed and approved. The results of research can be used in training courses when developing lecture and seminar occupations, both in special courses, and within the general psychology, ethnopsychology, psychology of the personality and differential psychology, and also can be used in an office of psychological support of RUDN for students from China in the form of trainings during the adaptation period.

Ksenia Arkhipochkina
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2015
Research topic: Interrelation of properties of temperament and self-realization of the personality
Annotation to the dissertation: Dissertation research is devoted to studying of properties of temperament and their interrelation with components of self-realization of the personality. Work is performed in line with system approach, in the analysis of self-realization the polysystem concept of self-realization of the personality was used. As a result of performance of research the content of concept “self-realization” is corrected. The author’s psychodiagnostic tools, the questionnaire “An index of satisfaction of professional self-realization” is developed and introduced. During realization of empirical research various types of properties of temperament are allocated and characterized: plastic and energetic, rigidity-introversive and balanced. It is established that the revealed types of properties of temperament selectively determine manifestation of activity and emotionality of subjects of activity. It is proved that strong properties of temperament (an ergicity, a sthenicity, plasticity and an extraversion) determine manifestation of self-realization of educational psychologists while a weak properties of temperament (an aergicity, an asthenicity, a rigidity and an introversion) are a limiting factor in self-realization manifestations.

Ksenia Vdovina
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2015
Research topic: National and psychological features of sociability of students of the Russian, Uigur and Kumandin nationalities
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is devoted to research of an ethnopsychological problem of the sociability at students reflecting specifics of manifestation of this property of the personality at representatives of different national ethnic groups. Research is executed in a system paradigm, and as a methodological basis the dispositional concept of properties of the personality and identity is used. In empirical research are established as the specific differences in sociability manifestation mechanisms caused by national and ethnic factors, and identical signs, and the constructs which are reflection of age and cross-cultural features of respondents. The elicited facts and regularities will find the application in practical activities of the experts providing psychological escort of students during training in higher education institution for development and correction of this property. The received theoretical and empirical results of research can be included in training courses on ethnic psychology, the general psychology and psychology of the personality. The found and proved results of research can become a basis for further studying of national and ethnic specificity of manifestation and formation of sociability and other properties of the personality.

Sofya Aybazova
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2015
Research topic: Role of a valuable and semantic orientation of the personality in dynamics of selfrealization of the subject
Annotation to the dissertation: The thesis is devoted to research of valuable and semantic determinancy of selfrealization during professional formation of the personality. Research is executed in line with system approach, and as a methodological basis, the polysystem concept of self-realization of the personality is used. As a result of research the concept "valuable and semantic orientation of the personality" is specified, author's questionnaires "Self-realization space" and "A rating scale of self-realization of the personality" are developed and introduced. During empirical research various types of a valuable and semantic orientation are allocated and characterized: pragmatic and professional, social and communicative and individual and egoistical. It is proved that the allocated types of a valuable and semantic orientation of the personality selectively make active separate components of self-realization, thereby providing the different level of success of self-expression of respondents. It is established that the most positive shifts in dynamics of self-realization come to light at subjects with a social and communicative orientation, and deteriorations in success of self-implementation are observed at respondents with a pragmatic and professional orientation. The elicited facts and regularities will find the application in practical activities of the experts providing psychological escort of subjects at different stages of professional formation. The received theoretical and empirical results of research can be included in training courses on the general psychology, psychology of the personality and differential psychology.

Irina Sedova
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2016
Research topic: Dynamics of emotional burnout of educators/teachers with different levels of responsibility
Annotation to the dissertation: The dissertation is devoted to the study of the burnout dynamics in the teachers with different levels of responsibility manifestation. The research specified the concept of “emotional burnout of teacher”. The author’s questionnaire “Self-assessment of emotional well-being” is developed and introduced. In the course of a longitudinal study the different levels of responsibility manifestation in teachers were identified and characterized. It was proven that in the teachers with the adaptive level of anxiety and emotional stability, but different levels of responsibility manifestation, the burnout syndrome is formed in a differentiated way. It was found out that teachers with high levels of responsibility are subject to more intensive formation of burnout phases and symptoms. A direct correlation between the burnout symptoms and the disharmonious variables of responsibility was revealed. It was determined that the formation of burnout syndrome decreases the successful professional self-realization in teachers. The elicited facts and regularities will find their application in practical activities of the experts-psychologists providing psychological support to teachers at different stages of professional development.

Hammad Suad Mohammad
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2016
Research topic: Hardiness as a basis for self-realization in difficult life situations
Annotation to the dissertation: The dissertation is devoted to study of hardiness and self-realization in difficult situations on the example of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. The study is performed as part of a systematic approach, and as a methodological basis used Polysystem concept of personality’s self-realization. The study clarified the concepts of "hardiness" and "selfrealization" and their interrelations. During the empirical research, different types of hardiness were allocated and characterized: actively committed-challenging type and moderatelycommitted-challenging type. It has been proved that persons with different types of hardiness selectively activate separate components of self-realization, thereby providing different success levels of respondents’ self-expression. Subjects with moderately committedchallenging type of hardiness were found to be the most successful respondents in their selfimplementation due to their transformational (constructive) strategy of behavior in different life spheres, while respondents with actively committed-challenging type of hardiness due to their adaptive strategy fail in making progress. Identical self-realizations' characteristics in representatives with different types of hardiness are revealed: social-focused orientation, as well as the link between socially oriented motivation with optimism, activation and creativity. The received theoretical and empirical results of research may be included in training courses on the general psychology, psychology of the personality and differential psychology.

Anastasia Mikheeva
Country: Russia
Year of protection: 2017
Research topic: Individual and personal factors predicting gender resilience
Annotation to the dissertation: The research reported in this paper hypothesis individual and personal factors predicting gender resilience self-estimation. The researcher gives a most precise definition to the notion of “self-actualization”. The empiric investigation manifests the specificity of male and female self-actualization that depends on the kind of level resiliency of a personality. The research highlights a unique questionnaire completed by the researcher to qualitatively explore implications for promoting self- efficacy and academic growth via this unique learning and development approach. The pilot work has exhibited measurement invariance across gender. The correction and development program has been generated and implemented. Correlative analyses revealed intensification of resiliency, easing of emotional state, increase of social activity and flexibility as well as optimization of selfactualization process. The results are to be the focus of further scientific researches and will have academic and practical application for psychologists at all stages of professional training.