Graduated from the Moscow Academy of Veterinary Medicine named K. I. Scriabin. 

1989 - 1993

Junior researcher of the Laboratory of Immunology and Genetics of the all-Union Institute of Helminthology named after K. I. Scriabin. 


Candidate thesis on “Effector and regulatory mechanisms of immunity and ways of their correction” was presented. Academic degree - Candidate of Veterinary Sciences was awarded.


Associate professor of the Department of Non-contagious Diseases of Veterinary and Sanitary Faculty of the Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology (MSUAB).


Title of associate Professor of the Department of Non-contagious Diseases was received.

2000 - 2004

Doctoral student, MSUAB, speciality 16.00.02 “Pathology, Oncology and morphology of animals”.


Doctoral thesis on “Structural and functional organization of the reparative osteogenesis in animals” (experimental and clinical study) was presented. Academic degree - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences was awarded.


Professor of the Department of Non-contagious Diseases MSUAB. 

2007 - present

Head of the Department, Director of the Department of Veterinary Medicine of Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN University.


Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation for hard work and training of highly qualified specialists was awarded.


Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and significant achievements in research and many years of fruitful work was awarded. 


Honorary Diploma of the veterinary Committee of the government of Moscow for many years of contribution to the training of veterinary specialists of the State veterinary service in connection with the 55th anniversary of RUDN University was awarded.

2016 - present

Deputy Chairman of Educational and Methodological Association of universities of the Russian Federation on veterinary and animal science.


Conducts courses of lectures for full-time RUDN students of “Veterinary Medicine” direction:

  • Operative surgery with the basics of topographic anatomy of animals;
  • General veterinary surgery;
  • Particular veterinary surgery;
  • Instrumental diagnostic methods.

The author of the following study guides

  1. Sakhno N. V. Vatnikov Yu. A., Yagnikov S. A., Tutkyshbaj I. A., Sadskaya A.V., Sakhno O. N., Gatilina M. A. Tools and equipment in veterinary surgery. History and modernity. Study guide. /Under the Ggneral editorship of N. V. Sakhno. SPb.: Publishing House “Lan”, 2017. - 152p.
    Abstract: The study guide is intended for colleges and universities, students studying in the specialty “Veterinary medicine”, as well as postgraduate students in “Veterinary medicine and animal science” direction (the level of training of highly qualified personnel), courses of additional professional education and training, as well as for practicing veterinarians. The study guide describes the various tools of veterinary surgery of different years.
  2. Vilkovisky I. F., Zhukova K. A., Trofimtsov D. V., Vatnikov Yu. A., Seleznev S. B., Gorshkov S. S., Ulanova N. V., Pyatnitsa S. A. Abdominal surgery of small pet animals. Study guide for veterinary practitioners, students of senior courses. 3rd edition, revised and supplemented. Publishing house “Research library”, 2018. - 206 p.
    Abstract: The study guide is intended for colleges and universities, students studying in the speciality “Veterinary medicine”. The study guide outlines the main symptoms and diagnosis of surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity of small pets, provides a detailed description of the stages of surgical interventions, as well as possible complications and ways to eliminate them. Schemes of operations, clinical examples from own practice, and also indicative illustrations are presented.


  • The toothed wound hook, characterized in that the free ends of the teeth are made with teardrop-shaped thickenings for their atraumatic support on soft tissues was invented.
  • The patent No. 167041. Registered in the State register of inventions of the Russian Federation on December 01, 2016.
  • The retractor for the separation of organs was invented. In contrast to the conventional retractor, this tool in the restrictive area has through longitudinal identical rectangular openings which are parallel to each other and to the longitudinal axis of the retractor for the separation of organs.
  • The patent on the utility model No. 163990. Registered in the State register of inventions of the Russian Federation on July 28, 2016.
  • The surgical tubular probe - an assistive surgical instrument that is used in veterinary surgery for surgical intervention was invented. This probe is more atraumatic - it helps to clean wounds actively and remove the contents of abscesses.
  • The patent on the utility model No. 160496. Registered in the State register of utility models of the Russian Federation on February 25, 2016.
  • The tool for applying ligatures in the depth of the wound, which allows to reduce the area of the working part of the tool in the lower aperture of the operating wound, reduce blood loss and reduce the trauma of intervention was invented.
  • The patent on the invention No. 2550009. Registered in the State register of inventions of the Russian Federation on April 03, 2015.
  • The device for fixing laboratory animals, which is used to fix laboratory animals more effectively in preparation for the implementation of injections and avoids injury to the tissues of laboratory animals, improve the organicity of the construction and control of the tool was invented.
  • The patent on the utility model No. 153693. Registered in the State register of utility models of the Russian Federation on July 01, 2015.
  • The way to normalize thrombocyte catalase in newborn calves with iron deficiency, which helps to avoid many vascular complications and optimize microcirculation and tissue trophism in animals, improve livestock, reduce mortality, accelerate the growth and development of calves, increase weight gain was invented. 
  • The patent No. 2618467. Registered in the State register of inventions of the Russian Federation on May 03, 2017.
  • The method of normalization of superoxide dismutase catalase of neutrophils in newborn calves with iron deficiency, which helps to avoid vascular complications and optimization of microcirculation and trophism of tissues in animals, improvement of livestock, decreased mortality, faster growth and development of calves increase weight gain in calves was invented.
  • The patent No. 2618465. The application No. 2016140765. Priority of invention on October 17, 2016.

Scientific interests

  • General pathological aspects of veterinary medicine;
  • Principles of the organization of reparative osteogenesis;
  • Factors of natural resistance of animals in posttraumatic and postoperative periods;
  • Immunology of animals.
The present study aimed to investigate the effects of anaesthesia with citronellal and linalool on stress, antioxidant and hydromineral responses of common carp. Eugenol was used as control anaesthetic, as it is a common anaesthetic in aquaculture. The fish (110 ± 5.65 g) were exposed to 406 mg/L citronellal, 982 mg/L linalool or 43 mg/L eugenol within 5 min (short-term anaesthesia) or 10 and 20 mg/L of each anaesthetic for 3 hr (long-term exposure), before blood sampling. The results showed that the short-term anaesthesia had no significant effects on plasma lactate, sodium, chloride and phosphorus levels and blood catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase activities. The short-term anaesthesia with linalool led to higher stress responses (increased cortisol and glucose levels) and oxidative stress (increased malondialdehyde [MDA] level and decreased total antioxidant capacity [TAC] and glutathione peroxidase [GPx] activity) compared to the eugenol and citronellal. Citronellal group had significantly higher cortisol and lower TAC level and GPx activity compared to eugenol group. Under the long-term exposure, increase in anaesthetic concentration led to significant increase in plasma cortisol, glucose and phosphorus levels. The linalool-treated fish had significantly higher cortisol and MDA levels compared to the other groups. The eugenol group had significantly higher lactate and phosphorus and lower TAC levels compared to the other groups. Although citronellal causes slight increase in plasma cortisol level, it induces lower tissue damages compared to eugenol. Thus, citronellal might be an alternative anaesthetic for carp anaesthesia based on the present tested parameters.
The purpose of this work was to study the dynamics of structural manifestations of acute cases of postpartum endometritis in cows. Materials and Methods: The light and electron microscopy methods were used when studying structural changes in the endometrium in case of postpartum endometritis in seven cows. Sections of endometrial specimens for light microscopy, 5-7 µm thick, were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and also by Van Gieson's. For electron microscopy, semi-thin sections were stained with Azur-2 in combination with basic fuchsin, as well as contrasting by lead citrate and uranyl acetate. Results: As a result of the study, we have established the following: Necrobiosis of the epithelial layer of the mucosa, cellular infiltration with shaped elements of blood in the functional layer, swelling of the cells of the uterine gland, and single microbial cells on the surface of the mucosa. We have noted edema of the stroma of the functional layer of the endometrium, swelling of the epithelial layer of the endometrial mucosa, and swelling of fibroblastic and lymphoid cells. Ultrastructural changes in endometrial cells in case of acute postpartum endometritis in cows are accompanied by the destruction of microvilli on the apical surface of the epithelium, an abundance of coccal microflora on the surface of the epithelium, necrobiosis of epithelial cells, and partial edema of the nucleus, and cytoplasm of the histiocyte. Conclusion: We had established that acute purulent-catarrhal dystrophic processes were observed in the structural organization of the endometrium. In the depth of catarrhal mucus on the surface of the endometrium, there was an abundance of bacterial flora, with diplococci being prevalent. In ultrastructural organization of the endometrium, we observed deep dystrophic and necrobiotic processes in the parenchyma and endometrial stroma, as well as exudative processes with a change in the integrity of the microcirculatory bed. Thus, to prevent an inflammatory process from turning into a latent form, it is necessary to detect acute postpartum endometritis promptly using diagnostic methods taking into account the obtained parameters of the dynamics of structural changes in the uterine tissues.
Familial Shar-Pei amyloidosis is an autoinflammatory systemic disease characterized by pathological synthesis of the fibrillary protein in the cells of the reticuloendothelial system, followed by amyloid formation. The purpose of our research is mainly focused on the investigation of specific structural histological changes in kidneys, liver, and spleen of the Shar-Pei dogs suffering from familial amyloidosis. Materials and Methods: The studies included autopsy and post-mortem examination of the Shar-Pei dogs with the presumptive diagnosis of familial amyloidosis or other diagnoses. Samples of kidney, liver, and spleen tissues of all cadavers were collected for histological examination. Results: Our studies showed that amyloid was formed within the ground substance of the connective tissue. Early amyloid deposits were observed in the spleen samples, providing the pathomorphological marker of the initial stage of the process generalization, whereas during the later stages, amyloid was found in kidneys, liver, and myocardium. Gradually increasing amyloid deposits lead to compression and atrophy of the parenchymal cells, sclerosis, and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, manifesting as a wide range of clinical signs. Discussion: As a result of the conducted post-mortem examination, we have revealed systemic amyloidosis in the cadavers of the animals, initially admitted with various pathologies, which proves the importance and relevance of timely diagnostics, detection of clinical manifestations, and latent forms of the condition. Histological examination is one of the most accurate diagnostic methods for this pathology.
The aim of this study is to study pathological processes dynamics at experimental infestation of chickens with Yersinia pseudotuberculosis bacteria. Materials and Methods: Bacteria were cultured on the Hottinger medium. The presence of toxins was assessed using "dilatation of the intestine" and "vascular permeability" tests. For the first test, the investigated liquid with bacteria was administered intranasally, the results were evaluated by comparing the weight difference of lungs, while for the second test the investigated liquid was administered per rectum determining after 4 h the ratio of the weight of the small intestine with the contents to body weight. For morphological studies, histological sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. For representative information, preparations were examined under optical microscopy "H604 TrinocularUnico" (USA), stereoscopic microscopy "BIOMED MS-1 Stereo" (Russia), and scanning electron microscopy "Hitachi-800" with scanning add-on device (Japan). Results: At the formation of biofilms consisting of Y. pseudotuberculosis bacteria, we observed the formation of extracellular matrix, which covered the closed structures of various sizes consisting of bacterial cells, followed by subsequent formation of clusters. At the experimental toxemia of chickens, we identified in general exudative-infiltrative processes, the proliferation of antigen-primed lymphocyte, macrophage infiltration of the sinuses of the lymphoid organs, and increasing number of T-lymphocytes. At violation of the porosity in blood vessels of organs of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and excretory systems, we noted signs of hemocirculation disorders, extensive swelling, liberation of formed elements of blood and the fibrinogenation, dystrophic and necrotic processes, as well as numerous caseous necrotic foci infiltrated by leukocytes, which were revealed in the parenchymatous organs. Conclusion: When culturing Y. pseudotuberculosis bacteria, we observed the intercellular matrix and the formation of biofilms. At experimental toxemia of chickens, the pathological process dynamics was characterized by exudative and infiltrative processes, general vascular reaction, toxic myocardial dystrophy, atrophy of bursa fabricii, dystrophic, and necrotic processes in the Garder glands, Meckel's diverticulum, serous-fibrinous aerosacculitis, broken wind, signs of enterosorption, and hepatorenal syndrome.
This article presents characterization study of new coatings for dental implants, defines their basic requirements, and discusses the prospects of thermal oxide coatings application in animals' dental implantology. Thermally oxidized implants, modified with nanoaggregates of flavonoids, possess a greater degree of osteointegration as compared with the implants without coating. It was revealed in vitro that during the research control period, fibroblasts were adherenced around the implants' blanks on samples with a nontoxic coating of polyazolidine ammonium modified by the hydrate flavonoids' halogen ions. It is revealed that the experimental implants do not exert inhibitory action on erythropoiesis and leukopoiesis. The lack of sharp fluctuations in the levels of calcium and phosphorus, the dynamics of bilirubin, creatinine and urea within the reference values, as well as the recovery of the initial level of aspartate transaminase, alanine aminotransferase and C-reactive protein in animals of the experimental group at the early stages indicate the absence of toxic influence of implants with thermally oxidized surface coated through induction heat treatment and modified by nanoaggregates of flavonoids.
The main goal of the present work was the analysis of peripheral blood in case of surgical pathology in dogs with gastric dilation and volvulus as well as correction of post-operative state by RBC transfusion. Scientific supplies of domestic and foreign authors that influenced the use of blood transfusion and control of various types of correction in life-threatening conditions served as methodological basis of the scientific study. The studies used methods of clinical examination characterizing the pathogenetic aspects of the problem being studied. During the period of post-op observation of the animals anemia was detected on Day 1-7, thrombocytopenia on Day 1-3, as well as severe immunosuppression caused by the development of anesthesia and splenectomy, which was confirmed by lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia on Day 1-3. The study has shown that the use of packed red blood cells in the early post-op period reduces the severity of anemia, and the severity of the inflammatory process. Administration of donor red blood cells reduces immunosuppressive effect of splenectomy and effects of general anesthesia, triggers the production of platelets, reticulocytes, thereby stimulating cell proliferation to the reparative processes. The use of packed red blood cells in case of severe abdominal pathology in dogs in the post-op period is a promising direction for the development of hemotransfusion in the veterinary surgery.