Faculty description
The Faculty of Economics has existed since the founding of the P. Lumumba’s University of Peoples' Friendship. In 1961, it was established as a Faculty of Economics and Law. And in 1995 it was transformed into a Faculty of Economics.
Today, the Faculty of Economics also includes an International School of Business - the Institute of World Economy and Business (IWEB). IWEB is one of the oldest business schools in Russia, it prepares top-qualified managers for the MBA program.
Our graduate economists successfully realize their potential in banks, insurance and investment companies, at enterprises and in customs, foreign trade organizations and state control bodies of foreign economic activity in more than 110 countries of the world.
The Faculty has 12 departments, which specialization comprehensively reflects the realities of modern economic life in Russia and foreign countries. The Faculty has more than 30 programs of higher education at all levels: bachelor, specialty, master and postgraduate studies. Four programs are studied in foreign languages: “International Marketing” (English), “International Trade” (English), “International Business” (English), “Contemporary Studies of Latin America” (Spanish).
Six master’s programs are implemented jointly with foreign universities:
- "International Management" – jointly with the Network University of the CIS countries;
- “International Trade” - with the Network University of the CIS countries;
- “Management of international projects” - with the Network University of the CIS countries;
- “Accounting, internal control and audit” - with the SCO University;
- “International Trade” - with the National University of Science, Technology and Management (France);
- “Management of international projects” - with the National University of Science, Technology and Management (France).
Most of the bachelor’s and master’s programs are internationally accredited and certified by the German FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation).
An internship program of inclusive education can be taken in universities of China, Germany, Britain, Spain, France and other countries.
The Faculty focuses its educational process on practice. Future economists have a possibility to master the skills and subtleties of the profession during their studies. Internships are held in leading Russian and foreign companies, in banks and Ministries.
Partners of the Faculty:
- Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
- Office of the Federal Tax Service in Moscow
- Rocket and space industry organizations
- Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation
- Nestle
- Fashion Consulting Group
- Coca-Cola
- Nielsen
- PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Invited practitioners conduct master classes, round tables and webinars at the Faculty., students communicate with successful colleagues, learn about the profession, choose interesting areas of future work, agree on internships during lively dialogues.
Particular attention is paid to the issue of employment. Students are taught to correctly compose CVs, to undergo interviews according to the rules of business communication. The Faculty helps students and graduates to find work.
The “Economist” educational portal hosts job offers and internships. Students participate actively in Career days which provide opportunities to communicate directly with representatives of leading international and Russian companies, represent their CVs, take part in master classes and business games and get acquainted with internship programs in large Russian and international companies.
The Faculty offers additional education in language programs. “Interpreter in the field of professional communications” and “Foreign languages: professional and business communication” - such qualifications can be obtained by students in addition to the main specialty. You can choose English, German, Spanish, Chinese or French. Students have an opportunity to undergo language internships at universities in the UK (University of Westminster, Oxford Brooks, London Metropolitan University and others), Germany, Italy, China, France and Spain. The program "Foreign Languages: Professional and Business Communication" was examined by the University of Cambridge (UK).
The Faculty has 215 teachers, including:
- 37 Professors and Doctors of Science;
- 103 Associate Professors and PhDs;
- 15 foreign Scientific and Pedagogical workers;
- 12 full members and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and various public Academies of Sciences.
The Faculty members undergo internships and actively cooperate with leading universities in the USA, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Brazil, Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, etc.
Practitioners from leading Russian and foreign companies are regularly involved in conducting training sessions and master classes.