International cooperation
03 Mar 2022
Studying Around the World: Academic Mobility of RUDN University Institute of Law Students

5 students, 3 universities, 1 goal — to get the most out of your studies. The material focuses on the Institute of Law students who were able to complete internships at the partner universities of RUDN University. Some of them have already returned with new impressions and useful experience, others are abroad and continue to study. We talked with the students and found out how the adaptation to the new university was going on, what made studying different and how the internship helped defend their thesis.

Life in RUDN
03 Mar 2022
“I wish RUDN University could bring up ‘Beautiful People’ for many more years”, — Daria Stanis, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration

About the memory of grandfather, about the joy for the success of classmates, about the love of philosophy and about the fact that a life partner can be found at a lecture — in an interview for the media project “Thousands of stories — one university”

03 Mar 2022
“I know no other educational institution in our country where the calendar shows the correct date without getting stuck in the past,” Mikhail Chernyaev, graduate and lecturer at the RUDN University Institute of Medicine

My favorite subjects were Physical Education and Surgery. The main support is my family and colleagues. Read about the Leaders of Russia competition, cardiology and sound ambitions in an interview with Mikhail Chernyaev, Teaching Assistant of the RUDN University Department of Hospital Surgery with a course in Pediatric Surgery.

03 Mar 2022
“Only the one who goes to court and wins is at the top of the legal pyramid,” Sergey Kovalev, a graduate of the RUDN University Law Institute

Sergey Kovalev is a graduate of the Institute of Law, Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor of the RUDN University Department of Civil Law and Procedure and Private International Law, Managing Partner of the Kovalev, Tugushi and Partners Moscow Bar Association. Sergey has 28 years of active arbitration practice in his professional background. Read about the neighbours from Brazil and Cambodia, joint-stock companies and bankruptcy, trucks of documents and the importance of traditions in his interview for the Thousands of Stories — One University media project on the eve of the RUDN University birthday.

Life in RUDN
02 Mar 2022
“Nothing surprising. RUDN University is our home”

Love for the profession, pride in friends and family happiness — in an interview with Elena Nikolaevna Baryshnikova, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Methods of Teaching Russian.

28 Feb 2022
RUDN University Scientists in Pharmaceutical Technology Proved Effectiveness of New Dosage Form

RUDN University scientists together with colleagues from Switzerland proved in a clinical trial the effectiveness of a new dosage form — amorphous solid dispersion. This is the first such study in humans to show the mechanism of action of this form of drug release. In the future, it will help to increase the effectiveness of drugs and use new active substances for treatment.

25 Feb 2022
New Method Allows Detecting Tumor by Measuring its Temperature

Russian researchers have proposed a method for detecting cancer and other diseases by measuring the temperature inside the body.

Life in RUDN
25 Feb 2022
“My alter ego is now handling administrative offence cases while I am practicing my favourite khuryo chagi in the gym,” Vladislav Larin, Olympic Champion, student of the RUDN University Law Institute

He copes (i.e. contends) with two roles: an Olympic champion and a successful lawyer. The former uses a gold medal as an argument, the latter — a brilliant career. How to switch? How to combine sport and study? Vladislav Larin, a student of the RUDN University Institute of Law, 2020 Olympic champion in taekwondo, European champion, world champion, told the Thousands of Stories — One University media project commemorating the RUDN University birthday in an interview.

24 Feb 2022
RUDN engineers have created a filter for purifying water from coal and cement, and its effectiveness was proved using the application

RUDN engineers proposed a new complex of cement and coal to purify water from toxic pollutants. The operation of the filter compound was tested experimentally — on water purification from two dyes (methylene blue and rhodamine B).And its effectiveness (it reached 80%) was tested in a simple way — using a smartphone application.

16 Feb 2022
RUDN University scientists have proposed a method for assessing the economy for environmental friendliness

RUDN economists have developed an approach that allows assessing the level of development of the circular economy in different countries. The new method will help experts and governments determine how successfully recycling systems, energy-saving technologies and new “green” materials are being introduced into the economy.

14 Feb 2022
RUDN University Mathematicians Create a Model for Queue Organizing with Self-Sustained Servers

RUDN University mathematicians proposed a model for optimizing the operation of queuing systems (from computer networks to stores). Unlike analogues, the servers in it are self-sustained. They can determine when to start and stop working themselves. Such a model can be useful, for example, for online taxi services and other systems where workers choose their own operating hours.

10 Feb 2022
RUDN University Researchers Create a Drug Coating for Tracheal Stents

RUDN University scientists have created a drug-eluting coating for stents, which are implanted into the trachea in case of airway obstruction. This will help to reduce the damage caused by the stent and prevent the restenosis.