Research and Innovative Activity
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11 Oct 2021
A team of biologists analyzed soil samples from a pasture and a regularly mowed meadow and found out that grazing lets more carbon get into the soil than mowing. This, in turn, improves the carbon cycle and makes microorganisms more efficient.
11 Oct 2021
Soil scientists suggest method for remediating urban garden soils contaminated with lead and arsenic
The soils of urban gardens and vegetable patches contain a lot of toxicants (including lead and arsenic) in high concentrations which can be harmful to the health of children and people with chronic diseases. A team of soil scientists from RUDN University suggested a remediation method developed based on data collected in a garden of Brooklyn (NY, U.S.).
11 Oct 2021
A chemist from RUDN University suggested an eco-friendly method for the synthesis of dapsone, a substance that inhibits the growth of malaria and leprosy agents. The main component of the new reaction is hydrogen peroxide that does not form environmentally destructive compounds, and the only by-product is simple water. Unlike other technologies, this method includes only one stage of dapsone production and does not require high temperatures. The catalyst of the reaction can be reused without any loss of efficiency.
11 Oct 2021
A mathematician from RUDN University developed a matrix representation of set functions. This approach is vivid and easy to check, and it makes the calculations easier. Among other things, the new development can be applied to cooperative game theory.
11 Oct 2021
According to a biologist from RUDN University, olive waste added to the feed of rainbow trout helps increase the speed of its growth and boost its immunity. This natural supplement can help reduce the costs of fish farms.
11 Oct 2021
A team of biologists from RUDN University developed a hibiscus-based dietary supplement for trout that makes the fish less sensitive to ammonia pollution and more stress-resistant.
11 Oct 2021
According to a linguist from RUDN University, the number of COVID-19 cases in a country correlates with the number of aspirated consonants in its main language of communication. This data can help create more accurate models to describe the spread of COVID-19.
11 Oct 2021
RUDN University doctors found alterations in serum amino acid profile in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The findings will help to understand the mechanism of the disorder and develop new treatment strategies.
11 Oct 2021
RUDN University doctors found out what role macrophages play in the recovery of the liver after the removal of its significant part.
11 Oct 2021
RUDN soil scientist tracked as forest ecosystems independently regulate circulation nitrogen. On the example of coniferous plantations for productions valuable wood it found out that with age plants accelerate circulation soil nitrogen.
11 Oct 2021
A team of specialists in mathematical modeling from the RUDN University suggested a qualitative model of virus evolution and of the occurrence of new strains. The results of the study can make predicting virus behavior more efficient and help in the development of new antiviral medications.
11 Oct 2021
RUDN physicians offered new means for treatment of a bazalno-cellular cancer. Doctors conducted research with use of the photodynamic therapy mediated by 5-aminolevulinovy acid in the preparation “Levulon”. Therapy showed excellent result: patients safely and almost without serious consequences got rid of oncology.
11 Oct 2021
RUDN University biotechnologists have created a method for detection of bacterial infection in apple, pear, hawthorn and other plants of the Rosaceae family. The test does not require laboratory equipment, the result is ready in 10 minutes. This will allow detecting the disease quickly and prevent the spread of infection.
11 Oct 2021
A chemist from RUDN University developed a silica-supported heteropolyacid system to produce ethers from waste products of the wood and paper industry and agriculture. Ethers can be used as biofuels, and the new method increases the efficiency of their production 4 to 10 times, thus reducing energy consumption and making the manufacturing of biofuels cheaper. The results of the study were published in the Molecular Catalysis journal.
11 Oct 2021
A team of chemists from RUDN University suggested a universal method to synthesize thienoindolizine derivatives. Because of their special properties, these substances can be used to manufacture antibacterial and antitumor drugs, as well as new materials for optoelectronics.
11 Oct 2021
A team of chemists from RUDN University suggested a new reaction to produce organic compounds in one vessel. The end products turned out to be effective against the cells of carcinomas, including drug-resistant ones.
11 Oct 2021
RUDN University biologist studied the aggressive impact of environmental factors (water, salts, and ozone) on ultrathin nanofibers of biopolymers. The results will help choosing suitable bioplastic depending on the use; for example, for medical implants, biodegradable packaging or filters for water cleaning.
11 Oct 2021
RUDN University mathematicians built a model of COVID-19 spreading based on two regression models. The mathematicians divided the countries into three groups, depending on the spreading rate and on the climatic conditions, and found a suitable mathematical approximation for each of them. Based on the model, the mathematicians predicted the subsequent waves. The forecast was accurate in countries where mass vaccination was not introduced.
11 Oct 2021
The RUDN medic showed for the first time how the enzyme asparaginase, derived from the bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum, penetrates into breast cancer cells. The study also confirmed that the enzyme has antitumor activity not only due to its ability to break down the amino acid asparagine — it can also suppress the activity of telomerase inside the nuclei of cells. Thus, it can be used as a drug with a dual mechanism of antitumor activity.
11 Oct 2021
RUDN University chemists synthesized and studied the catalytic activity of vanadates and vanadites of several rare-earth metals (REM) in the thermal-catalytic treatment of polyolephin plastic waste. According to them, the volume of gases liberated in the course of pyrolysis considerably increases, and their composition changes in the presence of the catalysts. By choosing an appropriate catalyst, one can obtain light olefins (ethylene, propylene, butylene, and so on) in high yields or dramatically change the nature of the end products (syngas). The study may lead to the development of new polymer waste treatment technologies allowing for the generation of important products and preproducts for chemical and petrochemical synthesis.
11 Oct 2021
Scientists from RUDN University have developed a new method for converting planthydrocarbon radicals into substances that canbe used to synthesize coenzyme Q0.
11 Oct 2021
RUDN University scientists together with colleagues from Switzerland proved in a clinical trial the effectiveness of a new dosage form — amorphous solid dispersion. This is the first such study in humans to show the mechanism of action of this form of drug release. In the future, it will help to increase the effectiveness of drugs and use new active substances for treatment.
Visiting Professors
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11 Oct 2021
October 6, the Nobel Committee announced the 2021 Nobel Prize Winners in Chemistry. They were scientists Benjamin List (Germany) and David Macmillan (USA) for new methods of molecular synthesis. RUDN chemists know Professor Liszt personally — in 2019, the researcher came to participate in the university conference.
Student's Scientific Initiatives
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12 Oct 2021
Student Scientific Society (SSS) of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) won a special Best New SSS of Moscow and Moscow Region award at a contest held by the regional Association of Students and Student Organizations.
12 Oct 2021
Alexander Kirilenko and Alexander Korotkov, third-year students of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Mathematics direction, took the third place in the individual competition at the International Mathematics Olympiad among students.
12 Oct 2021
The research of Amina Adhamova, a third-year graduate student in the field of “Mathematics and Mechanics” got into the competition of the best projects of fundamental scientific researches of young scientists. The work of RUDN postgraduate student is devoted to differential-difference equations, in particular to control systems with aftereffects. The object of the research is the problem of settling of a control system with aftereffects.
International scientific cooperation
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12 Oct 2021
September 22, a cooperation agreement was signed between RUDN and ZAO “Evalar”, the largest Russian manufacturer of natural drugs and biologically active food supplements. The document was signed by Andrei Kostin, RUDN Vice rector for Research, and Prokopyeva Natalia, the chairman boards of directors JSC “EVALAR”.
12 Oct 2021
On September 27 the minister of science and the highest educations Valery Nikolaevich Falkov declared the list of the participating organizations of the Priority 2030 program. Demands were created by 191 higher education institution, the total list entered only 106 higher education institutions.
12 Oct 2021
The document was signed on 6 July in Dubna during a visit of a leadership delegation of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) to JINR. The agreement provides joint training of staff in the fields of physics, mathematics, IT, and life sciences, as well as cooperation in the realm of research activities with the use of JINR’s unique equipment.
Scientific Conferences
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11 Oct 2021
On September 25 JOINT-STOCK COMPANY “VDNKH” turned into uniform demonstration space. All-Russian festival of technical achievements of “Tekhnosred” united the Russian scientific community: leading scientific and technological companies, higher education institutions and research institutes, and also scientists and leaders of the scientific environment.