A subject-oriented class of RUDN University
Priority areas
Social and humanitarian
Agrarian and technological
Physical -mathematical and natural sciences
Such form of cooperation with international partner universities is aimed at:

Increasing academic mobility of the academic staff.

Search and selection of the talented prospective students and students.

Developing scientific schools, doing joint research, preparing joint scientific articles.

Promoting RUDN University brand and its educational programmes abroad

Education and leisure

The educational programmes in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry have been developed and published for the subject-oriented classes. All the programmes have been discussed and approved by the scientific boards of the corresponding faculties/institutes/academies.

The RUDN University Subject-oriented classes activities can be carried out both in class and with the use of distance learning technologies.
The formats of the activities include master-classes, public lectures, round tables, seminars and conferences. 

RUDN University is interested in attracting the most prepared senior pupils of the national general education institutions and bachelor graduates from the national higher education institutions.

We invite YOU to join the team of the talented enrollees to RUDN University in bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s and postgraduate programmes.
In 2016-2017 RUDN University signed the agreements on creating 20 RUDN University Subject-oriented classes in 14 countries:
Country: Chile
Number of classes: 1
Country: China
Number of classes: 1
Country: Colombia
Number of classes: 2
Country: Ecuador
Number of classes: 1
Country: Jordan
Number of classes: 2
Country: Peru
Number of classes: 2
Country: Vietnam
Number of classes: 1
In 2017 we reached an agreement on launching the Subject-oriented classes in 10 other countries:
Country Subject-oriented classes
Partner University
Representative of the RUDN
Lebanese International University
    • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 
    • Academy of Engineering
    • Agrarian and Technological Institute
Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral
    • Agrarian and Technological Institute
    • Academy of Engineering
Ankara University
    • Academy of Engineering
Fluminense Federal University
    • Academy of Engineering
University of Havana
  • Agrarian and Technological Institute

Namibia University
    • Academy of Engineering
Copperbelt University
    • Academy of Engineering
Dominican Republic
Autonomous University of Santo Domingo
    • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Faculty of Economics
    • Law Institute
Lebanese University
    • Academy of Engineering
    • Agrarian and Technological Institute
Jordan University of Science and Technology
    • Ecological Faculty

In 2018-20 the subject-oriented classes are planned to be launched at the following universities:

  • Egyptian Russian University,
  • Graduate University of Mongolia, 
  • Sungkyunkwan University (South Korea), 
  • Army University (Ecuador),
  • University of Guayaquil (Ecuador),
  • Ankara University (Turkey),
  • Ankara University Institute of Science and Technologies (Turkey).

The RUDN University Department of International Project Activities deals with coordinating the work with the RUDN University subject-oriented classes.