Description of the Faculty
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FGSN) was established as a result of the reorganization of the History and Philology Faculty in 1996.
Today, 15 departments train specialists in 8 areas.
Students practice in government, specialized laboratories, archives, educational institutions, international corporations. They participate in excavations in Russia, France, Italy, get acquainted with the subtleties of the international protocol and etiquette when working with international delegations, participate in the organization and processing of surveys, organize exhibitions and expositions, work on election campaigns, consult, analyze, speak …
Students can get not only a RUDN diploma, but also a diploma of a partner university in Germany, Spain, Kazakhstan, China, France, Russia (the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
Among the partners of the faculty there are more than 40 foreign universities, among them: University of Pierre Mendes France (Grenoble, France); Institute for Policy Studies, University of Bordeaux (France); University of Paris-VIII (France); Madrid University of Complutense (Spain); Potsdam University (Germany); Beijing University of Foreign Languages (China) and others.
The young professionals of the faculty travel to language internships, summer and winter schools and on-the-job training programs with the Egyptian-Russian University (Egypt), the Jordanian University (Jordan), Shandong University - Weihai (China), the Balearic Islands University (Spain)
You can also become a professional interpreter - in parallel with the basic training is given an advanced course of a foreign language. Graduates are awarded the European Diploma Supplement (DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT) - a document on the recognition of higher education in many countries.
The faculty is known for its scientific schools.
There are 4 dissertational councils for defending candidate and doctoral dissertations in 11 specialties of humanities and social sciences:
- 09.00.01 Ontology and theory of knowledge (philosophical sciences)
- 09.00.03 History of Philosophy (Philosophical Sciences)
- 09.00.11 Social Philosophy (Philosophical Sciences)
- 07.00.02 Domestic history (historical sciences)
- 07.00.09 Historiography, source study and methods of historical research (historical sciences)
- 07.00.15 The history of international relations and foreign policy (historical sciences)
- 23.00.01 Theory and Philosophy of Politics, History and Methodology of Political Science (Political Science)
- 23.00.02 Political institutes, processes and technologies (political sciences)
- 23.00.04 Political problems of international relations and global and regional development (political science)
- 22.00.01 Theory, methodology and history of sociology (sociological sciences)
- 22.00.08 Management Sociology (Sociological Sciences)
There is a program of joint double scientific management of graduate students and the program "Double postgraduate studies" with partner universities, which allows for 3 years to receive a European Diploma of Doctor of Sciences.
There are about 280 teachers at the faculty, including 49 professors and doctors of sciences, 87 associate professors and candidates of sciences. Classes are conducted by academic scientists and practitioners: diplomats, sociologists, managers, political technologists.
Manuals and teaching package are developed in electronic multimedia form - this allows you to listen to lectures and do home and test tasks remotely.
The faculty hosts international conferences, open lectures and master classes with the participation of professors from foreign universities, famous diplomats, politicians, journalists. One of the traditions of the faculty is the Day of the Ambassador. It is a holiday when ambassadors and consuls come to lectures and master classes with whom you can communicate on an equal footing at round tables. On this day, you can get first-hand answers to current questions, clarify the reliability of news about different countries, and establish useful contacts.