International research conference «Living values of the university in globalizing world»

International research conference «Living values of the university in globalizing world»

2020 The event passed
6 - 8 Feb
Moscow, st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 6
Contact person
Timur Shiyapov
+7 (495) 787-38-03 ext.: 2311 +7 (495) 787-38-03 ext.: 2309
About the event

February 6, 2020, the international research conference «Living values of the university in globalizing world» timed to the 60th anniversary of RUDN University will be held.

The purpose of the conference is conceptualization and scientific and practical formulation of the problems of modern higher education in the context of the large-scale process of internationalization of universities, as well as the understanding of life values ​​of the university and intercultural dialogue in a multinational classical university.

The conference will be held in the format of plenary meetings and round tables in the main areas:




Professor Vladimir Filippov, Rector of RUDN University (Russia)

Global universities in a globalizing world

Professor Hans de Wit, Director, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College (USA)

Global and internal internationalization

Professor Jan Sadlak, President of IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence) (France)

University as a generator of knowledge and curator of academic values in the context of the 4th industrial revolution

Professor Willy Jager, professor at the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing Ruprecht-Karl University of Heidelberg (Germany)

Network integration of research and education

Professor Piotr Dutkiewicz, Professor and Director, Carleton Center for Governance and Public Policy in Ottawa (Canada)

Values of the university in a changing international social environment

Doctor Sithbolt Nurda, President, Observatory Magna Charta Universitatum (Netherlands)

University Values

Key speakers from: Austria, Angola, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Guinea-Bissau, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, India, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Cyprus, China, Côte d'Ivoire, Colombia, Lebanon, Mauritius, Madagascar, Mali, Nepal, Norway, Palestine, Peru, Poland, Russia, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Slovakia, USA, Tanzania, Uganda, France, Sri Lanka, Equatorial, Guinea, Ecuador.

Format of participation: in person: presentation with a report, listener of the conference; virtual participation (abstract of the report).

Working languages ​​of the conference - Russian, English.

Registration fee - none.

Participants are allowed to attend the conference by decision of the Organizing Committee based on the abstract of the report.

Conference materials will be published in the collection (ISBN index, registration at the RISC “eLibrary”).

Requirements for articles

  • up to 5 pages in MS Word format (* .doc, * .docx);
  • font Times New Roman (size - 12, spacing - 1.0);
  • margin size: top - 6.1 cm, bottom - 6.5 cm, right and left 4.9 cm;
  • paragraph indent - 1.25 cm.


  1. article title - in capital letters, bold, center alignment;
  2. through a line - initials and surname of the author (s) printed in bold lowercase letters, centered;
  3. through a line - name of the educational institution or organization, city, country;
  4. through a line - annotation - 5-7 lines and keywords - 5-7 words;
  5. through a line - the same data in English;
  6. through a line - text of the article

In section "Literature" sources referred to in the text of the article (first in Russian, then in foreign languages) indicated alphabetically. The text in square brackets indicates the number of the source in the attached list of references, and, if necessary, pages, for example, [1; 15].

Not allowed

  • graphic objects
  • applying styles
  • bulleted and numbered lists,
  • transfers.

Important: articles that do not correspond to the conference topics, specified requirements or exceed the maximum allowable volume are not included in the collection.

Abstracts must be sent to

Until December 15, 2019 - acceptance of applications for participation in the conference and abstracts of reports, hotel reservations.

February 6, 2020 from 9:00 to 10:00 - registration of participants.

February 6, 2020 from 11:00 to 17:00 - plenary meeting, work of the conference sites.

Program committee


  • Vladimir Filippov - Rector of RUDN University, Russian Federation - Chairman of the Program Committee;
  • Grigory Trubnikov - First Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education, Russian Federation - Deputy Chairman of the Program Committee;
  • Nur Kirabaev - First Vice-Rector - Vice-Rector for Research, RUDN University, Russian Federation;
  • Larisa Efremova - Vice-Rector for International Affairs, RUDN, Russian Federation;
  • Hans De Wit - Director, Center for the Study of International Higher Education, Boston College, USA;
  • Piotr Dutkiewicz - Director, Center for Governance and Public Policy, Carleton University, Canada;
  • Jan Sadlak - President, International Observatory for Academic Rankings and Excellence IREG, France;
  • Willy Jäger - Professor, University of Heidelberg, Germany;
  • Emanuel Trick - Rector, University of Nice - Sofia Antipolis, France;
  • Galimkair Mutanov - Rector, Kazakh National University named after Al Farabi, Kazakhstan;
  • Erlan Sadykov - Rector, ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov, Kazakhstan;
  • Anatoly Torkunov - Rector, MGIMO, Russian Federation;
  • Mikhail Strikhanov - Rector, MEPhI, Russian Federation.
Information letter
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