

Rosneft is the leader of the Russian oil industry and the largest public oil and gas corporation in the world. The main activities of Rosneft PJSC are search and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits, extraction of oil, gas, gas condensate, implementation of projects for the development of offshore fields, processing of extracted raw materials, sale of oil, gas and their processed products in Russia and abroad.

History of cooperation:
  • Students undergo individual internships at Rosneft.
  • RUDN University has signed a long-term agreement with RN-Vankor LLC, a subsidiary of Rosneft.
  • Interaction within the framework of the Center for Management of Industries (Department of Economics): in connection with the opening of the “Digital Enterprise Management in the Fuel and Energy Complex” department, negotiations were held on recruiting students for 2019-2020 training under the master's program in this department.
  • On December 6, 2018, within the framework of the bilateral Agreement of Cooperation between the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (RUDN University) and the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, a round table was held on the “Improving Competitiveness in the Russian Coal Industry on the Example of Investing in Miners' Work Safety” topic with the participation of representatives of Rosneft.
  • In March 2019, at the conference “Mechanized Oil Production-2019”, of which Rosneft is a regular participant, a speaker from RUDN University delivered a report.

Inter RAO Group is a diversified energy holding managing assets in Russia, as well as in Europe and the CIS.

History of cooperation:
  • Students undergo internships at the companies included in Inter RAO holding:
  • LLC "INTER RAO - Export" (Department of Economics)
  • LLC "Inter RAO-Engineering" (Law Institute)
  • Proposals for student recruitment for 2019-2020 were sent for training under master's programs in the framework of the Center for Management of Industries (Department of Economics)
  • In 2019 leading companies of the Russian market, among which were Inter RAO, Rosatom, RUSAL, GAZ group of companies and others, told students of RUDN, RANEPA, Moscow State University, NITU MISiS and potential partners about “Professional training 2.0” project and cases for the updated platform.

Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation. Rosatom is one of the global technological leaders with the resources and competences to successfully operate in all parts of the nuclear energy production chain.

History of cooperation:
  • Individual internships in the ANO "Corporate Academy of Rosatom".
  • Graduates of “Power Engineering” of the Engineering Academy work in departments of Rosatom.
  • 3 graduates of 2017-2018 employed in the project for a nuclear power plant under construction in Bangladesh.
  • Also, with the help of the Department of career guidance of RUDN University, graduates from previous years who are members of the Association of Graduates of Russian / Soviet Universities are hired for the RUPPUR project
  • Interaction within the framework of the Center for Management of Industries (Department of Economics):
  • Negotiations were held on the recruitment of students for 2019-2020 to the department of "Digital Enterprise Management in the Fuel and Energy Complex"
  • Joint research work.
  • In March 2019, the qualifying stage of the VII International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN" was held at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), supported by Rosatom, RUSAL and others.
  • In 2016, the 4th contest of innovative projects in mechanical engineering was held. The projects of the participants were reviewed by members of the expert council, including representatives from Gazprom, Rosatom, Russian Technologies, Gazprom Neft, Tatneft, Novatek, Lukoil Engineering, Severstal, Mechel, OMK, Rusal, Krastsvetmet
  • On March 19, 2016, the Open lesson “Landing on Mars” was held as part of the Fifth All-Russian School Week of High Technologies and Technological Entrepreneurship. Institute of Applied Technical and Economic Research and Expertise at RUDN University with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation was held
  •  On September 25-28, 2017, a round table was held at the RUDN University with representatives of associations and unions of foreign graduates of the RUDN University, including the participation of the director of the International Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, “Interaction Model between the University and Alumni Associations in internship and employment of foreign students". The purpose of the event: improving mechanisms for cooperation between the RUDN University and Alumni Associations.
  • The engineering and racing team FS RUDN became the absolute leader in the overall standings of the Russian stage “Formula Student” and took first places in individual disciplines - Acceleration, Autocross and Endurance. FS RUDN - Russian Champions of 2017 in the Formula Student class. The competition was organized by the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship in collaboration with SMP Racing, Power Wheels, Rosatom, the Association of Automotive Engineers, Certina, ISIC, 5 wheel, Popular Mechanics, Days.Ru, Moscow-24, , Actual Moscow.

LUKOIL is one of the largest public vertically integrated oil and gas companies in the world, which accounts for more than 2% of world oil production and about 1% of proven hydrocarbon reserves.

History of cooperation:
  • Students of the Engineering Academy, Foreign language institute, Agrarian and technology institute, Institute of International Economy and Business and the Department of Economics undergo internships at the enterprise.
  • In the fall of 2018, Lukoil was involved in the Career Days; In the spring of 2019, the company participated again.
  • Interaction within the framework of the Center for Management of Industries (Department Economics): in connection with the opening of the department “Digital Enterprise Management in the Fuel and Energy Complex”, proposals were sent on inviting the organization’s employees to study under the master's program in this department in 2019-2020.

PJSC Gazprom is a global energy company. The main areas of activity are exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sale of gas, gas condensate and oil, sale of gas as motor fuel, as well as production and sale of heat and electricity.

History of cooperation:
  • Cooperation agreements with companies until 2022:
    • Gazprom Geotechnology
    • OOO Gazprom Design
    • PJSC Mosenergo
  • Students of the Engineering Academy, departments of Economics and Ecology, Institutes of Hospitality and Tourism  and Agrarian and Technology undergo internships in the branches of GAZPROM
  • In December 2018, a master class was held by O. Kirichenko, Director of the Center for Financial Analysis,of NIIgazekonomika LLC for bachelors and masters of Economics. Following the meeting, 4 students of the Department of Economics were accepted for an internship.
  • Cooperation began within the framework of the Center for Management of Industries (Department of Economics) in connection with the opening of the department "Management of a Digital Enterprise in the Fuel and Energy Complex"
  • Scientific and practical seminar “Restorative nature management and environmental safety” for young specialists of Gazprom subsidiaries. On May 17–20, 2016, at the Department of Ecology of the RUDN University, a scientific and practical seminar “Restorative nature management and environmental safety” was held for young specialists of PJSC subsidiaries. The seminar was aimed at stimulating the development of scientific thinking, motivation for scientific and technical creativity, attracting young workers and specialists.

Russian state corporation, established at the end of 2007 to assist in the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products for civil and military purposes.

History of cooperation:
  • On the basis of the company, students undergo individual internships.
  • Currently, the corporation has signed a decree on sending employees of the organization to study in 2019-2020 under the master's program "Innovation Management in Industry" within the framework of the Center for Management of Industries. According to the program above, 1-2 year graduate courses of corporate employees are being successfully taught.
  • On the basis of RUDN University, the dissertation council D 999.058.03, combined with Rostec State Corporation operates.
  • At the conference “Problems and prospects of economic development and training for high-tech industries. RUDN and space: 55 years together ”, the official opening of the Center for Open Innovations of the State Corporation Rostec at the RUDN University aimed at helping large corporations, research organizations, higher education institutions, regional and municipal authorities, departments and other interested organizations in matters of introduction and development of mechanisms of open innovation.
  • On December 2, the RUDN University together with the Embassy of the Russian Federation held a Round Table on topic of "Education in Russia. Employment in Angola" in the Republic of Angola (Luanda). Russian companies with projects on the Angolan market, including giants such as Rostec and Alrosa, also expressed great interest in RUDN graduates, shared their ideas on the organization of interaction.

The Russian state vertically integrated company, owner of public infrastructure and the largest carrier of the Russian railway network. It was founded in 2003, on the basis of the Ministry of Railways of Russia. 100% of the shares are owned by the Government of Russia.

History of cooperation:
  • The Law Institute of RUDN University interacts with JSC Russian Railways on the basis of the concluded cooperation agreement No. 0090-01-15 / 115 of September 26, 2019. Students annually undergo production and pre-diploma internship on the basis of the legal department of JSC Russian Railways.
  • There is a long-term cooperation agreement with the National Research Center of Russian Railways, where students of the Medical Institute undergo internships and subsequent employment.
  • Under individual contracts, students of the Department of Economics, Institute of International Economy and Business, undergo practical training.

Russian financial conglomerate, the largest transnational and universal bank in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe.

History of cooperation:

RUDN has signed a long-term contract for conducting internships at Sberbank PJSC for 5 years. Students of the Department of Economics are involved.

  • On March 11, 2016, Institute of International Economy and Business of  RUDN University had a master class on the topic “Personal internal corporate communications” with the participation of Sberbank;
  • Institute Of International Economy and Business students took part in the Baltic Weekend conference (September 8–9, 2016 St. Petersburg) On September 8–9, Baltic Weekend 2016 conference was held in St. Petersburg. Among the participants were representatives of Sberbank. Communication of the participants took place not only in the framework of two plenary meetings, but also during six thematic round tables.

The Russian corporation that manages the country's space industry, created in 2015 by transforming the Federal Space Agency "Roskosmos" on the initiative of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin. The office of Roscosmos is located in Moscow. The flight control center is located in Korolev. The cosmonaut training center is located in the Zvyosdny Gorodok near Moscow. Roscosmos uses Baikonur, Vostochny and Plesetsk cosmodromes.
Roscosmos carries out functions to ensure implementation of state policy and legal regulation, provision of public services and management of state property in the field of space activities. The main activities of the corporation are: manned space exploration, planet exploration, the study of the sun, astrophysics and the creation of artificial Earth satellites. One of the important activities of the corporation is the development of tourism, both on earth and in space.

History of cooperation:

In 2016 Roscosmos and the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) have signed an agreement on long-term strategic cooperation. The main areas of cooperation are training highly qualified personnel for the space industry.
Regular production internships for students of the Engineering Academy. Individual internships for students of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
A long-term internship contract with the scientific and production association of measuring equipment (NPO IT, Korolev, part of Roscosmos) in 2018. Since 2018, students have been undergoing all kinds of internships at the enterprise. According to the results of the practice, students are employed.

  • In the fall of 2018, internships for student translators at events were organized at Roskomos through the Roskomos Corporate Academy. Students from the Institute of Humanities, Social Sciences and Engineering Academy participated. Everyone received gratitude letters, the best were invited for further cooperation.
  • Interaction within the framework of the Center for Management of Industries (Department of Economics):
    • At present, the training of employees of leading enterprises in conducting a comprehensive reform of the rocket and space industry in Russia is being successfully conducted. 
    • For 2019-2020 a set of 2 training groups is also planned from those among the leading enterprises of the corporation.
    • Joint research work.

INTERTEST is a Russian full-cycle engineering company, combining the best domestic internships in the field of construction with international best Internships. In addition to the Russian team, the international team includes leading experts from Germany and Italy, India and Malaysia.

History of cooperation:

Has been collaborating with RUDN University since November 2016. . Offers jobs for engineering students.