About RUDN
09 Jun 2021
RUDN University — # 317 in the ranking of the best universities in the world QS WUR 2022

According to the ranking of the best universities in the world QS World University Rankings 2022, RUDN University has risen by 9 positions and took the 317th place.

09 Jun 2021
Multilingual Education during COVID-19: University Teachers from Several Continents and 18 Countries Explored Common and Specific Features of Remote Training

The RUDN University Academic Council Commission on Foreign Languages held its June research seminar in cooperation with international community of language teachers who became part of the international pro-bono project on challenges and solutions to foreign languages training during COVID-19.

07 Jun 2021
RUDN University Biologists Studied the Effect of Jungles on Global Warming

Biologists from RUDN University described the role of tropical rainforests in the production of methane, the second most harmful greenhouse gas after CO2. It turned out that some areas of rainforests not only consumed methane but also emitted it.

04 Jun 2021
Russian Chemists Suggested a Method for Producing Metal-Based Catalysts with Unparalleled Efficiency

A team of chemists from RUDN University and Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds (INEOS) synthesized two heterometallic clusters with almost 100% efficiency. These compounds can be used as catalysts in pharma, production of polymers, and other branches of the chemical industry.

03 Jun 2021
Don't confuse stress with overwork and fatigue

April 24, in the framework of the “Week of Success of Sistema JSFC and RUDN University” (April 17-24), 40 future doctors, psychologists, linguists and philologists of RUDN University attended master class “Stress and methods of dealing with it”, conducted by Evgeny Lazarev, Head of the International Department of the MEDSI Group of Companies. He talked about the types of stress and how to learn to listen to your body and stay healthy.

01 Jun 2021
Students have the same information as New York investors

Even in Ancient Babylon, they taught financial literacy. Modern market is open for investment. A student can learn this during breaks between lectures — Nikita Emelyanov, Director of the department for work with shares of Sistema Capital AM, is sure of that.

28 May 2021
Soil Bogging Caused by Climate Change Adds to the Greenhouse Effect, Says a RUDN University Soil Scientist

A soil scientist from RUDN University studied soil samples collected at the Tibetan Plateau and discovered that high soil moisture content (caused by the melting of permafrost and glaciers) leads to further temperature increase. Therefore, the rate of soil bogging should be held back in order to slow down global warming.

28 May 2021
Ideas change the world — and this is not an advertising slogan

Why is design a verb? Why is little design good? Why make five variants of a CV? At the master class “What is design? Basic principles of design” from Sistema JSFC and RUDN University, Alexey Chupin, Head of the MTS design center, showed how design solves business problems.

27 May 2021
Go to a job interview not feeling like a victim, but being sure the company needs you

“The priority of Sistema Public Joint Stock Financial Corporation is human capital. The Group employs over 200 thousand people and it is vital to assess the potential of all our assets. They are diverse: from agriculture to space, and from telecom to Ozon,” says Svetlana Matveyeva, Vice President for Human Resources, Sistema PJSFC.

27 May 2021
“China is all about technology, wisdom and culture” — Alexandra Lavrushina, graduate of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of RUDN University

Alexandra is a sociologist and Sinologist. She tells us the secrets of learning Chinese, breaks down stereotypes about the Chinese keyboard and shares what she learned after living in China for several years.

Life in RUDN
24 May 2021
50 countries — one ticket: RUDN University send guests of the “Planet South-West” festival on a journey

Once a year, RUDN Airlines give you the opportunity to visit dozens of countries in a few hours. No visa and luggage — take only the most necessary things: a student card and good mood. RUDN University students from 50 countries introduced the guests of the “Planet South-West” festival to their cultures and traditions.

Life in RUDN
24 May 2021
“In Moscow, students are serious people, and in Georgia, young people are more fun” — Anna Khotivrishvili, postgraduate student of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Anna was born and raised in Tbilisi in the area of ​​sulfur baths, once visited by Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov. Read in the interview about international relations, why they are important and how not to give up with closed borders — in an.