International cooperation
09 Dec 2017
«It is in Gadjah Mada University, where the creation of Peoples’ friendship university was first announced» – RUDN Rector Vladimir Filippov met Indonesian colleagues

28 November, the delegation of Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia) headed by Rector Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono visited RUDN University. The parties signed a Memorandum of mutual understanding and agreed on academic and scientific cooperation.

08 Dec 2017
International conference «World economy in the XXI century: global challenges and prospects of development»

7 December, RUDN hosted an International conference «World economy in the XXI century: global challenges and prospects of development» dedicated to revealing major challenges of development prospects today.

International cooperation
06 Dec 2017
RUDN at the first All-African meeting of graduates of Russian and Soviet HEIs

27 - 29 November, RUDN delegation headed by L.Efremova, Vice-Rector for international activity took part in the I All-African meeting of graduates of Russian and Soviet HEIs and the 40th anniversary of the Moroccan Association of graduates of Russian and ex-USSR universities (AMLUIS).

About RUDN
04 Dec 2017
RUDN has come 21 positions up in QS University Rankings: BRICS 2018

QS University Rankings: BRICS 2018 results are published. RUDN has risen 21 positions to occupy the 78th place (last year it was 99th). RUDN is number 17 among 96 Russian HEIs in the ranking.

International cooperation
02 Dec 2017
RUDN University and Bejaia University approved the draft working program of cooperation

28-30 November, RUDN delegation headed by deputy Director of the Agrarian and Technological Institute P.Dokukin visited the University of Bejaia (Algeria) to present research directions of the Institute and get acquainted with the directions of the faculty of biological sciences and natural resources of Bejaia University.

Life in RUDN
01 Dec 2017
Women’s volleyball team – winner of «Euro Barcelona – 2017»

RUDN women’s volleyball team came back from «Euro Barcelona – 2017» with gold!

01 Dec 2017
Record number of countries at RUDN Olympics on Russian for international students

16-17 November, RUDN hosted the XV All-Russia Russian as a foreign language Olympics for more than 80 representatives of 12 Russian HEIs from 31 countries. 2 winners were selected in 2 fields- natural sciences/engineering and humanities. In the Year of Ecology the theme was «Russia – country of various climatic zones».

28 Nov 2017
European experts suggested new approaches to regulating external migration

16-17 November, RUDN hosted an international round table «Issues of external migration and citizenship. Do we need new approaches?». Experts from Russia, Germany, Greece, France, Italy, Austria and Bulgaria gave an objective assessment to modern migration processes and suggested solutions.

International cooperation
24 Nov 2017
Angolan HEIs and employers join RUDN regional cluster «South Africa»

RUDN delegation visited Angola and had a number of meetings to develop RUDN regional cluster «South Africa». The cluster is a new joint product to ensure synergy of educational and socio-cultural practices and enhance efficiency of each participant and the cluster as a whole.

International cooperation
24 Nov 2017
Deputy Minister of Health and Promotion of Bolivia: «Our country is first of all interested in qualified medical professionals»

14 November, 2017, RUDN welcomed the delegation of Bolivia headed by Deputy Minister of Health and Promotion Dr.Alvaro Terrazas. It should be noted that all employees of the Bolivian Embassy in Moscow are RUDN graduates.

Life in RUDN
23 Nov 2017
What are hygrometers for? What is a monocity? These were the questions of the Geographic dictation - 2017

Do you know what a monocity is or can you remember the origin of geographic names?

22 Nov 2017
RUDN Agrarian and Technological Institute architecture project becomes leader at Erasmus+ Capacity Building contest

RUDN ATI Department of landscape design and sustainable eco-systems project wins at Erasmus+ Capacity Building contest.