Measures taken at RUDN

Measures taken at RUDN

We have collected relevant information on distance education and work under current conditions of coronavirus infection spread. The information on the page is constantly updated.

Measures taken at RUDN

General measures for the viral infection spread prevention

  • Sanitary and epidemiological measures have been strengthened: all premises are regularly disinfected, classrooms, offices and labs aired out, antiseptics are available in all buildings and facilities. All dormitories are under medical supervision.
  • Thermovision cameras for continuous monitoring of body temperature are installed at each entrance / exit to RUDN University buildings. People with high body temperature (over 37.8 degrees) are isolated in specially allocated rooms until the arrival of the ambulance.
  • All staff and students are informed of the need to report to the RUDN University about hospitalization with suspected new coronavirus infection. Hotline: +7 (903) 136-28-30.
  • Since March 23, 2020, all sports, entertainment, public and other public events at RUDN University are cancelled. Some events are held online or postponed.
  • All students and staff are notified of the need to report going abroad from February 24, indicating the places and dates of stay, as well as informing about all planned trips outside Russia until June 1, 2020.

Organization of the educational process

  • The educational process at the university is carried out in face-to-face and distance formats. Classes are held using e-learning and distance learning technologies. Students are taught according to individual curricula
  • All lectures at the university are conducted exclusively using distance learning technologies — without the presence of students in the classroom).
  • Full-time students can switch to distance learning. Submit an application to the Dean’s office / Directorate of your faculty / institute / academy.
  • There are group consultations for students of all years online. Links to events are posted on the websites of faculties / institutes / academies and in RUDN telecommunication and information system.
  • Educational and methodological materials in all subjects of the first semester of the 2020/2021 academic year are posted in telecommunication and information system.
  • The current classes schedule is posted on the university website in the “Schedule” section.
  • Hotline on the organization of the educational process: +7 (903) 158-85-82 (WhatsApp) (9: 00 am — 6: 00 pm Moscow time, Mon-Fri),
  • June 16, the university library resumed work.
  • The state final certification of graduates of the 2019/2020 academic year has been held using distance educational technologies, with the exception of medical residency programs. RUDN University has developed appropriate regulations, while the format of the final certification has been determined by the Heads of faculties and institutes.
  • Starting from March 10, RUDN University temporarily suspended sending students to study outside of Russia as part of outgoing academic mobility.

Work mode

  • Starting from October 5, according to Moscow Mayor’s order 30% staff including people 65+ work in a remote format.
  • Entrance to the administrative and educational buildings of the University without masks and gloves is prohibited. At the entrance body temperature is monitored. Persons refusing to have temperature measured cannot enter. When the body temperature is above 37.8 degrees, an ambulance is called.
  • In departments no more than 5 people can be in an office up to 50 sq.m. Distance between employees should be at least 2 meters. Dispensers with disinfectant are installed in the offices. Using masks and gloves is mandatory. It is allowed to take them off if a person is alone in the office.
  • Meetings are held via video conferencing. From June 15, in-person meetings are allowed in the offices of the Rector / President with the number of participants no more than 5 people, Vice-Rectors’ offices- maximum 4 people, Rectorate Hall — maximum 7 people, Academic Board Hall- maximum 10 people.
  • In order to observe social distance in public places, markings are made at 1.5-2 meters (cafeteria, cloakroom, library, co-working zone, receptions, offices of employees who receive visitors).
  • Heads of departments daily monitor the health of employees. If there are signs of acute respiratory viral infections, the employee is suspended from work and sent to RUDN Clinical Center (Office 112). In accordance with the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow, starting June 15, department Heads send at least 10% of employees to the RUDN Clinical Center every 15 days to test for coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV), in accordance with the lists previously agreed with the Director of RUDN Clinical Center.
  • Employees working from home can get assistance from RUDN volunteers at the formers’ request.
  • From April 6 to June 14, a remote work mode was introduced for all employees, with the exception of units whose work cannot be suspended due to production and technical reasons, the need to render services to students and workers living in RUDN hostels, as well as to perform work related to ensuring safe functioning of university infrastructure.
  • March 30 — April 4 were non-working days for all employees at RUDN University except for departments providing the university’s activity.
  • From March 26 to June 14, all employees over the age of 65 were self-isolated.
  • Since March 23, some categories of employees have been given the opportunity to work remotely. Primarily those with children under 14; people at risk: women over 60 years old, men over 65 years old; travel time to work over 1.5 hours.
  • Since March 10, RUDN University staff trips to China, Korea, Italy, Iran, France, Germany, Spain and other countries with unfavorable epidemiological situation have been canceled or postponed.

Campus life

  • June 16, summer terrace of cafes opened. Each cafe ensures compliance with the mandatory requirements of Rospotrebnadzor for the prevention of the spread of coronavirus infection. Cafes resumed work on June 23.
  • June 9, dwellers of the dorms were allowed to leave the dorms for any purpose, including walks and sports. It is recommended to use masks or respirators, and in case of visiting buildings and facilities (shops and shopping centers), additionally use gloves.
  • Visits to RUDN University hostels by persons who do not live in this dorm, including RUDN students living in other dorm buildings, are still prohibited. Teachers and employees of RUDN University, parents, guests, representatives of diplomatic missions and consulates can visit only after getting a written permission.
  • Medical masks and latex gloves can be obtained at the exit of all dormitories.
  • RUDN Contact Center works 09:00 am — 06:00 pm. For questions: +7 (499) 936-87-87 or
  • Students have access to the co-working zone in the main building of RUDN University — daily from 9:00am to 10:00pm.
  • On campus, food shops work from 09:00 am to 01:00 am.
  • The cafeteria in the main building of RUDN University is open from 08:00 am to 08:00 pm.
  • All cafes and cafeterias on campus temporarily work only in delivery mode from 10:00 am to 08:00 pm every day.
  • Volunteer Center works in each building of the RUDN University dormitory; work schedule is in each building.
  • RUDN Clinical and Diagnostic Center is open from 08:00am to 08:00pm. Those who live in the dorms can get emergency help there.
  • In Dorm #15, an office of psychological assistance for students and staff is open from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (no lunchbreak) from Monday to Friday.
  • June 1 — 8, it was allowed to leave the dorms for walks and sport according to the schedule on
  • From May 12 to June 14, no vehicles were allowed on campus, with the exception of vehicles of university staff on duty, appointed by a separate order of the Rector, police vehicles, firefighters and ambulances, as well as vehicles of commercial organizations.
  • For students who left campus during distance learning, payment for accommodation and utilities in dorms for the period from April 1 to June 30 has been canceled. For those who paid in advance, payment will be recalculated and carried forward to subsequent months.
  • Medical residents working in Moscow hospitals and polyclinics live separately in dorm #15, 2 people sharing a room, while their previous accommodation is preserved.
  • Those who have flu and cold symptoms and have the referral of RUDN Medical Center live separately in a hospital mode with access to medical care and meals.
  • From April 15 to May 1, Dormitories ## 2,7 and 8, as well as the 14th floor of Dorm # 10 were quarantined. For those living in these buildings, a coronavirus test was conducted twice at the expense of the university, temperature was measured daily, meal boxes were given every day.
  • April 13 — June 8, self-isolation regime was introduced at RUDN dorms, medical masks and latex gloves could be obtained at the exit. April 13 — May 11, it was allowed to leave the dorm for no more than 2 hours, no more than once a day. Since May 12, it was allowed to leave the dorm for 3 hours once a day. Exceptions were staying in the co-working area or halls of the Scientific Library in the main building.
  • Since April 2, visits to RUDN University hostels by persons who do not live in this dorm, including RUDN students living in other dorm buildings, have been prohibited. Teachers and employees of RUDN University, parents, guests, representatives of diplomatic missions and consulates can visit only after getting a written permission.
  • Russian students who left the dorms before March 30, notified RUDN University of the places and dates of their subsequent stay.
  • Students and staff living in RUDN University dormitories are informed about the need not to leave the dormitories without extreme need.
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