International cooperation
28 Feb 2019
RUDN launches the first joint programs with Brazilian universities in the framework of the BRICS Network University

RUDN has signed joint master's degree programs with leading Brazilian universities - the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Belo Horizonte and the Federal University of Flumenense in Rio de Janeiro. Negotiations started during the visit of RUDN delegation headed by Larisa Efremova, Vice-Rector of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in September 2018.

International cooperation
12 Feb 2019
RUDN presents a new model of international cooperation - cluster approach

February 5, at the “Rossiia Segodnya” International Information Agency, RUDN presented a new model of international cooperation - the cluster approach. Why is Italy among the top three countries in terms of the number of contractual students, what specialties are sought for in Russia, where and how to find talented foreign applicants - these topics were on the agenda of the press conference “Cluster approach as a new export model for Russian education”.

International cooperation
07 Feb 2019
RUDN launches the “Volunteering in Solving the UN Sustainable Development Goals” Winter School

February 7, 40 students from leading universities in Russia and the Republic of Korea met at the university at the “Youth Dialogue” Forum of the “Dialogue Russia - Republic of Korea”

International cooperation
07 Feb 2019
RUDN opened the first in Russia "International Club of Employers"

The first general meeting of the International Club of Employers (ICE) brought together representatives of business, higher education and young professionals. More than 2,000 employers from 28 countries supported the idea of the club. On the agenda: monitoring of the labor market, employment of foreign graduates and expansion of the list of employers.

International cooperation
01 Feb 2019
Cluster approach as a new export model for Russian education

Video link Moscow - Beirut (Lebanon) - Kitwe-Nkana (Zambia) - Windhoek (Namibia) "Cluster approach as a new export model of Russian education."

International cooperation
20 Dec 2018
“I am not saying goodbye to RUDN!”: University graduates establish the International Club of RUDN Alumni and friends

RUDN forges diplomatic personnel. Many university graduates who start diplomatic service, do not lose contact with the university and promote the values and traditions of Alma Mater. At the initiative of such graduates, the International Club of Diplomatic Alumni and Friends of RUDN was established, the first meeting taking place on December 13. The meeting participants discussed the Regulations on the Club and outlined a work plan and interaction formats, as well as elected the management. Mrs. Jeanne d'Arc Mujawamariya, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda in the Russian Federation, became the President of the Alumni Diplomats Club.

International cooperation
19 Dec 2018
RUDN Rector Vladimir Filippov appointed Chairman of the Committee on UNESCO Educational Programs

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov, appointed the Rector of the Peoples' Friendship University, Vladimir Filippov, chairman of the Committee on Educational Programs of UNESCO. The corresponding decree was issued on December 15.

International cooperation
19 Dec 2018
RUDN University and Copperbelt University (Zambia) sign a work program in medicine

December 12-14, a delegation from the University of Copperbelt (Zambia), headed by Rector, Professor Nason Ngoma, was in Moscow to develop projects of the Cluster Approach of RUDN. A work program for the development of the Center for Imitation Education in Zambia was signed with the Medical Institute.

International cooperation
13 Dec 2018
National University Administration of the SCO University

A meeting of the National Administration of the University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCOU) was held at RUDN University. The meeting was attended by representatives of the leading (basic) universities from the Russian Federation, members of the SCO University, as well as representatives of the Chinese SCO Administration, which is located on the basis of Dalian University of Foreign Languages.

International cooperation
03 Dec 2018
Heads of Russian and Iranian universities discuss the results and prospects of cooperation at the IV Forum of Rectors of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran

Vice-Rector for International Affairs Larisa Efremova presented the Cluster approach in the international activities of RUDN University at the IV Forum of Rectors of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran (Kish, Iran). The forum brought together rectors and vice-rectors of 13 Iranian and 17 Russian universities to discuss the problems and prospects of cooperation between Russia and Iran in education as well as international experience in university management and ways to establish cooperation in order to advance in international academic rankings.

International cooperation
29 Nov 2018
The visit of the delegation of the University of North Sumatra (Indonesia) ends with the signing of a cooperation agreement

November 28, 2018, a delegation from the University of North Sumatra (Indonesia) headed by Rector, Mr. Runtung Sitepu and Mr. Lasro Simbolon - Deputy head of the diplomatic mission of the Republic of Indonesia in Moscow visited RUDN University.

International cooperation
22 Nov 2018
RUDN participating at the international exhibition EXPOLINGUA

November 16-17, 2018 an international exhibition EXPOLINGUA took place in Berlin, where people could get acquainted with educational opportunities abroad, including in Russia. This is the 31st exhibition held at the Russian House of Science and Culture (RHWK) in Berlin, and it is aimed at popularizing studying various languages and cultures among the Europeans.