Life in RUDN
17 Feb 2021
I know, there will be a city here: young architect Khaula Mutaz on her plans to create cultural centers and parks in Sudan

Khaula Mutaz is completing a bachelor’s degree at the Engineering Academy of RUDN. She dreams of returning to Sudan and establishing herself as a professional artist. So, she decided to enter the master’s program “Modern landscape architecture and urban design” and get another profession. And, as Khaula says, the way to suc-cess in the creative profession is hard.

15 Feb 2021
Iron Is to Blame for Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Soil, Says a Soil Scientists from RUDN University

Iron minerals and bacteria can be the main agents of carbon dioxide emissions from the soil. A soil scientist from RUDN University made this conclusion after studying the process of organic plant waste decomposition of the micro-level. Iron and hydrogen peroxide enter into a reaction, as a result of which active oxygen forms (oxygen radicals) are formed. The radicals destroy plant waste in the soil and promote carbon dioxide emissions.

Life in RUDN
12 Feb 2021
RUDN University in the second semester, 2020-2021 academic year

RUDN has resumed full-time training in compliance with the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor.

International cooperation
12 Feb 2021
They trust us: RUDN University will train specialists for 160 countries

More than 70 representatives of the embassies of foreign countries in Russia, representatives of the Federation Council, and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation took part in the round table "The contribution of RUDN University to training national personnel for foreign countries." The event was held on February 5, in an online format and was timed to celebrate the 61st anniversary of RUDN University.

Life in RUDN
11 Feb 2021
Stepping into a new decade: RUDN University celebrates its birthday

We are lighting stars, expanding horizons and changing reality — the University is celebrating the 61st Birthday. Borders are closed, but we have managed to bring together hundreds of students, alumni and staff from different countries. We talked about achievements of 2020 and set goals for 2021. We received video congratulations from alumni, presented state awards and held an online concert.

10 Feb 2021
RUDN University Soil Scientist: Deforestation Affects the Bacterial Composition of the Soil

A soil scientist from RUDN University studied the effect of forest conversion on the properties of the soil: its acidity, carbon and nitrogen resources, bacterial composition, and the activity of microorganisms. The study can help improve the methods of soil cultivation after deforestation, namely, select the best fertilizers, prevent erosion, slow down nutrient depletion, and balance the composition of the bacterial community.

10 Feb 2021
Turning off computers and going offline: RUDN University, we are back

February 8, we returned to full-time education. Life began to boil again on the territory and in educational buildings. Some students smile, others are a little lost - they are not yet accustomed to the fact that now it is not possible to communicate through a monitor. But definitely everyone is happy to finally see fellow students and teachers live.

Life in RUDN
06 Feb 2021
Back to RUDN dorms: tell us you are coming

RUDN students are supposed to inform specialists of the Department of Comprehensive Services for Residents of Campus Directorate about their return to the dorm one day before arrival (send an email).

Life in RUDN
05 Feb 2021
Congratulations of RUDN Rector and President on the University's birthday

02 Feb 2021
Offline: RUDN University returns to face-to-face classes

From February 8, RUDN University students return to classrooms. Only half the classroom is supposed to be occupied. Classes can take place in 2 or 3 shifts in accordance with the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor.

Life in RUDN
01 Feb 2021
"Grade book from ice" and cajoling the Learned Cat - how RUDN University celebrated Student's Day

An ice grade book and warm smiles, sour cream for the Learned Cat, and holidays to students. January 25, RUDN University celebrated students’ “professional” holiday.

Life in RUDN
29 Jan 2021
61st anniversary "University is lighting the stars!"

One more year has passed, we are 61!