Issue № 2 / 2018 Newsletter archive
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International Projects View all
Main Publications View all
23 Jul 2019
RUDN University scientists publish results of their scientific researches in highly-recognized in whole world and indexed in international databases journals (Web of Science, Scopus ect.). That, of course, corresponds to the high status of the University and its international recognition. Publications of April-June 2018 ( In Journals of categories Q1-Q3)
Research and Innovative Activity View all
Visiting Professors View all
23 Jul 2019
From the 21 to 25 of May, 2018, the leading scientist, Ph.D. in chemical sciences, a senior researcher at the Environmental Organic Chemistry of the Ministry of Energy (Israel), Geological Survey of Israel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem , author of more than 40 papers and 4 international grants in the field of analytical, organic and «green» chemistry Faina Gelman visited RUDN University.
23 Jul 2019
From the 21 to 25 of May, 2018, the the leading scientist, Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (Israel), the author of more than 50 papers and 3 patents in the field of catalysis, organic and «green» chemistry prof. Dmitry Gelman visited RUDN University.
23 Jul 2019
From the 3 to 5 June , 2018, Dr. Yannick Guari ( Institute Charles Gerhardt Montpellier, Head of The Team Molecular Engineering & Nano-Objects, University of Montpellier (Montpellier Cedex 5, France) visited RUDN University . Dr. Yannick Guari is the author of more than 120 papers and 10 patents in the field of nanochemistry, nanomedicine and nanomaterials; Editor of the New Journal of Chemistry.
23 Jul 2019
Prof. Paolo De Angelis, PhD, is Full Professor at the University of Tuscia (Department of Innovative Development of the Biological Systems, Food Industry and Forestry) with the Hirsch index of 34.
23 Jul 2019
Vladimir Peller is one of the most famous Russian mathematicians, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, a former specialist of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics. Steklov Russian Academy of Sciences, and now professor at the University of Michigan (USA).
23 Jul 2019
Rachel Hall is a famous British journalist writing about education. She is the editor-in-chief of the Higher Education Network section of the British edition of The Guardian, one of the world's leading media, writing analytical articles on higher education, and one of the curators of the Guardian University Awards, which is awarded to British universities and higher education specialists for their best practices and competence.
23 Jul 2019
From the 14 – 18 of May, 2018, Daniel Mortari, the professor at the Texas A & M University, at the invitation of the RUDN University Engineering Academy, made lectures for students, studying the program «Mathematical Methods of the Mechanics of Flight of Launch Vehicles and Spacecraft», in Applied Mathematics and Informatics the topics of lectures steel «Theory of Connections in Engineering» and «Flower Satellites Constellations: from Art to Science»
Student's Scientific Initiatives View all
23 Jul 2019
On the 16 of April, 2018 students of the RUDN University Institute of World Economy and Business took part in the international seminar «The High North Student Forum», organized by the NORD University Business School (Norway) and the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov is a brand new ambitious university of distinctiveness and innovations designed to meet the needs of the Russian North and the Arctic (Russia) in cooperation with the Norwegian Secretariat of the Barents Region.
23 Jul 2019
At the end of March (25.03 - 01.04) The International student conference «Univ Forum 2018: Rethinking the future» was held in Rome.
International scientific cooperation View all
23 Jul 2019
Ca' Foscari is one of the seven leading Italian universities and the TOP 200 according to QS World University Rankings in 2016 in categories «Economics», «Econometrics» and «Modern Linguistics». According to Times Higher Education rating, Ca' Foscari University is closing the top five research universities in Italy.
23 Jul 2019
Head of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Professor Lyudmila Bukalerova and Associate Professor, Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics Alexandra S. Vasilenko took part in the international conference «The Economy, Sustainable Development and Energy International Conference» (ESDEIC, which took place at the University of Queen Margarita, Scotland, Edinburgh 25 - 27.06.2018. Scientists from Finland, Spain, Israel, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, France, USA, Mexico, Great Britain, Portugal, India and other countries took part in this scientific event.
23 Jul 2019
Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature Professor A.G. Kovalenko and Professor of this Department O.S. Chesnokova took part in the International Forum «Russian Language in the Paradigm of Modern Education: Russia and the Ibero-American World», which was held in Cadiz, Spain.
23 Jul 2019
The 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms- SLTBR 2018 was held in Groningen (The Netherlands) on June 21-24, 2018.
23 Jul 2019
On the 25-29 of June, 2018 the 10th International Scientific Conference «Transport Problems» was held at the Silesian University of Technology (Katowice, Poland). The conference was attended by representatives of 27 countries: Spain, Germany, China, Croatia, Bulgaria, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, etc.
23 Jul 2019
From the 8 to 12 of June, 2018 in the city of Yalta in the frames of the XII International Festival «Great Russian Word» was held the II International Symposium «Russian language in a multicultural world».
23 Jul 2019
June 6-9, 2018 in Mercure Budapest Buda, Hungary, the 1st International Conference on Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis of Chemical Reactions (RKMC-2018) was held.
23 Jul 2019
From February 16 to April 29, 2018, the head of the department of the Russian language and the methodology of its teaching, Inna I. Rubakova was with the working visit to Amman (Jordan) under the support of RUDN University «5-100» program.
23 Jul 2019
The International Conference on Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering ICCSE 2018 was organized by the Malaysian University of Malaya and the IPN Education Group for the third time.
23 Jul 2019
On the 14 of May, in Alzenau (Germany) SIGNUS Medizintechnik, which supports physicians and medical specialist personnel with innovative and safe solutions for the treatment of spinal disorders – for optimal patient mobility in everyday situations, hosted a roundtable for discuss on the relevance and application of the LSZ endocorrector (Laka-Sampiev-Zagorodniy) developed at the RUDN University Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics.
Scientific Conferences View all
23 Jul 2019
On the April 19-20, 2018 the Agrarian-Technological Institute of RUDN University hosted International Scientific Seminar «Urbanization and regional development in Russia and Europe». The co-founders of the scientific event became the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IG RAS), the Association of Russian Geographers-Social Scientists (ARGO) and the Center for Franco-Russian Studies (CFRI).
23 Jul 2019
April 19 - 20, 2018 at the Department of Social and Differential Psychology held an international scientific and practical conference «Psychological and pedagogical research in education» 130 people took part in the international event, including representatives of the far and near abroad (Serbia, Israel, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova, etc.).
23 Jul 2019
On the 5-6 April, 2018 the All-Russian Scientific Conference «Socially-oriented management in the conditions of globalization» was held at RUDN University Faculty of Economics. More than 90 people attended the conference - representatives of the scientific community, professors, students, graduate students and young scientists from different cities of Russia and abrod Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, China, Vietnam, Cuba and Latvia.
23 Jul 2019
On the 4 of April, 2018 Department of Foreign Languages of RUDN University Agrarian Technological Institute organized and held VI International Multidisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference in Foreign Languages «Modern Paradigm of the Scientific Knowledge: Сontemporaneity and Prospects», which was attended by graduate students, young scientists, post-graduate students of various specialties and directions of RUDN University Agrarian-technological and Medical Institutes. The working languages of the conference were English, Spanish, Chinese, German and French.
23 Jul 2019
On the 10 – 11 of April, 2018 in RUDN University was held the XII International scientific conference «ADVERTISING VECTOR 2018: time for innovations»
23 Jul 2019
On the April 12, 2018 RUDN University philological faculty hosted the International Scientific Conference «World journalism: The Unity of Diversity».