International cooperation
25 Oct 2019
Cooperation strategies with Africa discussed at RUDN

RUDN hosted the International Forum “Russia-Africa: Science - Education - Cooperation” attended by representatives of 30 African countries. On the agenda are issues of human capital development, prospects for the joint implementation of scientific and educational components in industrial projects, creation of professional navigation programs for students in accordance with the needs of African economies.

International cooperation
26 Sep 2019
Peoples' Friendship Square opens in Sucre (Bolivia) in honor of RUDN

In the capital of Bolivia, the Square of Peoples’ Friendship was opened in honor of cooperation with Russia and as a symbol of the fight against climate change. Representatives of the government, city hall, embassies of Russia and RUDN University planted 5 tahibo trees around the area. According to Larisa Efremova, Vice-Rector for International Affairs at RUDN University, this step is only the beginning on the path to preserving the green world.

International cooperation
24 Sep 2019
300 representatives from 18 countries meet at the VII Forum of Latin American graduates of Russian universities in Bolivia

September 24-27, The VII Forum of Latin American graduates of Russian and Soviet universities was held in Bolivia. The forum brought together 300 representatives of 18 countries. RUDN delegation was headed by Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Chairman of the International Coordinating Council of INCORVUZ-XXI Graduates Larisa Efremova.

International cooperation
20 Sep 2019
RUDN University plants a “tree of friendship” on the Friendship Alley of the Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University

The greenest university in Russia planted a silver “friendship” spruce on the Friendship Alley of the Russian-Armenian University (RAU). Tree planting dedicated to the 60th anniversary of RUDN University also became a gift to the partner university on its birthday. The “Friendship Tree” was planted by Vice-Rector for Work with Students of RUDN University Sergei Bazavluk together with the management of RAU.

International cooperation
11 Sep 2019
RUDN plans to expand cooperation with Venezuela

September 11, the Governor of the state of Miranda of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hector Vicente Rodriguez Castro, visited RUDN to discuss with the university administration the possibilities of cooperation in the field of science and education. The corresponding agreement is planned to be signed in March next year.

International cooperation
03 Sep 2019
Strategic partnership: RUDN shares with Cameroon advanced technologies in oil, gas and mineral extraction

RUDN University signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of training, as well as oil, gas and mineral extraction with UISPM, the largest private university in Cameroon. The signing took place during a working visit of the Russian delegation to Cameroon. The program of the visit also included a meeting with business representatives and employers.

International cooperation
28 Aug 2019
RUDN and the UAE Ministry of Education are Ready to Cooperate

August, 27th. The delegation of the UAE Ministry of Education made an official visit to RUDN University. His Excellency Hussain bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi, the UAE Minister of Education, was at the head of the delegation.

International cooperation
12 Aug 2019
The development of cluster cooperation in the Middle East: RUDN signs a Memorandum of Understanding with two Jordanian universities

August 5, Vice-Rector for International Affairs Larisa Efremova and Director of the Department of International Scientific and Educational Cooperation Alexey Poyda paid a working visit to Jordan. The trip resulted in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Hussein bin Talal University and Mutah University. The delegation also met with the Minister of Education and Higher Education of Jordan, Walid Maani.

International cooperation
09 Aug 2019
Congratulations to the winners of the RUDN brilliant students scholarship!

The results of the competition for the scholarship “RUDN brilliant students”, established by RUDN University for winners and prize-winners of the Open Olympiad for foreign citizens, are summed up.

International cooperation
06 Aug 2019
RUDN visit to Lebanon: on the growth of interest in the Russian language and Russian education and the launch of a joint Russian-Lebanese master's program

Vice-Rector for International Affairs Larisa Efremova and Director of the Department of International Scientific and Educational Cooperation Alexey Poyda visited Lebanon to hold talks on expanding cooperation with Lebanese universities. Universities-partners noted an increase in the students’ interest in studying the Russian language and studying in Russia. The visit was supported by the Association of RUDN Alumni in Lebanon and the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Beirut.

International cooperation
02 Aug 2019
RUDN University signs a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of science and education with 23 private universities in Indonesia

August 1, a delegation of the Association of Private Universities of Indonesia visited RUDN University. The guests visited RUDN laboratories and research centers, got acquainted with the educational programs of the main faculties of the university, and discussed issues of academic and research cooperation. The meeting ended with signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of science and education between the RUDN University and 23 Indonesian universities.

International cooperation
29 Jul 2019
A delegation from Aix-Marseille University from France visits RUDN University

On July 22, a delegation of the University of Aix-Marseilles (France) headed by President of the University paid an official visit to RUDN University to discuss the prospects of creating joint educational programs of double diplomas and included training, as well as the organization of joint summer and winter schools.