About RUDN
10 Sep 2019
RUDN University takes 8th place among Russian universities and comes 3rd in teaching quality

RUDN University is on the 8th place in the Russian university ranking RUR, published for the first time. The university takes 3rd place in terms of quality of teaching.

03 Sep 2019
How to become an ambassador of Mail.Ru Group: experts of the company talked about opportunities for students

May 30 at the Mathematical Institute after S.M. Nikolsky representatives of the Mail.Ru Group company held a master class "How to become an ambassador of Mail.Ru Group."

International cooperation
03 Sep 2019
Strategic partnership: RUDN shares with Cameroon advanced technologies in oil, gas and mineral extraction

RUDN University signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of training, as well as oil, gas and mineral extraction with UISPM, the largest private university in Cameroon. The signing took place during a working visit of the Russian delegation to Cameroon. The program of the visit also included a meeting with business representatives and employers.

Life in RUDN
01 Sep 2019
"Set more and more ambitious goals that can change the world for the better", - Rector of RUDN University Vladimir Filippov

Life in RUDN
29 Aug 2019
«RUDN University is academic freedom, which is very important for research», - Nikita Kuklin, graduate of RUDN University

Nikita Kuklin is a graduate of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, International Relations. Why to be a scientist is not only prestigious, but also profitable and what games future diplomats play in an interview with Nikita.

International cooperation
28 Aug 2019
RUDN and the UAE Ministry of Education are Ready to Cooperate

August, 27th. The delegation of the UAE Ministry of Education made an official visit to RUDN University. His Excellency Hussain bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi, the UAE Minister of Education, was at the head of the delegation.

Life in RUDN
28 Aug 2019
Mission - Understanding: RUDN translators work in the fields of the WorldSkills Kazan 2019 World Championship

25 teachers, masters and graduates of the philological faculty of RUDN University went to the world championship of professional excellence WorldSkills 2019 as translators for 56 teams from 63 countries. The championship started on August 22 in Kazan.

28 Aug 2019
From the Barents to the Sea of Azov: participants at the 3MUGIS RUDN Summer School study the landscapes and soils of Russia

July 27 - August 10, the III field international summer school «Anthropogenic and natural landscapes and soils of European Russia: from sea to sea» was held by RUDN University in conjunction with scientific and educational organizations of Russia, Germany and the USA. This year, 50 participants represented Russia, Germany, Italy, China, the USA, Chile and France for 2 weeks crossed the entire European part of Russia from the Barents Sea to the Sea of Azov, to study the zonal diversity of soils and landscapes and evaluate the results of anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem.

27 Aug 2019
RUDN University builds bridges with Ivory Coast employers

The signing of cooperation agreements in the field of employment with associations of graduates, the expansion of the International Club of Employers, the symbolic planting of the “tree of friendship» are the results of a working visit of the RUDN University delegation to Côte d’Ivoire.

25 Aug 2019
A new researcher in the 5G Wireless Networks Modeling Center

RUDN University’s new postdock, Abdukodir Khakimov has been hired by the 5G Wireless Network Modeling Center of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications, whose current task is to study fifth-generation network applications. Also, within the framework of the center, joint work will be carried out with telecommunication organizations and institutes of Russia and abroad.

22 Aug 2019
International Olympiad of the "Global Universities" Association

Life in RUDN
14 Aug 2019
“When we dance in London, the whole world admires us!” - Valentina Ryazanova, Head of Isadora Dance Studio, RUDN University

Fans of “free dance” from different parts of the world met on August 1-4, in London (UK) at the Isadora Duncan International Symposium (IDIS), dedicated to the heritage of Isadora Duncan. The Isadora dance studio of RUDN Interclub, led by Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Valentina Ryazanova, took part in workshops and master classes, and also visited places that inspired the famous dancer.