25 Mar 2019
"Keepers of childhood." RUDN students were told how to help orphans in the beginning of an independent life

On March 23, the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology together with the Department of Organization of Practices and Assistance in Employment of Students at RUDN University organized a master class of the representative of the custodians of childhood on the topic: “Mentoring as an effective form of socialization of orphans”.

25 Mar 2019
Personal interpreter of the President of Bulgaria tells RUDN students about digital technologies for interpreting

Boris Naimushin, interpreter of Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov (2002-2012), Head of the Department of English Philology (New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria) told students and teachers of RUDN Law Institute about the role of digital resources in training interpreters in conditions of digitalization of the society of the 21st century.

International cooperation
25 Mar 2019
RUDN is developing the Olympiad movement in Angola

RUDN Open Olympiad for foreign citizens was held in Angola, covering about 1,500 participants in 3 cities of the country. Representatives of the Angolan Ministry of Education noted that the popularity of Russian education in the country is growing, and the Olympiad movement positively stimulates the country's youth and increases interest in education in general.

25 Mar 2019
International project "Business Carousel": students from Russia and the Netherlands develop joint business initiatives

March 18 – 22, What is the difference between the Russian and Dutch business culture, is it possible to successfully develop joint business projects, what is interesting about the Dutch methods of teaching business administration and marketing - this and many other things became known to the participants of the international training “Business Carousel”. 40 students of the RUDN University and the Ede Christian University Business School (Christelijke Hogeschool Ede, the Netherlands) understood the nuances of the business processes of their countries in order to present joint ideas.

22 Mar 2019
RUDN students reach the final of the VII International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN"

10 days to study and solve real problems of the fuel and energy and mineral resources complexes, brainstorming and teamwork hours, 6 minutes to present and defend the project: more than 100 RUDN students participated in the selection round of the VII International Engineering Championship “CASE-IN”. 3 teams that developed the best projects according to the jury will represent RUDN in the finals of the CASE-IN championship, held in Moscow in late May.

International cooperation
22 Mar 2019
RUDN and University of Perugia (Italy) launch joint educational programs in chemistry

RUDN concluded a cooperation agreement with the University of Perugia (Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy). March 19, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Professor Leonid Voskresensky, during his visit to Italy, signed a working program for 2019-2023 with the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Perugia.

22 Mar 2019
Two languages are good, but three are better? Issues of polylingualism and multilingual personality

Multilingualism and the formation of a no longer bilingual, which was relevant ten years ago, but multilingual personality became the main themes of the XI All-Russian conference with international participation “Current issues of linguistics and humanities”, held on March 15, at RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages. Russian and foreign experts discussed how linguistic practitioners respond to the challenges of modern world language trends.

21 Mar 2019
Political discourse: RUDN students met with political experts at the press conference of the Russia Today MIA

On March 21, the Imperia Student Club attended a traditional press conference at the press center of MIA Russia Today. Students discussed the details of the presidential election campaign in Ukraine with political experts.

19 Mar 2019
RUDN University begins admitting foreign citizens to get Master’s degree in the quota framework of the Government of the Russian Federation

RUDN University opens admission of foreign citizens for participation in competitive selection for budgetary places for Master’s programs (within the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation for independent admission of foreign citizens in RUDN University).

Life in RUDN
18 Mar 2019
RUDN University student entered the top 100 best volunteers of the XXIX World Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk

The first-year student of the Faculty of Science Varvara Dudnikova became one of the 100 best volunteers of the XXIX World Winter Universiade, held in Krasnoyarsk. In total, 5,000 people became volunteers of the Universiade.

International cooperation
18 Mar 2019
Search for mechanisms of effective control and ensuring soft adaptation of migrants: Vice-Rector of RUDN University, Anzhela Dolzhikova, about changes in the system of comprehensive examinations for migrants staying in Russia

March 14, 2019, the Council of Federation held a round table discussion “Mechanisms for improving testing Russian as a foreign language, Russian history and the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation when foreign citizens obtain permits in the Russian Federation”. Anzhela Dolzhikova, Vice-Rector for continuing education of RUDN University, head of the Methodological Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for methodical support of the comprehensive exam, made a key expert report at the event.

08 Mar 2019
RUDN University students win prizes in the Russian round of International Negotiation Competition 2019

The students of the Law Institute of the RUDN University, as part of two teams, took part in the Russian round of competition among law students in International Negotiation Competition 2019 and won prizes: team RUDN-1 Albert Hulutdinov and Aknur Kulushov - 2nd place, team RUDN-2 Egor Zhernakov and Andrey Shakhmuradov - 3rd place. The coach of both teams is Kamo Chilingaryan, senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, RUDN Law Institute.