
Folk arts and crafts as a means of diversifying the development of teenage schoolchildren (based on the material of the Udmurt Republic)


Irina Preobrazhenskaya



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Mihail Muhin

The paper reveals the historical and cultural originality of the national decorative and applied arts of the Udmurt Republic, along with their teaching and mind-shaping potential. The research also substantiates pedagogical conditions for the development of teenage schoolchildren in the process of studying and mastering folk arts and crafts. Besides, the author developed a complex programme for general education institutions, including an elective course and a course dedicated to studying folk arts and crafts at the inter-subject level. The experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the theoretical model and the enriched technology concerning teenage schoolchildren diversified development within studying and mastering decorative and applied folk arts.

Educational and methodical complex "Uynr" as an effective means of teaching the native language and speech development in Kalmyk primary school


Galina Baklanova



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Mihail Muhin

The thesis is dedicated to urgent issues of creating harmonious system of teaching the Kalmyk language in the primary school, to the factors underlying dysfunctionality and low demand for the Kalmyk language. The author proposes the principles of constructing a methodological system for teaching the Kalmyk language in the primary school when the national language is on the verge of extinction. The content and principles concerning the selection and organization of teaching material are substantiated.

Development of professional creativity of teachers working in pedagogical universities


Nina Martishina



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Mihail Muhin

In the thesis, the essence and peculiarities of the creative organization of the pedagogical process in the teachers’ training universities are revealed and disclosed. The ways of developing university teachers’ professional art are defined, theoretically grounded and experimentally tested, along with psychological, pedagogical and organizational conditions enabling them to fulfill their abilities and creative potential.

Pedagogical assistance spiritual moral to formation of the identity of the younger school student in out-of-class activity


Darya Tsukanova



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Lyudmila Karavanova

Relevance of potential of out-of-class activity in pedagogical assistance spiritual moral to formation of the identity of the younger school student in modern sociocultural realities of Kazakhstan is proved. The model of pedagogical assistance spiritual moral to formation of the identity of the younger school student in out-of-class activity is developed. Level of readiness of younger school students for spiritual moral development in the conditions of out-of-class activity is determined.

Pedagogical ensuring esthetic education of children of middle school age in extracurricular activities of educational institution


Gulnar Abayeva



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Lyudmila Karavanova

By means of the theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical researches features of a phenomenon of esthetic education of children of middle school age in modern sociocultural realities are revealed. Relevance of esthetic education in the context of modern development of society is proved. The general is revealed and concretized special in the organization and the content of process of esthetic education of children of middle school age. It is developed functional and substantial model of esthetic education of children of middle school age in extracurricular activities of educational institution. Optimum pedagogical conditions of its realization are defined, and also recommendations about improvement of the studied process are formulated.

Formation of intercultural professional communicative competencies of specialists working abroad as a factor in the effectiveness of the managerial process (on the example of France-Russia personnel working abroad)


Darya Tsukanova



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Svetlana Sharonova

The object of research is intercultural communication as a factor in the management process in the selection and training of foreign personnel in Russia and France. The subject of the study is the professional intercultural communicative competence of personnel working in Russia and France. The aim of the study is to identify socio-cultural factors that contribute to the formation of professional intercultural communicative competencies within the management process in the selection and training of foreign personnel in Russia and France.

What do the competences in intercultural communication develop for professional expatriation? Case study on expatriation from France to Russia, from Rusiie to France


Darya Tsukanova



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Svetlana Sharonova

The subject of the research: Intercultural communication in the selection and preparation of employees working in Russia and France. The purpose of this research is to identify the practices that contribute to the development of intercultural communication skills for the selection and preparation of international work experience. We seek to analyze the process of developing skills in intercultural communication before the departure of employees abroad, more concretely in Russia and France, during their first contact with international culture, and at the time of our research. Our ambition is to identify the problems and the factors conducive to the development of these skills in the context of international work. Our goal is also to co-ordinate the impact of professional training (seminars, conferences, coaching) on the feeling of the efficiency of the staff.

The Semantic Features of Verbal Idioms Denoting Feelings in Russian, English, and Tajik Languages


Fatima Akhmedova

Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Natalia Mikheeva

The dissertation is devoted to highlight the results of contrastive research on exposure and description of the similar and distinctive semantic and stylistic features of the verbal idioms denoting feelings based on material of verbal idioms of Russian, English, and Tajik languages. In the process of work the general regularities of using of the verbal idioms denoting feelings by three languages native speakers are defined as well as specificity of applying them by native speakers is brought to light. Besides the lexical contents of Russian, English, and Tajik verbal idioms denoting feelings are analyzed, and the author suggests the research object classification of her own grounded on semantic and stylistic characteristics.

Expression of aggression in Russian аnd English languages (оn the material оf American national variety оf the English language)


Lilit Zakoyan



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Natalia Mikheeva

The thesis deals with the study of expression of aggression оn the basis of аn extensive language material оn Russian and English languages. Тhе research rеveals lexico-semаntic means and features of verbal аnd nonverbal aggression expression in both languages. In this work the соntent оf the соnсерts containing the meaning оf «aggression» in language mind of Russians аnd Americans is revealed аs well, besides the lexico-semantic units nominating aggression in both languages have been picked out and classified. Results of the present research салn be used in theoretical аnd practical соurses of Lexicology of Russiаn and English languages and during Lexicographical аnd Translational activicies. The collected material саn bе used in соurses оn Speech culture, International communication, Lexicology, Linguokulturology, Linguistics of tехt, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics.

Conceptual structure modern Civil Law terms systems in the English and Russian languages


Svetlana Shevchenko



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Natalia Mikheeva

The thesis deals with comparative study of modern Civil Law terms systems in the English and Russian languages to find out conceptual basics of the terms meanings, determining equivalents and their using in Law texts. The research is the complicated analysis of the Civil Law terms systems by means of cognitive linguistics methods. The result of the research could be applied in the theory and practice of translation, special courses in Law terminology, in English lessons for interpreters and Law students.