Issue № 4 / 2018 Newsletter archive
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International Projects View all
Research and Innovative Activity View all
15 Dec 2018
(Poddubsky A. A., Shuravilin A.V., Dokukin P.A., Gurina R. R., Kalayjyan C.)
15 Dec 2018
(Oschepkov P. P., Kamyshnikov R.O., Mirolyubov V. I., Novikov V.A., Kamyshnikov O. V., Konoplev V. N.)
15 Dec 2018
(Apresyan S.V., Dimitrova V. I., Papoyan S. A., Slyusareva O. A., Kvitsaridze B. A.)
15 Dec 2018
(Zhilkina V.Yu., Marakhova A.I., Kopylov V.V., Zhiltsova N.V., Zhiltsov V.V., Stanishevsky Y.M.)
15 Dec 2018
(Nevrovsky V.A.)
15 Dec 2018
(Kosyreva T.F., Vasilyeva M.B., Voeikova O.V.)
15 Dec 2018
(Velikhanova Z.R., Sorokina A.A., Sachivkina N.P., Zhiltsova N.V., Zhiltsov V.V., Marakhova A.I., Stanishevsky Ya.M.)
Visiting Professors View all
15 Dec 2018
From 4 till 7 of November with the support of RUDN University Competitiveness Enhancement Program «5-100», Professor of the University of Pisa ( Francesco Marcelloni was invited to the 10th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems held by RUDN University Institute of Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications.
15 Dec 2018
From 4 till 7 of November with the support of RUDN University Competitiveness Enhancement Program «5-100», Professor Bernhard Rinner of the University of Klagenfurt ( was invited to the RUDN University Institute of Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications to participate in the 2nd International Summit on Network Research the fifth generation (5G Summit R & D Russia) with a plenary report on the topic «Multi-Drone Systems».
15 Dec 2018
Luis Correia graduated from the University of Lisboa ( - 355 QS WUR) in 1991 and received a degree in Ph.D. in the field of electrical and computer equipment.
15 Dec 2018
On the 20th of November at the Department of Applied Informatics and Probability Theory, the professor at the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the University of Granada (Spain) Enrique Herrera Viedma made a lecture course for RUDN University students.
15 Dec 2018
From 28 of November till 3 of December 2018, two professors of the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam visited RUDN University ( - 57th position in the QS World University Rankings and 23rd place in the world ranking of law schools) - Marjolein Zieck (part-time head of the admissions office of Faculty) and Heather Kursbauer.
Student's Scientific Initiatives View all
15 Dec 2018
The festival was held from 15 till 21of November in the Central House of Journalists. Its main goal was to popularize and increase the prestige of the journalist profession, to understand its role in modern society and to encourage creators of creative works.
International scientific cooperation View all
15 Dec 2018
On the 28 of November the delegation from the University of North Sumatra (Indonesia) headed by the rector, Mr. Runtung Sitepu and Mr. Lasro Simbolon - deputy head of the diplomatic mission of the Republic of Indonesia in Moscow visited RUDN University.
15 Dec 2018
From 13 till 16 of November, the 23rd annual conference of the International Open Innovation Association FRUCT – IEEE FRUCT 2018 was held at the University of Bologna, bringing together about 150 participants from 30 countries of the world - Italy, Finland, Russia, Great Britain, Denmark, India, Brazil and other countries, including academics and industry representatives (Dell EMC, Nokia, MariaDB, Intel, Jolla, Open Mobile Platform, etc.).
15 Nov 2018
On the 31 of October RUDN University Department of International Scientific and Educational Cooperation held an official meeting with the delegation from the People’s Republic of China.
15 Nov 2018
On the 26 of October the delegation of the Shandong University of Technology visited RUDN University with purpose of holding negotiations on the development of inter-university cooperation.
15 Nov 2018
From 19 October to 21 of October, the largest annual International Educational Exhibition «China Education Expo - 2018» was held in Beijing. The RUDN University delegation took an active part both in the work of the exhibition itself and in the events held within its framework.
15 Nov 2018
From 14 to 21 of October, Professor of the Department of Mass Communications (RUDN University Philological Faculty) Valery Leonidovich Muzykant was sent to Greece to give lectures to journalist students in Thessaloniki within the framework of the current cooperation agreement between RUDN University Philological Faculty and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
15 Nov 2018
On the 2nd of October Moscow State University hosted the first seminar of a series of international scientific events «Alternatives for World Economic Development». The organizers of the event were the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Moscow School of Economics of Moscow State University, the Center for International Collaboration in Economic Research (RUDN University).
15 Nov 2018
Working meetings of the Directorate of the Institute of Medicine with colleagues from universities in Spain are coming to the end on expanding inter-university cooperation, sharing experience and best practices, coordinating projects of working cooperation programs and promoting the brand of the institute on the global market for educational services.
15 Nov 2018
On the 26 of October RUDN University delegation visited the Simbiosis international university in Pune - the first institute was established in 1971 and was part of the University of Pune.
Scientific Conferences View all
15 Nov 2018
On the 24 of October 2018 RUDN University with the support of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus held a scientific seminar «Digital economy: features of the transformation of enterprises and new forms of financing».
10 Nov 2018
Professors of famous foreign universities, chief editors of leading international scientific journals (Q1) in the field of linguistics, faculty members of leading Russian universities gathered in RUDN University.
15 Oct 2018
On the 7th of December the International Scientific Conference «The Education System as a Sphere for Strengthening the Traditional Large Family» was held at RUDN University.