Life in RUDN
04 Jul 2019
“For the first time in my life, I saw people being greeted with “bread and salt” according to the Russian tradition,” - a student from South Africa on a trip to Kolomna

Ancient walls of fortresses and monasteries, sweet marshmallow, picturesque streets and deep immersion in history - Kolomna surprised the students of RUDN with its versatility and beauty. Read what else is remembered by international students.

04 Jul 2019
“The University makes students citizens of the world”, - Anita Dhar, graduate of RUDN University

Anita Dhar - graduate of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, majoring in "International Relations" and the winner of the title "Best graduate of RUDN -2019". In her interview she talks about how the spirit of friendship of nations is cultivated, how to study 12 semesters with “A” grades and how a musical ear helps in learning foreign languages.

International cooperation
02 Jul 2019
RUDN develops cooperation with Uganda

RUDN delegation came to the Republic of Uganda on a working visit. Representatives of the university, led by First Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for economic activity and strategic development, Yevgeny Schesnyak, met with the Prime Minister of the Republic Mr.Ruhakana Rugunda to discuss the possibilities of expanding cooperation in education and science.

About RUDN
19 Jun 2019
RUDN is in Top 400 best universities according to QS World University Rankings

18 Jun 2019
RUDN students met with representatives of the Solidarity commercial bank

On June 17, a GREEN WOOD business park hosted an on-site workshop for students of RUDN University with the participation of representatives of the Solidarnost commercial bank, Silk Road Innovative Development LLC and DHH law firm.

17 Jun 2019
Business communication - from correspondence to negotiations at a master class from Consortium Energoresurs

On June 14, first-year students of the Master's program in Linguistics at the IMEB RUDN University met with the representative of the young company Consortium Energoresurs, Deputy Head of the Office for Work with Foreign Partners, Georgy Abrahamyan, at the workshop “Modern trends in Russian companies’ activity”.

International cooperation
14 Jun 2019
Three new universities join the CIS Network University Consortium

June 11, the 10th-anniversary meeting of the Coordination Council of the Network University of the Commonwealth of Independent States was held at RUDN University. Three new universities joined the Consortium - the Russian University of Transport, the Southern Federal University, and the Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University. Now 38 universities from 9 countries of the Commonwealth participate in the project.

International cooperation
13 Jun 2019
Analytics for the benefit of development and cooperation: program of the Eurasian Analytical Forum approved at RUDN

June 10, a meeting of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the First Eurasian Analytical Forum was held at the RUDN University. The meeting was chaired by the Rector of the Peoples' Friendship University Vladimir Filippov and the Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Eurasian Information and Analytical Consortium Nikolay Bordyuzha. The participants approved the program of the forum, discussed topics for discussion at round tables within its framework, as well as issues of information support of the event.

International cooperation
13 Jun 2019
RUDN - presiding university of BRICS Network University

June 10, at the meeting of the National Coordination Committee of the BRICS Network University (BRICS NU) at RUDN, RUDN was given the status of the Presiding University of BRICS NU. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, as well as Russian universities-members of BRICS NU.

Life in RUDN
13 Jun 2019
“Common grief made us do a good thing - in memory of our friend we decided to build a well in one of the villages of the Republic of Niger”, - Ramazan Aduev, President of RUDN students ' association of the Republic of Dagestan

Ramazan, student at RUDN Medical University, spoke about the main values and charitable activities of members of the association.

International cooperation
11 Jun 2019
Peter David, Foreign Minister of Grenada visits RUDN

June 10, Peter David, Foreign Minister of Grenada, visited RUDN as part of his official visit to Moscow.

International cooperation
10 Jun 2019
Russia-Namibia: New Perspectives for International Cooperation

May 18-30, the professors of the Department of Propedeutics of Dental Diseases of RUDN Medical Institute visited the University of Namibia (UNAM, Windhoek, Namibia) to deliver a course of lectures for students, develop teaching materials and examine interns as members of the commission for admission to medical practice.