Research and Innovative Activity
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22 Oct 2020
A chemist from RUDN University has developed a catalyst for the production of eugenol acetate, a substance that destroys the larvae of mosquitoes transmitting dangerous diseases, being a safe chemical for human health.
22 Oct 2020
RUDN soil scientists have revealed a direct correlation between the rate of soil formation of carbon dioxide, called CO2 emissions, and the content of microbial biomass in it. It is known that CO2 emission from soil is mainly conditioned by respiration of soil microorganisms and plant roots. The more CO2 soil emits, the more microbial biomass it usually contains. It was shown that CO2 emission by chernozem of different ecosystems (or different types of land use) correlates with the content of microbial biomass, and most closely with the rate of its microbial respiration. And the soil with good microbial properties has the “best quality”, is more fertile, provides the highest yield of crops and other plant biomass.
22 Oct 2020
RUDN University chemists and their colleagues from the Russian Academy of Sciences have proposed new catalysts that allow to reduce the temperature of the oxidation reaction of alkanes three times — from 150 to 50 degrees. This significantly reduces the cost of synthesizing alcohols, aldehydes and other compounds needed, in particular, for the production of nylon and capron.
22 Oct 2020
Andrey Kostin, Russian oncologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, became the first Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for Research at RUDN University.
22 Oct 2020
RUDN University received a new compound — a molybdenum complex with a phosphate “bridge” in the form of a dumbbell. The complex accelerates the formation of sulfides from oxides and can be used in the production of medicines and cosmetic materials.
22 Oct 2020
RUDN University chemist synthesized new derivatives of 1,2,4-triazole, which have pronounced antidiabetic properties. Experiments have shown that these molecules “work” better than acarbose — an existing hypoglycemic drug — and have antioxidant properties. In the future, they can be used to develop drugs against type 2 diabetes.
22 Oct 2020
Materials for gas storage and separation of complex mixtures are developed on the basis of coordination polymers. Structural features allow using them as conductors: inorganic and conjugated organic bridges conduct electric current. On an industrial scale, coordination polymers are used as dyes. Depending on the metal atom that is part of the polymer, dyes are obtained in different shades. Coordination polymers can also be used as effective catalysts for various chemical processes that include the functionalization of hydrocarbons to produce value-added products.
22 Oct 2020
A RUDN University chemist revised the mechanism of the Henry reaction catalyzed by copper(II) complexes. Thus, using new copper(II) complexes (obtained in the same laboratory), he showed that water plays a crucial role in the asymmetric Henry reaction, directly participating in the catalytic cycle of the reaction. Previously, this factor was never taken into account, and all scientists thought that the copper(II) complex works as a classical Lewis acid.
22 Oct 2020
Within the framework of the program for improving the competitiveness of RUDN “5-100”, the results of the competition for support of research works of scientific and pedagogical teams led by leading scientists were summed up. The competition was held between February 17, 2020 and June 30, 2020. A total of 7 applications were received from the RUDN divisions, of which 5 projects were supported.
22 Oct 2020
RUDN doctors found an increased level of selenium and other significant microelements in wheat bread and wheat from selenium-rich areas. Thanks to this, bread and wheat can be used as a source of selenium for people with selenium deficiency.
22 Oct 2020
Biochemists from RUDN University determined which substances in peach leaves provide the antioxidant effect their extract has. They investigated the composition of the powders obtained from leaves of several varieties of peach and found that high polyphenol content correlates with antioxidant properties. The results will help start production of antioxidants from natural sources.
22 Oct 2020
The new polyethylene production technology made it possible to double the length of ethylene chains in comparison with those obtained by existing methods for polymers synthesis. To achieve that, the authors synthesised new types of reagents. The results of products structure study obtained by the RUDN University chemist will allow producing more durable and flexible material.
22 Oct 2020
RUDN chemist synthesized a fundamentally new catalyst for formic acid photo‑oxidation, which is considered to be the most perspective source of hydrogen for fuel elements. A catalyst based on titanium amorphous oxide is a new instrument for formic acid conversion. In the future, it will allow to abandon traditional costly catalysts based on palladium, platinum, and ruthenium.
22 Oct 2020
Mathematicians from RUDN University and the Free University of Berlin have proposed a new approach to studying the probability distributions of observed data using artificial neural networks. The new approach works better with so-called outliers, i.e. input data objects that deviate significantly from the overall sample.
22 Oct 2020
A chemist from RUDN University and his colleagues have proposed using residues from processing bay leaves as raw material for the production of chemically active substances, in particular antioxidants. Researchers have developed a mechanochemical method for the extraction of antioxidants, which reduces processing time by more than 10 times.
22 Oct 2020
A chemist from RUDN University has obtained biologically active derivatives of ferrocene, which stimulate plant growth by 67% and protect them from herbicides.
22 Oct 2020
RUDN University biologist proved that the extract of the fruit of the Chinese date boosts immunity in carp. The addition of date juice to the diet increases the reaction of the immune system of fish to extraneous compounds.
22 Oct 2020
A chemist from RUDN University has created a series of catalysts for click chemistry. These reactions are widely used in the synthesis of biologically active substances, as well as in biological and medical research. New catalysts produce a yield of 99%. They are based on cyclodextrin and copper ions.
22 Oct 2020
A chemist from RUDN University has created platinum complex compounds that are superior in activity to cisplatin, the drug for the treatment of tumour diseases. The new compounds turned out to be also less toxic to healthy cells.
22 Oct 2020
Employees of the laboratory of physical processes and technologies for manufacturing wave solid-state gyroscopes (WSG) have found a General solution to the problem of nonlinear filtering of orientation parameters based on inertial measurements of objects located on a base subject to highly dynamic disturbances.
22 Oct 2020
A RUDN chemist has synthesized a catalyst for the production of gamma-valerolactone — an energy-intensive “green” biofuel. The catalyst based on zirconium dioxide and zeolite has shown high efficiency in converting the waste of wood plant materials — methyl levulinate — to gamma-valerolactone.
Visiting Professors
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22 Oct 2020
RUDN participants and guests were welcomed by
Student's Scientific Initiatives
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22 Oct 2020
The applications for RUDN young scientists’ internship have been approved by the German-Russian Interdisciplinary Research Center (G-RISC): Julia Belyaeva and Victoria Liiko will undergo an internship at Heidelberg University n.a. M.V. Lomonosov. Julia Belyaeva and Viktoria Liiko undergo an internship at the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg, Amina Adhamova at the Justus Liebig University Giessen.
22 Oct 2020
From September 15 to November 15, 2020 RUDN students have access to resource collections: ASME, Bentham, Biochemical Society, Brill, BMJ Journals Premier Collection, Dimensions, Emerald, Mary Ann Liebert, SIAM, Walter de Gruyter, World Scientific.
22 Oct 2020
The fact that a new island will be marked on the Arctic map became known at the end of July. The earth beyond the Arctic circle was discovered by schoolchildren under the guidance of Alexey Kucheiko, associate Professor of the Department of Mechanics and Mechatronics of the RUDN University. The group was working on satellite images. About the opening and how new Islands open up students to interview Alexei Kucheiko.
International scientific cooperation
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22 Oct 2020
On August 14, a Memorandum of cooperation in the field of science and education was signed between the RUDN and the Assam University of science and technology (India). During the meeting, prospects for cooperation in the field of engineering, physical, mathematical and natural Sciences were discussed.
Scientific Conferences
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22 Oct 2020
The First online Science Festival -2020 October 9, 17, Science Festival took place at RUDN University. The scientific festival which is carried out within the framework of the All-Russian Festival of Science
22 Oct 2020
Anastasia Daraseliya, RUDN postgraduate student of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Communications Technology, participated in the The IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications was held in London (UK) from August 31 to September 3, 2020. The conference was held online on Whova platform together with Zoom.