On October 7–10, 2024 RUDN University Space Week traditionally took place. This event was dedicated to the World Space Week, which is celebrated annually in accordance with the UN General Assembly Resolution 54/68 (December 6, 1999) from October 4 to 10 to commemorate the launch of the first artificial satellite Sputnik-1 on October 4, 1957, and the signing of the Outer Space Treaty on October 10, 1967 – the fundamental international treaty in the field of international space law.
A RUDN agrotechnologist has identified wheat genotypes that are resistant to a dangerous fungal pathogen that infects plants even before the snow melts and reduces yields.
RUDN University engineers have calculated the parameters of a system that can prevent lunar power plants from overheating. These developments will be needed when planning for long-term lunar missions and colonizing the satellite.
Project leader
Project leader
Project leader
Microwave-assisted Organic Synthesis
The Center is a structural subdivision of the Joint Research Institute of Chemistry at RUDN and specializes in domino-reactions as well as in the development of methods for obtaining new biologically active substances with previously unexplored properties.
Crystal Chemistry and Structural Analysis
The Center is a structural subdivision of the Joint Research Institute of Chemistry at RUDN and specializes in coordination chemistry and crystal chemistry as well as in the development of methods for obtaining new nanoparticles and nanomaterials with previously unexplored properties.
Molecular design and synthesis of innovative compounds for medicine
The Center is a structural subdivision of the Joint Research Institute of Chemistry at RUDN and specializes in organic synthesis and medical chemistry as well as in the development of methods for obtaining new bioactive compounds.
Cluster of streamlined synthesis of natural compounds
The Center is a structural subdivision of the Joint Research Institute of Chemistry at RUDN and specializes in fine organic synthesis as well as in the development of methods for the production of new catalysts and their application.

Type of institution
study peculiarities of transition metals synthesis in different (O, N, P, 8) -ligand environment as well as study of catalytical, magnetic, photophysical properties of synthesized compounds and its interrelation with structure.

Type of institution
Invitation of young promising scientists of the Baku State University for joint work on projects at the RUDN Research center “Molecular design and synthesis of innovative compounds for medicine”;
Organization of a conference at the Baku State University with participation of RUDN’s lecturers (http://analitik-kimya.az/blog/?i=2). The event is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Rafiga Alirza kyzy Aliyeva - a well-known chemist, honored scientist,

Type of institution
In 2017, Kulakova Alena, postgraduate student in the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, conducted research at the University of Montpellier within the framework of the double postgraduate program. The theme of the scientific work: “Synthesis and study of
Conducting joint research at the RUDN Research center “Crystal Chemistry and Structural Analysis” under the guidance of Professor Julia Larionova (who heads the Center's work since 2017) of the University of Montpellier.