Events and Invitations


30 Apr
Seminar «Combinatorics, algebraic topology and volumes of polyhedral»
Speaker: Grigory Solomadin, RUDN University
30 Apr
Postgraduate Mathematical Seminar on topic “On the Dirichlet problem for quasi-linear elliptic differential equations of the second order”
Speaker: Belyaeva Yulia, PhD, Assistant Professor, Mathematical Institute, RUDN University
30 Apr - 13 May
Competition of school projects in the Humanities, socio-economic, natural science, medical and biological
Within the frameworks of the RUDN Competitiveness Enhancement Program among the world’s leading research and educational centers (Project 5-100) and the Program for the Integrated Modernization of the RUDN University, an annual School Project Contest on humanitarian, socio-economic, natural science, biomedical and technical profiles for high school students of Moscow and Moscow region “Science starts at school-2020” will be held at RUDN University.
Direction: Science
Event format: Competition
28 Apr
Seminar on nonlinear problems of PDE and mathematical physics on topic “Dynamics of the quantum state space which is generated by Cauchy problem for nonlinear Schrodinger equation”
Speaker: Doctor of, professor Sakbaev V. Zh. ( Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)
28 Apr
Scientific seminar on the differential and functional differential equation on topic “Spherical cubature formulas and polyharmonic equation”
Speaker: Vaskevich, Vladimir L., D.Sc. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate professor, Leading Researcher of Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk.
23 Apr
Seminar of interdisciplinary center for Mathematical modelling in Biomedicine on topic “Coronavirus epidemic: current status and modelling.”
Speaker: Vitaly Volpert, research director CNRS (France) and director of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Center "Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine" of the Peoples Friendship University of Russia.
23 Apr
Seminar on mathematical modeling in biology and medicine on topic “Mathematical modeling of the cardiovascular system and applications in medicine”
Speaker: Simakov Sergey, Associate Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
21 Apr
Scientific seminar on the differential and functional differential equation on topic “Modern views of the structural and functional organization of the brain”
Speaker: Damulin Igor V., MD, PhD, Prof., Department of Neurological Disorders and Neurosurgery, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow, Russia)
21 Apr
Seminar on nonlinear problems of PDE and mathematical physics on topic “Dynamics of the quantum state space which is generated by Cauchy problem for nonlinear Schrodinger equation”
Speaker:  Doctor of, professor Sakbaev V. Zh. ( Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)
16 Apr
Seminar «Combinatorics, algebraic topology and volumes of polyhedral»
Speaker: Grigory Solomadin, RUDN University
Direction: Education
Event format: Seminar
16 Apr
Seminar of interdisciplinary center for Mathematical modelling in Biomedicine on topic “Modelling of monoantiangiogenic therapy of solid tumors with different type of growth”
Speaker: Maxim Kuznetsov, researcher of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Center "Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine" of the Peoples Friendship University of Russia.
14 Apr
Scientific seminar on the differential and functional differential equation on topic “Study of Volterra integro-differential equations arising in viscoelasticity theory”
Speaker: Rautian N.A., Vlasov V.V., Moscow State University.
9 Apr
Seminar on mathematical modeling in biology and medicine on topic “Neural networks: architectures and opportunities of deep learning”
Speaker: Karandashev Iakov, Leading research assitant at Centre of optical and neural technologies of SRISA RAS, Associate Professor of the S.M. Nikol'skii Mathematical Institute, RUDN University.
7 Apr
Scientific seminar on the differential and functional differential equation on topic “Microscopic solutions of the Boltzmann-Enskog equation”
Speaker: Trushechkin Anton S., Ph.D., the Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences.
2 Apr
Seminar on mathematical modeling in biology and medicine on topic “Fibroblastic reticular cells network in the lymph node. Formation, functions and properties”
Speaker: Savinkov Rostislav Sergeevich, Junior Researcher of Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Junior Researcher of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.