International cooperation
02 Oct 2017
RUDN Regional cluster at Copperbelt university starts educational programs

Cluster approach to promoting Russian educational services abroad is gaining momentum in Africa.

01 Oct 2017
FS RUDN team - absolute leader in the overall standings of «Formula student» Russian stage

FS RUDN racing team has become an absolute leader in the overall standings of «Formula student» Russian stage and took first prizes in Acceleration, Autocross and Endurance. FS RUDN – Champions of Russia 2017 in «Formula student».

International cooperation
29 Sep 2017
RUDN signs a cooperation agreement with Toulouse II University (France)

25 September, the delegation of University Toulouse II headed by President Mr.Lacroix visited RUDN University.

International cooperation
28 Sep 2017
Russia and China are strengthening relations. Day of China at RUDN University

26 September, RUDN hosted the XVIII Day of China dedicated to the 68th anniversary of the Chinese People’s Republic.

25 Sep 2017
Professor Wolf Ferdinand Wieland told about possible cooperation between universities of Moscow and Bavaria

Dr. Wolf Wieland gave a lecture in RUDN and presented a programme of German-Russian cooperation

22 Sep 2017
On new strategic aims, scientific reputation and employers’ recognition...

19 September, meeting of the International Expert Board and discussion of the University Road map for 2018 – 2020

21 Sep 2017
What is the role of strategic planning in modern universities?

President of IREG Observatory Jan Sadlak gave a lecture on strategic planning in modern universities in RUDN.

20 Sep 2017
Piotr Dutkevich presented the book «Mapping a New World Order: The Rest Beyond the West»

Today, 20 September the Director of the Center for Governance and Public Policy at Carleton University professor Piotr Dutkevich gave a lecture in RUDN and presented his new book «Mapping a New World Order: The Rest Beyond the West» co-written by Vladimir Popov, Doctor of Economics. The authors provided their views on development path and mechanisms of the existing world order.

20 Sep 2017
From student to scientist – how to smooth this way?

The Doctor Honoris of RUDN, Professor of Heidelberg University Willi Jäger gave a lecture which provided his views on the ways helping to form new generations of young scientists. During the presentation Professor Jäger made valuable recommendations on encouragement young men to scientific activity.

20 Sep 2017
Professor of University of Porto F.L.Pereira made presentations at Faculty of Science of RUDN

Professor Fernando Manuel Ferreira Lobo Pereira (The University of Porto, Portugal), a renowned specialist in the field of optimal impulse control theory and its applications, visited RUDN in the period from 17 to 20 September 2017.

19 Sep 2017
«Contemporary Universities’ Development Strategies (experience of France)»

Today Stéphane Ngô Maï gave a lecture «Contemporary Universities’ Development Strategies (experience of France)» in RUDN

International cooperation
19 Sep 2017
RUDN and Porto University signed an agreement on cooperation in science and education