26 Oct 2020
Symbiosis of the largest investor in Russia and the most versatile university: Sistema Public Joint Stock Financial Corporation and RUDN University begin scientific and educational cooperation

October 22, the largest Russian investor Sistema Public Joint Stock Financial Corporation and RUDN University announced the beginning of a large collaboration in the field of telecommunications, agronomy, medicine, pharmaceuticals and the development of career tracks. Joint projects are launched with 5 companies of Sistema: MTS, Medsi, Aeromax, STEP Agroholding and the pharmaceutical holding of the Corporation. The agreement was signed by Vladimir Evtushenkov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sistema, and Oleg Yastrebov, Rector of RUDN University.

26 Oct 2020
Winners of grant projects "BE MASTER" and "PROJECT YOURSELF"

Winners of the “BE MASTER” and “PROJECT YOURSELF” grant projects will receive certificates for 100,000 and 130,000 rubles. Foreign graduates from Ghana, Zambia, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Nigeria, Peru, Syria, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan will start their studies at RUDN University.

Life in RUDN
23 Oct 2020
“Not to moralize, but to communicate sincerely,” Larisa Tsukanova, coach of RUDN University national volleyball teams

20 Oct 2020
RUDN chemist created an efficient catalyst for organic sulfides synthesis

A RUDN chemist has obtained a new compound — a dumbbell-shaped phosphate-bridged molybdenum cluster. The cluster accelerates the reaction of the formation of sulfides from oxides and can be used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic manufacturing.

20 Oct 2020
“I still have a lot to learn”, Anna Subbotina, RUDN University graduate

Anna Subbotina, a graduate of the Faculty of Philology of RUDN University, has gone from a volunteer translator to an advisor to the executive director of the Russian Union of Martial Arts on international issues. Read about career, knowledge of foreign languages and studies in an interview with Anna.

International cooperation
19 Oct 2020
RUDN University and Hebei University of Engineering - a new joint educational project

Vice-Rector for International Affairs of RUDN University Larisa Efremova held negotiations with representatives of Hebei University of Engineering and the International Corporation “Eurasia”. The parties came to a decision to create a joint project — the Polytechnic Institute of Hebei University of Engineering and Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.

19 Oct 2020
RUDN University mathematicians created a method for study the properties of porous materials

Mathematicians from RUDN University have studied the properties of compositional operators in spaces with mixed Lebesgue norms. It will help describe the diffusion of liquids in materials with cracks and in porous materials. Such spaces are also useful for obtaining estimates for solutions to the Navier-Stokes equation.

International cooperation
19 Oct 2020
RUDN University hosts a meeting of the International Steering Committee of the BRICS Network University

October 14, within the framework of Russia’s chairmanship in BRICS, a meeting of the International Steering Committee of the BRICS Network University was held in the format of a videoconference at the site of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.

International cooperation
15 Oct 2020
RUDN and Weifang Medical University are to develop joint educational programs in medical areas

October 9, negotiations were held between RUDN Medical Institute and Weifang Medical University (China). RUDN University was represented in the negotiations by Alexey Abramov, Director of the Institute, Yulia Gushchina, Deputy Director for international activities and Gabriel Moshlyak, Head of the Department for interuniversity cooperation.

International cooperation
12 Oct 2020
The first in the history of QS "Languages and Migration in a Globalized World" subject summit on modern languages and linguistics held at the RUDN University in December 2020

December 15-17, 2020, the first QS Subject Focus Summit will be held at the RUDN University in the subject areas “Modern Languages” and “Linguistics”. The on-line summit will focus on research in languages, linguistics and migration in the context of globalization and will be attended by 300 leading linguists and specialists on migration issues from 50 countries.

09 Oct 2020
RUDN University biophysicist modelled the behaviour of cell microtubule elements to chemically affect their growth and decay

A biophysicist from RUDN University and his colleagues modelled the molecular dynamics of growth of microtubules, the most important elements of cell activity. The researchers have built a model for the interaction of microtubule subunits, which takes into account their internal and external connections. The results will help form a more complete model of the dynamic instability of microtubules. It will allow choosing chemical agents for the treatment of certain diseases, including neoplasms and neurodegenerative pathologies.

Life in RUDN
08 Oct 2020
2,500 athletes, 64 cities - participants and 1 winner - RUDN University volleyball players!

The women’s volleyball team won the Championship of the Association of Sports Student Clubs of Russia. Our athletes met in the subgroup with the team of the Moscow State Pedagogical University and the Sechenov Medical University and won with the score 2:0. In the quarter-finals, they beat the Pacific State University team with the score 2:0.