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25 Aug 2024
Saving Private Customs Officer: RUDN young scientists develop a project of radiation dosimeter token
Every year, RUDN University hosts a competition of student scientific works “Common Start: Let’s Do Science Together.” The university provides scholarships for projects of young scientists and student associations. All developments are practice-oriented and have the potential for further commercialization.
11 Jul 2024
A project by young scientists from RUDN University will help preserve rock art using silver nanoparticles
Every year, RUDN University hosts a competition of student scientific works “Common Start: Let’s Do Science Together.” The university provides scholarships for projects of young scientists and student associations. All developments are practice-oriented and have the potential for further commercialization.
19 Apr 2024
RUDN medical student from India won the competition of term papers with a study of the features of the diagnosis of liver disease
RUDN hosted the competition "On the Pages of the Coursework". Twenty-five papers were recognised, 16 of them received the highest marks. One of the winners of the competition is Ravuri Priyamsha Lakhana from India (VI year, "Medical Business", Medical Institute). She researched non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and spoke about who is at risk and what is needed for early diagnosis.
19 Apr 2024
I don't play, I work: how gamification helps in adaptation of new employees?
Every year RUDN holds a competition of scientific student works "Joint Start: Let's do science together". The University provides scholarships for the projects of young scientists and student associations. All developments are practice-oriented and have the potential for further commercialization.
19 Apr 2024
Environmental education: why did environmental students decide to become journalists?
Create a project about the problems of atmospheric air, write an article about the dangers of microplastics, talk to schoolchildren about saving resources at home... Or why are students engaged in environmental education?
19 Apr 2024
Hercules' fight with the hydra: how can creating new molecules kill bacteria? Chemists, winners of the RUDN scientific competition, tell
Every year, RUDN University hosts a competition of student scientific works “Common Start: Let’s Do Science Together.” The university provides scholarships for projects of young scientists and student associations. All developments are practice-oriented and have the potential for further commercialization.
20 Feb 2024
25 young RUDN scientists from 13 countries won the “Project Start” contest
RUDN awarded the winners of the university competition of research papers on the theme of host countries. It was held under the auspices of the Second Conference on Sustainable Development Goals “Africa's Path to 17 SDGs: an Integrated Approach”.
08 Sep 2023
RUDN student's medical micro-robots are of interest for international business
The development of microrobots for the fight against atherosclerosis by Andrei Kostylev, a student at the RUDN University, has reached the international level. His Labmein team won the BRICS Business Incubator competition, which was held on August 20–24.
07 Jul 2023
RUDN University medics and economists took part in the XVIII International Festival of Youth Scientific and Technical Creativity "Ot Vinta"
At the XVIII International Festival of Youth Scientific and Technical Creativity "Ot Vinta" (Off we go) the team of the RUDN Institute of Medicine presented the project " International Research Team: Learning to Work Together (International Medical Science Incubator)". Faculty of Economics participated with the project " Russia on the African grain market: addressing the problem of food security". The students presented their research.
07 Jul 2023
RUDN graduate students from Ecuador and Mali win the “Ot Vinta” International Festival of Youth Scientific and Technical Creativity
Salazar Flores Cristian Alexander (Ecuador), postgraduate student of the Institute of Ecology and Diakite Simbo (Mali), postgraduate student of the Agrarian Technological Institute became winners and received I degree diplomas with commemorative medals at the 18th International Festival of Youth Scientific and Technical Creativity "Ot Vinta". The young scientists talked about their research.
20 Apr 2023
All for discoveries! RUDN University hosted Science Talks for the first time
7 minutes to talk about the Olympics, modern fantasy, gamification and pop-up: on the Day of Russian Science, the 8th of February, Science Talks were organized for the first time at the RUDN.
26 Dec 2022
This is the main success of the year in my scientific field: the young scientist of RUDN University Alena Devyaterikova is the owner of the medal of the Russian Academy of Education
Alena Devyaterikova is the first in our country to study the features of the development of cognitive and visual-motor functions in preschool children who have had oncology. For this research, a researcher at the Laboratory of Neuropsychology of the Research Institute for Brain Development and Higher Achievements of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia became a laureate of the Medal of the Russian Academy of Education “Young Scientist for Success in Science”. The award ceremony took place on November 24 at the press center of the Russia Today media group.
26 Dec 2022
RUDN Science Festival at Expocentre
RUDN University took part in the exposition of the Moscow NAUKA 0+ Festival at the Expocentre, the largest popular science platform in 2022 in terms of the number of activities. The University was represented by the Faculty of Science, the Agrarian and Techological Institute, the Institute of Ecology, the Institute of Biochemical Technology and Nanotechnology, the Medical Institute, the Higher School of Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, and the university admissions team.
26 Dec 2022
So much to see and learn! Science Festival at RUDN University
October 8, RUDN University students and 800 schoolchildren set off on a journey through the diverse world of university science. 2 halls, 11 classrooms and a co-working zone — the Science Festival was all over the main building. In addition to the traditional interactive exhibition, RUDN researchers held 26 new format events: short half-hour non-stop master classes.
26 Dec 2022
On a par with eminent Russianists. Philology students of RUDN University spoke at the International Scientific Symposium in Vladivostok
In October, the Far Eastern Federal University hosted the International Scientific Symposium “Russian Grammar in the Dialogue of Scientific Schools, Trends, Methods”. Students of the Faculty of Philology Angelina Shaposhnikova and Kristina Golovatova became the only students in the section “Grammar in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language” who received the right to speak on a par with eminent experts. Angelina and Kristina shared their impressions of the scientific trip to Vladivostok.
26 Dec 2022
The ecology of urban systems was discussed at the RUDN
Where to work if you’re an ecologist? How have green spaces changed in 200 years? What is the problem of urban forest pollution? Young scientists and students discussed these questions at a scientific seminar at RUDN.
21 Oct 2022
Blitz-interview: seven questions for the finalist of the "Science of the Future - the Science of the Young" forum
Danil Piskunov is one of four RUDN students who were finalists in the research paper competition of the "Science of the Future - Science of the Young. Danil presented his research project "Network Analysis of U.S. and Chinese Competition in Southeast Asia. On August 23rd the forum started in Novosibirsk. It is there that the student of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences RUDN University will present the results of his research to the scientific community.
21 Oct 2022
"Jurisprudence is a dynamic science, it requires development in step with the times," - Lyubov Kolpakova, student at Institute of Law RUDN University
Lubov Kolpakova is one of four students at the RUDN who were finalists in the research paper competition of the "Science of the Future - Science of the Youth" forum. Recently, Lubov has been a first-year student of the "Law in Public Policy" master's program. About computer algorithms to help judges to ordinary citizens - in the interview.
14 Oct 2022
RUDN art student to talk about deconstructivism in fashion at 'Science of the Future — Science of the Young' forum
Elizaveta Krivonosova is studying Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. She was one of four RUDN students who were finalists in the research paper competition of the 'Science of the Future — Science of the Young' forum. See the interview about deconstructivism and fashion.
15 Jul 2022
Science, Technology, and Engineering: The conference "Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Mathematical Modeling of High-Tech Systems" was held at the RUDN
The annual conference “Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Mathematical Modeling of High-Tech Systems” was held at RUDN. The conference brought together representatives of Russian and Foreign universities, academic and industry research institutes, research centers, enterprises, and commercial companies. The conference was organized by the Research Center of Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (headed by Yu. A. Blinkov) of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications of the RUDN.
31 Mar 2022
Scientific initiatives of RUDN students: what the winners of the "Project Start" competition told about
The winners of five competitions of the best research works of students (R&D) were awarded at the RUDN. “Project Start: Our Scientific Initiative” is the main track of the R&D competition. The most applications were submitted for it — 128 works, of which 72 received the highest marks.
31 Mar 2022
The winners of the competition "Project Start: Scientific Agenda by Host Countries" spoke about their research
The competitive track “Project Start: Research Agenda by Host Countries” is aimed at improving the efficiency of scientific schools focused on applied research on topics of RUDN host countries.
31 Mar 2022
Joint start — RUDN University announced the results of the student research paper contest
On February 14, at a meeting of the RUDN University Academic Council, the winners of the “Joint Start: Let’s Do Science Together” contest were awarded. The main goal of the competition is to support young scientists, as well as student youth associations in conducting scientific research. All projects submitted for participation in the competition are practice-oriented and have the potential for further commercialization.
31 Mar 2022
RUDN students calculated the ecological footprint at the Congress of Young Scientists
RUDN students took part in the action “Calculation of the ecological footprint”, which took place within the framework of the Congress of Young Scientists in the Sirius Science and Art Park in Sochi from December 8 to 10, 2021.
30 Dec 2021
Science Festival 2021. Faculties, institutes, departments: how was that?
On October 8, the RUDN Science Festival started. The activities started in 13 departments of the University and were held in a mixed format: online and offline.
30 Dec 2021
All about science: Science Festival at RUDN University 2021
7 days, more than 2 thousand participants and many discoveries in various fields of science. This year, for the first time Science Festival online marathon was held.
30 Dec 2021
RUDN University scientists and students about vaccination
500 scientists and students of the RUDN talked about vaccination, the consequences and response to the pandemic, mental health and volunteer assistance. The conference "The role of the student community in organizing the work of the university in the conditions of the spread of coronavirus infection and the formation of collective immunity" was held on October 27 in an online format.
30 Dec 2021
All-Russian Youth Scientific Forum – Natalia Yukhimenko took the prize at the competition of scientific research works
Natalia Yukhimenko, a postgraduate student in the field of Education and Pedagogical Sciences, a master of the Department of Russian Language and Methods of Teaching It at the Faculty of Philology, took 2nd place in the nomination "Social Sciences" at the All-Russian Youth Scientific Forum "Science of the Future - the science of the young".
12 Oct 2021
RUDN Student Scientific Society Declared the Best New SSS 2021 in Moscow and Moscow Region
Student Scientific Society (SSS) of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) won a special Best New SSS of Moscow and Moscow Region award at a contest held by the regional Association of Students and Student Organizations.
12 Oct 2021
RUDN University students Alexander Kirilenko and Alexander Korotkov bronze medalists of the International Olympiad in Mathematics
Alexander Kirilenko and Alexander Korotkov, third-year students of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Mathematics direction, took the third place in the individual competition at the International Mathematics Olympiad among students.
12 Oct 2021
What is a controlled system with an aftereffect and what does it have to do with airplanes?
The research of Amina Adhamova, a third-year graduate student in the field of “Mathematics and Mechanics” got into the competition of the best projects of fundamental scientific researches of young scientists. The work of RUDN postgraduate student is devoted to differential-difference equations, in particular to control systems with aftereffects. The object of the research is the problem of settling of a control system with aftereffects.
06 Jul 2021
Students of Institute of Foreign Languages of RUDN won the "My Initiative in Education" contest
The project "RUDN IFL Mobile Application" won in the "MIO-MEDIA" nomination at the 15th All-Russian Herzen Forum "My Initiative in Education.
19 Apr 2021
Plasma produces oil: RUDN PhD student talks about a new method of oil production
Production of oil and gas by traditional means is becoming outdated. New environmentally friendly technologies are emerging, allowing not only to increase the profitability of the oil and gas complex, but also to preserve nature. Timofey Mazurchuk, a PhD student of the Faculty of Economics and a member of the International Academy of Technological Sciences, told us about the prospects of the oil and gas industry, the technology of plasma-pulse stimulation and student science at the RUDN.
19 Apr 2021
Microorganisms will save from oil pollution
Alexander Elansky, a fourth-year student at the Agrarian and Technological Institute (RUDN has studied microorganisms (fungi and bacteria) that live in contaminated oil products. Selected active strains of such microorganisms capable of destroying oil and its products can be used both for remediation of areas contaminated with oil products and for accelerated utilization of waste oil-containing technical fluids.
19 Apr 2021
Can the life of trees be monitored?
Is it possible to monitor the condition of green spaces? Is it possible to monitor the life of trees? We present the project of Emil Khairov, a second-year master’s student of Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and Natural Sciences “Applied Informatics”.
19 Apr 2021
RUDN students take care of nature!
As an activist of the Scientific Student Society Lyubov Kolpakova together with the RUDN Law Institute proves that liquidation of hazardous substances without harming nature is possible.
19 Apr 2021
How can mankind get rid of petroleum products in the soil?
In the modern world the earth is increasingly being polluted with harmful substances, and the oil industry has a rather intense impact on both the ecosystem and the environment. However, there is a way to help the soil get rid of harmful industrial waste.
19 Apr 2021
RUDN student research contests: congratulations to the winners!
RUDN announced the results of four student research contests. They are designed to develop the professional skills of novice researchers. Students not only have to come up with an original idea and work out a solution to a problem, but also to present the results competently in the form of a comprehensive research project.
30 Dec 2020
RUDN held an international student scientific conference “Formation of ecological culture by means of tourism”
October 22 at Hotel Business and Tourism Institute of RUDN in an online format of brainstorming held an international student scientific conference “The formation of environmental culture through tourism”.
22 Oct 2020
Projects of young scientists of the S.M. Nikol’skii Mathematical Institute won internships of the German-Russian Interdisciplinary Scientific Center
The applications for RUDN young scientists’ internship have been approved by the German-Russian Interdisciplinary Research Center (G-RISC): Julia Belyaeva and Victoria Liiko will undergo an internship at Heidelberg University n.a. M.V. Lomonosov. Julia Belyaeva and Viktoria Liiko undergo an internship at the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg, Amina Adhamova at the Justus Liebig University Giessen.
22 Oct 2020
RUDN has access to international educational platforms
From September 15 to November 15, 2020 RUDN students have access to resource collections: ASME, Bentham, Biochemical Society, Brill, BMJ Journals Premier Collection, Dimensions, Emerald, Mary Ann Liebert, SIAM, Walter de Gruyter, World Scientific.
22 Oct 2020
"This is full of geographical discovery," Alexei Kucheiko about the discovery of a new island
The fact that a new island will be marked on the Arctic map became known at the end of July. The earth beyond the Arctic circle was discovered by schoolchildren under the guidance of Alexey Kucheiko, associate Professor of the Department of Mechanics and Mechatronics of the RUDN University. The group was working on satellite images. About the opening and how new Islands open up students to interview Alexei Kucheiko.
20 Jul 2020
RUDN held the School of the Student Research Council at the Medical Institute
On May 6, the Student Research School 2020 was held at the Medical Institute. This year's event was held in a new, remote, format, based on the Microsoft Teams application. The goal of the school is to popularize research activity among students and help them make their first steps into the world of science.
20 Jul 2020
RUDN held the School of the Student Research Council at the Hospitality and Tourism Institute
On April 30 and May 1, 2020, the Hospitality and Tourism Institute of RUDN held the School of the Student Research Council. The speakers who addressed students included Olga Vladimirovna Pasko, professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the head of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality of the Hospitality and Tourism Institute; Ekaterina Vasilievna Kalygina, senior lecturer, head of the Student Research Society at the Hospitality and Tourism Institute; Sanda Viorelovna Chebotaru, a master degree student and a laboratory assistant of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality; Ksenia Vladimirovna Golodnaya, the President of the Student Research Society at the Hospitality and Tourism Institute. Igor Gennadievich Kozlov, a representative of the real economy sector and the Director General of Russian Travel Design, also addressed the students.
20 Jul 2020
The Academy of Engineering held a School of the Student Research Council
On may 28, 2020, the RUDN Academy of Engineering hosted the School of the Student Research Council. The students were addressed by Sergey Kupreev, deputy director for scientific work, doctor of technical sciences; Alexander V. Marusin, associate professor and second-year master’s student Yevgeniya V. Ermakova.
20 Jul 2020
The Results of the “UMNIK” Program were Announced. Сongratulations to the winners!
New devices, materials, chemical and intelligent production technologies-scientific projects of young researchers of the RUDN University received financial support.
02 Apr 2020
A Student of RUDN Law Institute Was Awarded a Scholarship Named after Anatoly A. Sobchak
Student of the Law Institute of RUDN University Irina Dremova won the competition for scholarship named after Anatoly Sobchak. The award ceremony was held on February 27 at the Kutafin Moscow State Law University.
02 Apr 2020
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Communications Technology Held a Seminar on ‘Mathematical modeling of Queuing systems using Markov counting chains and the presence of a small parameter’
On February 14, 2020, a scientific seminar was held at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Communications Technology of the faculty Sciences.
02 Apr 2020
Competition of Young Scientists for the Struchkov Prize Summed up the Results
The competition for the best scientific research in the field of chemistry of organic, bio-organic, inorganic and coordination compounds summed up the results. The winners were selected by a special jury of leading experts in the field of crystal chemistry and X-ray diffraction analysis.
30 Dec 2019
Hazardous radiation from “safe” devices: scientists talk about factors that enhance human exposure
The team of the Faculty of Economics won the final of the All-Russian contest of student research projects on the modernization of the fuel and energy complex #EnergyReload within the framework of the youth day of Russian Energy Week - 2019.
07 Oct 2019
Sofia Demina is a second-year postgraduate student at the Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystem for the preparation of Technosphere Security, a participant in the Full Day Postgraduate program
Sociology is studying the use of modern methods of environmental monitoring to assess the mutual influence of soil and plant components at infrastructure facilities in urban areas using the example of recreational areas of New Moscow. The project’s supervisor is Vyacheslav Vasenev, associate professor of the Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems.
07 Oct 2019
RUDN University post graduate student Alina Fayngor is the winner of the III All-Russian Interuniversity GxP Summit with international participation “Choosing the best. Time forward"
Alina Fayngor, postgraduate student of the 1 year of study, specialty "Technology for obtaining drugs", became the winner of the summit of young pharmacists "Choosing the best. Time forward". The summit was attended by 350 people - representatives of 73 universities from 17 countries.
29 Jul 2019
1st place in young researchers contest of ‘Human and medicine “ Congress
The postgraduate student at the Medical University of RUDN, Mikhail Chenkurov, won the competition of research projects of young scientists at the XXVI Russian National Congress "Human and Medicine". The research topic is “Modern clinical and pharmacological approaches to increasing the effectiveness of anticonvulsant therapy in very premature infants”.
29 Jul 2019
3d prize in the young researchers contest MatDes 2019
From March 29 to April 1, the International Conference Workshop on Materials and Design (MatDes 2019) was held at Oxford University (St. Anthony's college, United Kingdom).
23 Jul 2019
International seminar «The High North Student Forum»
On the 16 of April, 2018 students of the RUDN University Institute of World Economy and Business took part in the international seminar «The High North Student Forum», organized by the NORD University Business School (Norway) and the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov is a brand new ambitious university of distinctiveness and innovations designed to meet the needs of the Russian North and the Arctic (Russia) in cooperation with the Norwegian Secretariat of the Barents Region.
23 Jul 2019
RUDN University master student of philology attended the International Student Conference «Univ Forum 2018: Rethinking the future»
At the end of March (25.03 - 01.04) The International student conference «Univ Forum 2018: Rethinking the future» was held in Rome.
05 Apr 2019
Students of the Academy of Engineering present research in the field of construction and nanotechnology in Kazakhstan
Graduate students of the Engineering Academy became winners of the competition of reports at the International Conference "Problems of Technological Combustion." Georgy Tikhonov spoke about a new type of reinforcement profile, which is more economically advantageous in comparison with foreign analogues, and Grigory Grishin presented a project on high-strength nano-concrete. Participation in the conference was included in the student internship program at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Republic of Kazakhstan).
15 Dec 2018
Student of RUDN University Philological Faculty became the laureate of the X Moscow International TV Festival «Profession - Journalist»
The festival was held from 15 till 21of November in the Central House of Journalists. Its main goal was to popularize and increase the prestige of the journalist profession, to understand its role in modern society and to encourage creators of creative works.
30 Jan 2018
RUDN University master student of philology attended the “Univ Forum 2018: Rethinking the future” (International Student Conference)
At the end of March (25.03 — 01.04) The International student conference “Univ Forum 2018: Rethinking the future” was held in Rome. This conference is annual scientific event, since 1968. The organizers of the conference are: ICU (Instituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria), Fondazione Vincoli Romani, Universidad de Navarra, Pontificia Universitas Sanctae Crucis, Colegio Mayor Universitario Monterols, Universidad de Barcelona, Harambee Africa International Onlus.
18 Dec 2017
RUDN University group of masters took part in the International School «Construction 4.0» in Wroclaw, Poland
From October 22 to November 04, 2017 the master students group of the Engineering Academy Architecture and Construction Department participated in the International School «Construction 4.0» in Wroclaw, Poland.
18 Dec 2017
RUDN University students made presentations of their scientific projects at the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi
October 14 - 22, 2017 in Sochi took place the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students. The festival movement is now 70 years old, the first Festival was held in Prague in 1947. Russian Federation hosted the Festival of Youth and Students three times - 1957 (Moscow), 1958 (Moscow), 2017 (Sochi).
03 Nov 2017
RUDN University students have won The Gold medals for scientific projects
September 28 - 30, 2017, the XIII International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies «New Time» was held in Sevastopol. This is an international exhibition event, aimed for the development of scientific and innovative cooperation. Annually more than 300 participants from 25- 30 countries took part in the Salon
03 Nov 2017
Participation in the international ProFinance Forum-2017
October 3, 2017 students of the Institute of World Economy and Business of the Faculty of Economics took part in the ProFinance Forum, the largest career Forum in Russia that unites on one platform more than 1,000 undergraduate students of
03 Nov 2017
Participation in the Summer Academy of the BRICS Youth Assembly
June 22 - 26, 2017 in Barnaul, Altai State University, took place the Summer Academy of the BRICS Youth Assembly, an international event that brought together representatives of different countries
30 Jun 2017
Project “Sustainability of the University - Environmental Responsibility of the Students”
As we know RUDN University successfully started in 2016, having taken the 115th place in the rating of GreenMetric. It is especially important that students have taken part in maintenance of "the green status" of university. Modern universities – not only the centers of education and researches. Environmental friendliness, resource-saving demand innovative approaches which first of all have to be formed in the educational centers.
30 Jun 2017
Winners in the Bayer’s business game organized “From a Molecule to Medicine”
On April 19, 2017 masters of the Institute of Biochemical Technology and Nanotechnology (IBTN) Natalya Bagayeva, Abo Kura Luay, Armyaninova Darya , Irina Erofeyeva , Novikova Anna participated in a business game organized by the pharmaceutical company Bayer "From a Molecule to Medicine" within the Pharma program in Giperkube (Innovative center "Skolkovo"). Following the results of a game research group consisted of Natalya Bagayeva, Abo Kura Luaya and Darya Armyaninova has received the maximum financing for their project and has won the I place! Congratulations!