Issue № 4 / 2021 Newsletter archive
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Research and Innovative Activity View all
30 Dec 2021
Bacteria in biofilms are 1,000 times more resistant to antibiotics, disinfectants, mechanical treatment, and other types of stress. A chemist from RUDN University suggested a method to prevent the formation of biofilms and reduce the resistance of bacteria to antimicrobial medications. This might help increase the efficiency of antibacterial treatment in the food industry, medicine, and agriculture.
30 Dec 2021
Chemists from RUDN University synthesized soluble biopolymers based on chitin from crab shells. Together with palladium, they form effective catalysts for organic reactions, and their nanoparticles can be re-used over ten times.
30 Dec 2021
The Nobel Committee in Stockholm has named the laureates in Medicine — David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian. They discovered how temperature or touch, for example, is transformed into human sensations.
30 Dec 2021
Allowing for quantum corrections, the Einstein-Lovelock theory describes black holes with an equation that contains an infinite number of terms. However, according to a RUDN University physicist, the geometry of a black hole in this theory can be presented in a compact form, and a limited number of terms can suffice to describe the observed values. This could help scientists study black holes in theories with quantum corrections to Einstein’s equations.
30 Dec 2021
An ecologist from RUDN University suggested a method to evaluate and reduce the effect of animal farms on climate change and developed a set of measures for small farms that provides for the complete elimination of greenhouse gas emissions.
30 Dec 2021
A team of medics from RUDN University conducted an experiment on rats and confirmed that surgeries in the nasal cavity can cause behavioral changes, namely, make the animals timider. This effect is associated with an ANS reaction triggered by stress.
30 Dec 2021
A soil scientist from RUDN University discovered the effect of fertilization on the ability of the soil to retain carbon. To understand this mechanism, he and his team studied the movement of organic carbon in the soil of rice paddies. The results of the study can help increase the fertility of the paddies while at the same time reducing the volume of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
30 Dec 2021
According to a biologist from RUDN University, fern leaves powder has a positive effect on the immune system, antimicrobial activity, and growth of carps. Based on this data, fish farms can breed big and healthy fish without using any chemical additives.
30 Dec 2021
Chemist RUDN analyzed approaches to the chemistry of catalysts and identified two ways that can give significant development to pharmaceuticals. Flow chemistry and metal catalysts will help to remove the restriction on the use of transition metal complexes in the pharmaceutical industry. This will allow us to develop processes in the fields of fine chemistry that have not been scaled for a century.
30 Dec 2021
RUDN University Soil Scientist studied the decomposition of organic substances in rice fields, from where carbon dioxide and methane enter the atmosphere. Both of these gases enhance the greenhouse effect and affect warming in subtropical regions. It turned out that the effect of plant roots on soil microbial communities, which increases the release of gases, depends on temperature changes. Climate warming will cause even more greenhouse gases to be released into the atmosphere.
30 Dec 2021
RUDN University chemists proposed a new safe approach for the synthesis of pyrroles, substances used in the production of biologically active compounds, from simple and affordable raw materials. The new method would reduce the cost of final products (including some medicinal drugs) hundreds of times.
30 Dec 2021
A large-scale study, in which the staff of the RUDN medical institute took part, expanded the classification of daily human activity to 6 types. The results of the testing, which was attended by more than 2 thousand people, confirmed that along with "larks" and "owls" there are four more types of daily activity.
30 Dec 2021
The chemist RUDN determined that the principle of action of some enzymes that create omega-6 fatty acids vital for humans differs from the idea accepted by biochemists. These enzymes create an additional double bond in the carbon chain of the fatty acid. It turned out that they "count" the right place not from the ends of the chain, as previously thought, but from the already existing double bond.
30 Dec 2021
The soil scientist RUDN studied how the soil microbiome affects the release of carbon dioxide. It turned out that bacteria prefer readily available hydrophilic compounds, while fungi prefer stronger hydrophobic ones. The results will help to better understand how to properly fertilize the soil and how soils can help in the fight against greenhouse gases.
30 Dec 2021
Chemists discovered previously unknown derivatives of chitin, a biopolymer that forms the exoskeletons of insects and carapaces of crayfish and other arthropods. The new compounds and their nanoparticles have antibacterial properties and are able to catalyze chemical reactions.
30 Dec 2021
A team of immunologists from RUDN University suggested a new tool to control inflammation levels in asthma patients with coexisting diseases. To obtain information about the course of the disease and risks of complications, they used different types of cytokines found in the patients’ nasal swabs.
Visiting Professors View all
30 Dec 2021
On October 8-14, Science Festival took place at RUDN: more than a thousand attendees learned new facts about scientific research at the university.
30 Dec 2021
More than 70 universities and organizations representatives became participants of the V All-Russian methodological meeting "Structure and content of translator training". The event took place on October 9 in an online format. Anastasia Atabekova Vice-Rector for Multilingual Development of RUDN represented the university.
30 Dec 2021
October 6, the Nobel Committee announced the 2021 Nobel Prize Winners in Chemistry. They were scientists Benjamin List (Germany) and David Macmillan (USA) for new methods of molecular synthesis. RUDN chemists know Professor Liszt personally — in 2019, the researcher came to participate in the university conference.
Student's Scientific Initiatives View all
30 Dec 2021
On October 8, the RUDN Science Festival started. The activities started in 13 departments of the University and were held in a mixed format: online and offline.
30 Dec 2021
7 days, more than 2 thousand participants and many discoveries in various fields of science. This year, for the first time Science Festival online marathon was held.
30 Dec 2021
500 scientists and students of the RUDN talked about vaccination, the consequences and response to the pandemic, mental health and volunteer assistance. The conference "The role of the student community in organizing the work of the university in the conditions of the spread of coronavirus infection and the formation of collective immunity" was held on October 27 in an online format.
30 Dec 2021
Natalia Yukhimenko, a postgraduate student in the field of Education and Pedagogical Sciences, a master of the Department of Russian Language and Methods of Teaching It at the Faculty of Philology, took 2nd place in the nomination "Social Sciences" at the All-Russian Youth Scientific Forum "Science of the Future - the science of the young".
International scientific cooperation View all
30 Dec 2021
Research teams and competent experts are behind the advancement in rankings and growth of scientometric indicators. In 2015, RUDN embarked on a path of forming a research university: a research culture began to take shape and the approach to the process of preparing publications changed. To support the new internationally-oriented model of publication activity management, the development roadmap was created together with Elsevier.
30 Dec 2021
On the basis of the Institute of Modern Languages, Intercultural Communication and Migration (IMLICaM), a new scientific journal — online publication — "Macroscociolinguistics and Minority Languages" has been created. The editor-in-chief is Svetlana Alekseevna Moskvicheva, Director of IMLICaM, Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
30 Dec 2021
On November 9, the world's largest retailer of vitamins, dietary supplements and healthy lifestyle products, iHerb, signed an agreement with RUDN, one of the leading Russian universities, on the establishment of an International Innovative Research Center for Quality Control and Expert Research of Biologically active Additives. The signing was attended by Ilya Mikin, CEO of iHerb in Russia, and Oleg Yastrebov, Rector of RUDN.
30 Dec 2021
Director of the Scientific center "Molecular Design and Synthesis of Innovative Compounds for Medicine" of the Joint Institute of Chemical Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences Luc Alvarez de Sotomayor Rafael became one of the most cited scientists in the field of chemistry according to Highly Cited Researchers in 2021.
Scientific Conferences View all
30 Dec 2021
Dmitry Atyakshin, MD, Advisor to the Rector's Office for Biomedical Projects, made a presentation at the International Symposium on Topical Issues of Personalized Oncology, which was held on October 29-30 at the Institute of Hematopathology in Hamburg.
30 Dec 2021
40 representatives from 5 subjects of Russia, 12 state and public organizations, 7 research and educational institutions of higher education took part in the VII scientific and practical seminar on the implementation of the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Violence of October 25, 2007 (Lanzarote Convention) into the legislation of the Russian Federation.